require "tsort" module Metanorma class Requirements class Modspec < Default def validate(reqt, log) @log ||= log @ids ||= reqt_links(reqt.document) reqt_cycles_validate reqt_link_validate(reqt) end def nested_reqt?(reqt)"./ancestor::requirement | ./ancestor::recommendation | " \ "./ancestor::permission") end def reqt_link_validate(reqt) return if nested_reqt?(reqt) reqt_to_conformance(reqt, "general", "verification") reqt_to_conformance(reqt, "class", "conformanceclass") conformance_to_reqt(reqt, "general", "verification") conformance_to_reqt(reqt, "class", "conformanceclass") class_to_children(reqt, "class", "general") class_to_children(reqt, "conformanceclass", "verification") children_to_class(reqt, "verification", "conformanceclass") reqt_to_dependency(reqt) end def type2validate(reqt) type = reqt["type"] type = "general" if type.nil? || type.empty? type = "verification" if type == "abstracttest" type end CLASS2LABEL = { general: "Requirement", verification: "Conformance test", class: "Requirement class", conformanceclass: "Conformance class", provision: "Provision", dependency: "Prerequisite", indirect_dependency: "Indirect prerequisite", implements: "Implemented provision", }.freeze def log_reqt(reqt, leftclass, rightclass) @log.add("Requirements", reqt[:elem], <<~MSG #{CLASS2LABEL[leftclass.to_sym]} #{reqt[:label] || reqt[:id]} has no corresponding #{CLASS2LABEL[rightclass.to_sym]} MSG ) end def log_reqt2(reqt, leftclass, target, rightclass) @log.add("Requirements", reqt[:elem], <<~MSG #{CLASS2LABEL[leftclass]} #{reqt[:label] || reqt[:id]} points to #{CLASS2LABEL[rightclass]} #{target} outside this document MSG ) end def reqt_to_dependency(reqt) r = @ids[:id][reqt["id"]] %i(dependency indirect_dependency implements).each do |x| r[x].each do |d| @ids[:label][d] or log_reqt2(r, :provision, d, x) end end end def reqt_to_conformance(reqt, reqtclass, confclass) return unless type2validate(reqt) == reqtclass r = @ids[:id][reqt["id"]] (r[:label] && @ids[:class][confclass]&.any? do |x| x[:subject].include?(r[:label]) end) and return log_reqt(r, reqtclass, confclass) end def conformance_to_reqt(reqt, reqtclass, confclass) return unless type2validate(reqt) == confclass r = @ids[:id][reqt["id"]] (r[:subject] && @ids[:class][reqtclass]&.any? do |x| r[:subject].include?(x[:label]) end) and return log_reqt(r, confclass, reqtclass) end def class_to_children(reqt, type, childclass) return unless type2validate(reqt) == type r = @ids[:id][reqt["id"]] !r[:child].empty? and return log_reqt(r, type, childclass) end def children_to_class(reqt, childclass, parentclass) return unless type2validate(reqt) == childclass r = @ids[:id][reqt["id"]] (r[:label] && @ids[:class][parentclass]&.any? do |x| x[:child].include?(r[:label]) end) and return log_reqt(r, childclass, parentclass) end def reqt_links(docxml) docxml.xpath("//requirement | //recommendation | //permission") .each_with_object({ id: {}, class: {}, label: {} }) do |r, m| next if nested_reqt?(r) reqt_links1(r, m) end end def reqt_links1(reqt, hash) type = type2validate(reqt) a = reqt_links_struct(reqt) hash[:id][reqt["id"]] = a hash[:class][type] ||= [] hash[:class][type] << a hash[:label][a[:label]] = reqt["id"] hash end def classif_tag(reqt, tag) reqt.xpath("./classification[tag][value]") .each_with_object([]) do |c, m|"./tag").text.casecmp(tag).zero? or next m <<"./value").text end end def reqt_links_struct(reqt) { id: reqt["id"], elem: reqt, label:"./identifier")&.text, subject: classif_tag(reqt, "target"), child: reqt.xpath("./requirement | ./recommendation | ./permission") .map { |r|"./identifier")&.text }, dependency: reqt.xpath("./inherit").map(&:text), indirect_dependency: classif_tag(reqt, "indirect-dependency"), implements: classif_tag(reqt, "implements") } end def reqt_cycles_validate @cycles_validated and return @cycles_validated = true %i(child dependency indirect_dependency implements).each do |x| reqt_cycles_validate1(x) end end def reqt_cycles_validate1(link) arr =[:id].values) = link TSort.each_strongly_connected_component( lambda { |&b| arr.tsort_each_node(&b) }, lambda { |n, &b| arr.tsort_each_child(n, &b) }, ) do |c| c.size == 1 and next log_cycle(link, c) end end def log_cycle(link, path) @log.add("Requirements", nil, <<~MSG Cycle in Modspec linkages through #{link}: #{(path << path.first).join(' => ')} MSG ) end class TSHash include TSort attr_accessor :link def initialize(arr) @hash = arr.each_with_object({}) do |v, m| m[v[:label]] = v end end def tsort_each_node(&block) @hash.keys.each(&block) end def tsort_each_child(node, &block) (@hash[node] || {})[@link]&.each(&block) end end def reqt_cycles_validate_dependency; end end end end