module Eye::Process::Scheduler # ex: schedule :update_config, config, "reason: update_config" def schedule(command, *args, &block) return unless scheduler.alive? if scheduler_freeze? warn ":#{command} ignoring to schedule, because scheduler is freeze" return end unless self.respond_to?(command, true) warn ":#{command} scheduling is unsupported" return end reason = args.pop if args.present? && args[-1].is_a?(Eye::Reason) info "schedule :#{command} #{reason ? "(reason: #{reason})" : nil}" if reason.class == Eye::Reason # for auto reasons # skip already running commands and all in chain scheduler.add_wo_dups_current(:scheduled_action, command, args: args, reason: reason, block: block) else # for manual, or without reason # skip only for last in chain scheduler.add_wo_dups(:scheduled_action, command, args: args, reason: reason, block: block) end end def schedule_in(interval, command, *args, &block) debug { "schedule_in #{interval} :#{command} #{args}" } after(interval.to_f) do debug { "scheduled_in #{interval} :#{command} #{args}" } schedule(command, *args, &block) end end def scheduled_action(command, h = {}) reason = h[:reason] info "=> #{command} #{h[:args].present? ? "#{h[:args] * ','}" : nil} #{reason ? "(reason: #{reason})" : nil}" @current_scheduled_command = command @last_scheduled_command = command @last_scheduled_reason = reason @last_scheduled_at = send(command, *h[:args], &h[:block]) @current_scheduled_command = nil info "<= #{command}" schedule_history.push(command, reason, @last_scheduled_at.to_i) if parent = self.try(:parent) parent.schedule_history.push("#{command}_child", reason, @last_scheduled_at.to_i) end end def execute_proc(*_args, &block) self.instance_exec(&block) rescue Object => ex log_ex(ex) end def scheduler_actions_list { |c| c[:args].first rescue nil }.compact end def scheduler_clear_pending_list scheduler.clear_pending_list end def self.included(base) base.finalizer :remove_scheduler base.execute_block_on_receiver :schedule end attr_accessor :current_scheduled_command attr_accessor :last_scheduled_command, :last_scheduled_reason, :last_scheduled_at def schedule_history @schedule_history ||= end def scheduler_freeze @scheduler_freeze = true end def scheduler_unfreeze @scheduler_freeze = nil end def scheduler_freeze? @scheduler_freeze end private def remove_scheduler @scheduler.terminate if @scheduler && @scheduler.alive? end def scheduler @scheduler ||= end end