Emili Parreño
Freelance Ruby on Rails Developer & Consultant



Hi! My name is Emili Parreño and I'm a freelance based in Girona, a small and beautiful city near Barcelona (Spain). I work as a Ruby/Rails developer, consultant and trainer at ProRuby.

I'm a Ruby on Rails Core Contributor and a regular contributor to Rails Guides. I also contributed to other Open Source projects, and created some others.

I'm co-founder of ProRuby (the most stylish Ruby team all around the world), Spain.rb, Girona on Rails local group and Spanish Ruby Users Group, which organized the European Ruby Conference 2009 (EuRuKo 2009) at Barcelona. I also have experience as college professor, mentoring programming teams and as speaker at Ruby and Rails conferences and local groups.

If you are looking for a senior Ruby on Rails developer, consultant, trainer or QA & Test guy, feel free to contact me at emili@eparreno.com, I'm very friendly :)
