require "spec_helper" describe Intercom do it "has a version number" do Intercom::VERSION.must_match(/\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) end describe "API" do before do Intercom.app_id = "abc123" Intercom.app_api_key = "super-secret-key" end it "raises ArgumentError if no app_id or app_api_key specified" do Intercom.app_id = nil Intercom.app_api_key = nil proc { Intercom.target_base_url }.must_raise ArgumentError, "You must set both Intercom.app_id and Intercom.app_api_key to use this client. See for usage examples." end it 'raises an Intercom::MultipleMatchingUsers error when receiving a conflict' do multiple_matching_error = { 'type' => 'error.list', 'errors' => [{ 'code' => 'conflict', 'message' => 'Multiple existing users match this email address - must be more specific using user_id' }]} proc {'/users', :get).raise_application_errors_on_failure(multiple_matching_error, 400)}.must_raise(Intercom::MultipleMatchingUsersError) end it "returns the app_id and app_api_key previously set" do Intercom.app_id.must_equal "abc123" Intercom.app_api_key.must_equal "super-secret-key" end it "defaults to https to" do Intercom.target_base_url.must_equal "" end it "raises ResourceNotFound if get a 404" do end describe "overriding protocol/hostname" do before do @protocol = Intercom.protocol @hostname = Intercom.hostname Intercom.endpoints = nil end after do Intercom.protocol = @protocol Intercom.hostname = @hostname Intercom.endpoints = [""] end it "allows overriding of the endpoint and protocol" do Intercom.protocol = "http" Intercom.hostname = "localhost:3000" Intercom.target_base_url.must_equal "http://abc123:super-secret-key@localhost:3000" end it "prefers endpoints" do Intercom.endpoint = "https://localhost:7654" Intercom.target_base_url.must_equal "https://abc123:super-secret-key@localhost:7654" Intercom.endpoints = unshuffleable_array(["","https://localhost:7654"]) Intercom.target_base_url.must_equal "" end it "has endpoints" do Intercom.endpoints.must_equal [""] Intercom.endpoints = ["","https://localhost:7654"] Intercom.endpoints.must_equal ["","https://localhost:7654"] end it "should randomize endpoints if last checked endpoint is > 5 minutes ago" do Intercom.instance_variable_set(:@current_endpoint, "http://start") Intercom.instance_variable_set(:@endpoints, ["http://alternative"]) Intercom.instance_variable_set(:@endpoint_randomized_at, - 120) Intercom.current_endpoint.must_equal "http://start" Intercom.instance_variable_set(:@endpoint_randomized_at, - 360) Intercom.current_endpoint.must_equal "http://alternative" Intercom.instance_variable_get(:@endpoint_randomized_at).to_i.must_be_close_to end end end it "checks for email or user id" do proc { Intercom.check_required_params("else") }.must_raise ArgumentError, "Expected params Hash, got String" proc { Intercom.check_required_params(:something => "else") }.must_raise ArgumentError, "Either email or user_id must be specified" Intercom.check_required_params(:email => "", :something => "else") Intercom.check_required_params("email" => "", :something => "else") Intercom.check_required_params(:user_id => "123") end end