#!/usr/bin/env ruby # This script is used to generate test applications for testing with various # versions of Rails. # # Refer to spec/applications/README for a full understanding of test # applications. require 'fileutils' require 'rake' # in order to get the nice sh method, which allows system # command output to be streamed in real time include FileUtils #******************************************************************************* # CHECK ARGUMENTS if ARGV.size != 2 puts "Usage: create_test_app [app name] [Rails version]" puts " both arguments are required" puts " app name: the name of an application living in spec/applications" puts " Rails version: the gem version, such as 3.1.11 or 4.0.1" puts puts " Read spec/applications/README for a full understanding of test apps." exit end app_name = ARGV[0] rails_version = ARGV[1] installed_rails_versions = %x{ gem list rails } if installed_rails_versions =~ /rails\s\((.+)\)/ versions = $1.split(',').map(&:strip) if !versions.include?(rails_version) abort "Rails version '#{rails_version}' is not installed. First install this version of Rails before continuing." end else abort "Rails is not installed. First install the version of Rails you wish to use." end test_app_dir = File.expand_path('../../spec/applications', __FILE__) test_app_dirs = Dir[test_app_dir+'/*'].select{|f| File.directory?(f)} test_app_names = test_app_dirs.map{|x| x.split('/').last}.select{|f| f != 'universal'} if !test_app_names.include?(app_name) abort "Could not find test app named '#{app_name}' in spec/applications. Read spec/applications/README for a full understanding of test apps." end #******************************************************************************* # INVOKE RAILS TEMPLATE app_dir = File.expand_path("../../spec/applications/#{app_name}/" + 'rails_' + rails_version.gsub('.', '-'), __FILE__) if File.exists?(app_dir) FileUtils.remove_dir(app_dir, true) end app_template_path = File.expand_path("../../spec/applications/#{app_name}/application_template.rb", __FILE__) app_generation_command = "TEST_APP_RAILS_VERSION='#{rails_version}' rails _#{rails_version}_ new #{app_dir} -m #{app_template_path} --old-style-hash" puts "Generating a new rails app:" puts rails_executable_version = %x{ rails _#{rails_version}_ -v } if rails_executable_version !~ %r{#{rails_version}} puts "Accessing the executable for rails version #{rails_version} failed." puts " The rails gem with version #{rails_version} appears to be installed." puts " However, running 'rails _#{rails_version}_ -v' did not produce the right version of Rails." puts puts " Refer to spec/applications/README for a better understanding of this issue." abort end sh "#{app_generation_command}"