=begin Lesli Copyright (c) 2023, Lesli Technologies, S. A. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. Lesli · Ruby on Rails SaaS Development Framework. Made with ♥ by https://www.lesli.tech Building a better future, one line of code at a time. @contact hello@lesli.tech @website https://www.lesli.tech @license GPLv3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html // · ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ // · =end module LesliGuard class UserService < Lesli::ApplicationLesliService def find id #super(current_user.account.users.joins(:detail).find_by(id: id)) super(current_user.account.users.find_by(id: id)) end # @return [Array] Paginated index of users. # @description Return a paginated array of users, used mostly in frontend views # TODO: Implement pg_search def index params # sql string to join to user_roles and get all the roles assigned to a user sql_string_for_user_roles = "left join ( select ur.user_id, string_agg(r.\"name\", ', ') rolenames from lesli_user_powers ur join lesli_roles r on r.id = ur.role_id where ur.deleted_at is null group by ur.user_id ) roles on roles.user_id = lesli_users.id" # sql string to joing to user_sessions and get all the active sessions of a user sql_string_for_user_sessions = "left join ( select max(last_used_at) as last_action_performed_at, user_id from lesli_user_sessions us where us.deleted_at is null group by(us.user_id) ) sessions on sessions.user_id = lesli_users.id" users = current_user.account.users .joins(sql_string_for_user_roles) #.joins(sql_string_for_user_sessions) users = users.page(query[:pagination][:page]) .per(query[:pagination][:perPage]) .order("#{query[:order][:by]} #{query[:order][:dir]} NULLS LAST") users.select( :id, "CONCAT(COALESCE(first_name, ''), ' ', COALESCE(last_name, '')) as name", :email, :active, :rolenames, Date2.new.date_time.db_column("current_sign_in_at") ) end # Creates a query that selects all user information from several tables if CloudLock is present def show user = resource return { id: user[:id], email: user[:email], alias: user[:alias], active: user[:active], full_name: user.full_name, salutation: user[:salutation], first_name: user[:first_name], last_name: user[:last_name], telephone: user[:telephone], locale: user.locale, #settings.select(:value).find_by(:name => "locale"), roles: user.roles.map { |r| { id: r[:id], name: r[:name], permission_level: r[:object_level_permission]} }, #mfa_enabled: user.mfa_settings[:enabled], #mfa_method: user.mfa_settings[:method], created_at: user[:created_at], updated_at: user[:updated_at], detail_attributes: { title: user.detail[:title] || "", address: user.detail[:address], # work_city: user.detail[:work_city], # work_region: user.detail[:work_region], # work_address: user.detail[:work_address] } } end def create user_params # check if request has an email to create the user if user_params[:email].blank? self.error(I18n.t("core.users.messages_danger_not_valid_email_found")) end # register the new user user = User.new({ :active => true, :email => user_params[:email], :alias => user_params[:alias] || "", :first_name => user_params[:first_name] || "", :last_name => user_params[:last_name] || "", :telephone => user_params[:telephone] || "", #:detail_attributes => user_params[:detail_attributes] || {} }) # assign a random password user.password = Devise.friendly_token # enrol user to my own account user.account = current_user.account # users created through the administration area does not need to confirm their accounts # instead we send a password reset link, so they can have access to the platform #user.confirm if user.save # if a role is provided to assign to the new user # unless user_params[:roles_id].blank? # # check if current user can work with the sent role # if current_user.can_work_with_role?(user_params[:roles_id]) # # Search the role assigned # role = current_user.account.roles.find_by(id: user_params[:roles_id]) # # assign role to the new user # user.user_roles.create({ role: role }) # end # end # role validation - if new user does not have any role assigned # if user.roles.blank? # default_role_id = current_user.account.settings.find_by(:name => "default_role_id")&.value # owner_role_id = current_user.account.roles.find_by(:name => "owner").id # if default_role_id.present? && default_role_id != owner_role_id # # assign default role # user.user_roles.create({ role: current_user.account.roles.find_by(:id => default_role_id)}) # else # # assign limited role # user.user_roles.create({ role: current_user.account.roles.find_by(:name => "limited") }) # end # end # saving logs with information about the creation of the user # user.logs.create({ title: "user_created_at", description: Date2.new.date_time.to_s }) # user.logs.create({ title: "user_created_by", description: current_user.email }) # user.logs.create({ title: "user_created_with_role", description: user.user_roles.first.role.name + " " + user.user_roles.first.role.id.to_s}) # User.log_activity_create(current_user, user) self.resource = user begin # users created through the administration area does not need to confirm their accounts # instead we send a password reset link, so they can have access to the platform #UserMailer.with(user: user).invitation_instructions.deliver_now rescue => exception #Honeybadger.notify(exception) #user.logs.create({ title: "user_creation_email_failed ", description: exception.message }) end else self.error(user.errors.full_messages.to_sentence) end self end def update params # old_attributes = resource.detail.attributes.merge({ # active: resource.active # }) if resource.update(params) # new_attributes = resource.detail.attributes.merge({ # active: resource.active # }) #resource.log_activity_update(current_user, resource, old_attributes, new_attributes) else self.error(resource.errors.full_messages.to_sentence) end self end # force the user to change the password (at next login) def request_password # expire password resource.set_password_as_expired resource.logs.create({ title: "request_password", description: "by_user: " + current_user.email }) end # generate a random password for the user def password_reset # generate random password pass = resource.password_reset resource.logs.create({ title: "password_reset", description: "by_user: " + current_user.email }) pass end def logout # delete user active sessions resource.sessions.destroy_all resource.logs.create({ title: "close_sessions", description: "by_user: " + current_user.email }) end def revoke_access # delete user active sessions self.logout # add delete date to the last active session resource.revoke_access resource.logs.create({ title: "revoke_access", description: "by_user: " + current_user.email }) end def sessions(current_session_id) current_user.sessions .joins(:user) .where("expiration_at > ? or expiration_at is ?", Time.now.utc, nil) .select( :id, :session_source, Date2.new.date_time.db_column("created_at", "lesli_user_sessions"), Date2.new.date_time.db_column("last_used_at"), Date2.new.date_time.db_column("expiration_at"), "CONCAT_WS(' ', agent_platform, agent_os, '/', agent_browser, agent_version) as device", "case when #{current_session_id} = lesli_user_sessions.id then true else false end as current_session" ) .page(query[:pagination][:page]) .per(query[:pagination][:perPage]) .order(updated_at: :desc) end def available_roles roles = current_user.account.roles .joins(%( left join lesli_user_powers on lesli_user_powers.role_id = lesli_roles.id and lesli_user_powers.deleted_at is null and lesli_user_powers.user_id = #{ resource.id } )) #.where("object_level_permission < ?", current_user.max_object_level_permission) .order(object_level_permission: :desc) .select( "coalesce(lesli_roles.id, lesli_user_powers.role_id) as id", "name", "description", "object_level_permission", "case when lesli_user_powers.role_id is null then false else true end as active" ) # only owner can assign any role #unless self.has_roles?("owner") # roles = roles.where("object_level_permission < ?", (self.roles.map{ |r| r[:object_level_permission] }).max) #end roles || [] end end end