# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "lib/version" Gem::Specification.new do |spec| spec.name = "octokitted" spec.version = Version::VERSION spec.authors = ["Grant Birkinbine"] spec.email = "grant.birkinbine@gmail.com" spec.license = "MIT" spec.summary = "A self-hydrating version of Octokit for usage in CI systems - like GitHub Actions!" spec.description = <<~SPEC_DESC A self-hydrating version of Octokit for usage in CI systems - like GitHub Actions! SPEC_DESC spec.homepage = "https://github.com/grantbirki/octokitted" spec.metadata = { "source_code_uri" => "https://github.com/grantbirki/octokitted", "documentation_uri" => "https://github.com/grantbirki/octokitted", "bug_tracker_uri" => "https://github.com/grantbirki/octokitted/issues" } spec.add_dependency "contracts", "~> 0.17" spec.add_dependency "faraday-retry", "~> 2.2" spec.add_dependency "git", ">= 1.18", "< 3.0" spec.add_dependency "octokit", ">= 7.1", "< 10.0" spec.add_dependency "redacting-logger", "~> 1.0" spec.required_ruby_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 3.0.0") spec.files = %w[LICENSE README.md octokitted.gemspec] spec.files += Dir.glob("lib/**/*.rb") spec.require_paths = ["lib"] end