<!-- An enhanced version of Rapid's `<collection>` tag that supports drag-and-drop re-ordering.

Each item in the collection has a `<div class="ordering-handle" param="handle">` added, which can be used to drag the item up and down.

### Attributes

`sortable-collection` supports all of the options and events defined by [jQuery UI's Sortable](http://jqueryui.com/demos/sortable/).

Sortable also supports all of the standard [Hobo AJAX callbacks](http://cookbook.hobocentral.net/api_taglibs/rapid_forms).

The jQuery UI option `update` is used internally to save the new order via Ajax.   If you modify this option, your function may call `$(this).hjq_sortable_collection('update')` to retain this functionality.

### Controller support

This tag assumes the controller has a `reorder` action and the model has a `position_column` method. This action is added automatically by Hobo's model-controller if the model declares `acts_as_list`. See also [Drag and Drop Reordering](/manual/controllers#drag_and_drop_reordering) in the [Controllers and Routing](/manual/controllers) chapter of the manual.
<def tag="sortable-collection">
  options, attrs = attributes.partition_hash(['disabled', 'appendTo', 'axis', 'cancel', 'connectWith', 'containment', 'cursor', 'cursorAt', 'delay', 'distance', 'dropOnEmpty', 'forceHelperSize', 'forcePlaceholderSize', 'grid', 'handle', 'helper', 'items', 'opacity', 'placeholder', 'revert', 'scroll', 'scrollSensitivity', 'scrollSpeed', 'tolerance', 'zIndex'])
  events, html_attrs = attrs.partition_hash(['create', 'start', 'sort', 'change', 'beforeStop', 'stop', 'update', 'receive', 'remove', 'over', 'out', 'activate', 'deactivate'])
  ajax_attrs, html_attrs = attrs.partition_hash(HoboRapidHelper::AJAX_CALLBACKS)

  singular_name = this.member_class.name.underscore
  route_method = subsite ? "#{subsite}_reorder_#{singular_name.pluralize}_url" : "reorder_#{singular_name.pluralize}_url"
  reorder_url = send(route_method)

  add_classes!(html_attrs, "sortable-collection")
  add_data_rapid!(html_attrs, "sortable-collection", :options => options, :events => events, :ajax_attrs => ajax_attrs, :reorder_url => reorder_url, :reorder_parameter => "#{singular_name}_ordering")
  <collection class="sortable" merge-attrs="&html_attrs" merge-params>
    <item: param>
      <div class="ordering-handle" param="handle" if="&can_edit?(this.position_column)">&uarr;<br/>&darr;</div>
      <do param="default"><card param/></do>