" data-hook="admin_shipment_form"> <%= render :partial => "spree/admin/variants/split", :formats => :js %>
<%= shipment.number %> - <%= Spree.t("shipment_states.#{shipment.state}") %> <%= Spree.t(:package_from) %> '<%= shipment.stock_location.name %>' <% if shipment.ready? and can? :update, shipment %> - <%= link_to Spree.t(:ship), '#', :class => 'ship button fa fa-arrow-right', :data => {'shipment-number' => shipment.number} %> <% end %>
<%= render 'spree/admin/orders/shipment_manifest', shipment: shipment %> <% unless shipment.shipped? %> <% end %> <% if rate = shipment.selected_shipping_rate %> <% else %> <% end %> <% if order.special_instructions.present? %> <% end %>
<%= Spree.t(:item_description) %> <%= Spree.t(:price) %> <%= Spree.t(:quantity) %> <%= Spree.t(:total) %>
<%= rate.name %> <%= shipment.display_cost %> <%= Spree.t(:no_shipping_method_selected) %> <% if( (can? :update, shipment) and !shipment.shipped?) %> <%= link_to '', '#', :class => 'edit-method fa fa-edit no-text with-tip', :data => {:action => 'edit'}, :title => Spree.t('edit') %> <% end %>
<%= Spree.t(:special_instructions) %>: <%= order.special_instructions %>
<% if shipment.tracking.present? %> <%= Spree.t(:tracking) %>: <%= link_to_tracking(shipment, target: '_blank') %> <% else %> <%= Spree.t(:no_tracking_present) %> <% end %> <% if can? :update, shipment %> <%= link_to '', '#', :class => 'edit-tracking fa fa-edit no-text with-tip', :data => {:action => 'edit'}, :title => Spree.t('edit') %> <% end %>