module Mirage class ServerResponseNotFound < Exception end class MockResponse class << self def find_by_id id response_set_containing(id).values.find { |response| response.response_id == id } || raise(ServerResponseNotFound) end def delete(id) response_set_containing(id).delete_if { |http_method, response| response.response_id == id } end def delete_all responses.clear @next_id = 0 end def backup snapshot.clear and snapshot.replace(responses.deep_clone) end def revert delete_all and responses.replace(snapshot.deep_clone) end def all all_responses = [] response_sets.each do |response_set| response_set.values.each{|response|all_responses << response} end all_responses end def find_default(body, http_method, name, query_string) default_response_sets = find_default_responses(name) until default_response_sets.empty? record = find_in_response_set(body, query_string, default_response_sets.delete_at(0), http_method) return record if record && record.default? end raise ServerResponseNotFound end def find(body, query_string, name, http_method) find_in_response_set(body, query_string, responses[name], http_method) || raise(ServerResponseNotFound) end def add new_response response_set = target_response_set(new_response) old_response = response_set.delete(new_response.http_method) response_set[new_response.http_method] = new_response new_response.response_id = old_response ? old_response.response_id : next_id end private def find_in_response_set(body, query_string, response_set, http_method) return unless response_set response_set = response_set[body] || response_set[query_string] || response_set[:basic] response_set[http_method.upcase] if response_set end def response_set_containing id response_sets.each do |response_set| return response_set if response_set.find { |key, response| response.response_id == id } end {} end def response_sets responses.values.collect { |response_sets| response_sets.values }.flatten end def find_default_responses(name) matches = responses.keys.find_all { |key| name.index(key) == 0 }.sort { |a, b| b.length <=> a.length } matches.collect { |key| responses[key] } end def target_response_set response responses_sets = responses[]||={} responses_sets[response.pattern] ||= {} end def responses @responses ||={} end def snapshot @snapshot ||={} end def next_id @next_id||= 0 @next_id+=1 end end attr_reader :response_id, :delay, :name, :pattern, :http_method, :content_type attr_accessor :response_id def initialize name, value, content_type, http_method, pattern=nil, delay=0, default=false, file=false @name, @value, @content_type, @http_method, @delay, @default, @file = name, value, content_type, (http_method||'GET').upcase, delay, default, file @pattern = pattern ? /#{pattern}/ : :basic MockResponse.add self end def default? 'true' == @default end def file? 'true' == @file end def value(body='', request_parameters={}, query_string='') return @value if file? value = @value value.scan(/\$\{([^\}]*)\}/).flatten.each do |pattern| if (parameter_match = request_parameters[pattern]) value = value.gsub("${#{pattern}}", parameter_match) end [body, query_string].each do |string| if (string_match = find_match(string, pattern)) value = value.gsub("${#{pattern}}", string_match) end end end value end private def find_match(string, regex) string.scan(/#{regex}/).flatten.first end end end