# DismissibleBlocks ## Overview [DismissibleBlocks](https://github.com/pbougie/dismissible_blocks) is a simple gem for [Ruby on Rails](http://rubyonrails.org/) projects to add blocks of content to a webpage that can be dismissed by the user. Dismissed blocks are remembered and persisted to the database using [Ajax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajax_%28programming%29). DismissibleBlocks is ORM agnostic and works with MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, etc. > **WARNING:** DismissibleBlocks 2+ removed jQuery as a dependency. If you are not using the loader, you will have to make changes to your code. See examples below. ## Installation ### Requirements The DismissibleBlocks gem has the following requirement: - [Ruby on Rails](http://rubyonrails.org/) 3.2 or above ### Gemfile Add the following line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'dismissible_blocks' And then execute: $ bundle install ### Manual Installation Install it yourself: $ gem install dismissible_blocks ## Configuration ### Routes DismissibleBlocks automatically adds the required routes when the gem is added to your project. ### JavaScript Add the following JavaScript to `app/assets/javascripts/application.js`. In its simplest form, you can require all the needed JavaScript using: //= require dismissible_blocks //= require dismissible_blocks_loader If you want to customize how a block of HTML is hidden using — for example — a slide up effect, you can customize the JavaScript like so: //= require dismissible_blocks document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { document.querySelectorAll('[data-dismissible]').dismissible({ dismiss: function(helper) { helper.slideUp().then(function(el) { el.remove(); }); } }); }); **Note:** The above example is using the `slideUp()` method from the [dom-slider](https://github.com/BrentonCozby/dom-slider) JavaScript library by Brenton Cozby. ### Helper DismissibleBlocks uses the `current_user` helper method to access the current user/account. Make sure the helper method is also available in your views: def current_user ... end helper_method :current_user By default, DismissibleBlocks saves the state to the database using the `current_user` helper method. If your user/account helper method is named something else — for example `current_employee`: def current_employee ... end helper_method :current_employee Use `alias_method` to create an alias to your helper method; don't forget to also include `helper_method` to make your helper available from your views: alias_method :current_user, :current_employee helper_method :current_user ### Model The state of each block is persisted to the database using a model that responds to `current_user`. The model must have an attribute named `dismissed_blocks` and be of type _Array_. #### ActiveRecord ActiveRecord's serialization feature can achieve this. First, create a database migration to add the required field: class AddDismissedBlocksToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration def up add_column :users, :dismissed_blocks, :text end def down remove_column :users, :dismissed_blocks end end Then add the serialization to the model: class User < ActiveRecord::Base serialize :dismissed_blocks, Array end #### ActiveRecord (using PostgreSQL) If you are using [PostgreSQL](http://www.postgresql.org/) with native array support using [PostgresExt](https://github.com/dockyard/postgres_ext), your database migration would simply be: class AddDismissedBlocksToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration def up add_column :users, :dismissed_blocks, :string, :array => true end def down remove_column :users, :dismissed_blocks end end #### Mongoid To add MongoDB support using [Mongoid](mongoid.org), add this to the user/account model: field :dismissed_blocks, type: Array, default: [] ## Usage Adding dismissible blocks of content is very easy. DismissibleBlocks does not generate any extra HTML and therefore gives you complete control over your code. To add a dismissible block to a view, use the `render_dismissible_block` helper method. This will create a dismissible block named `lorem`: <%= render_dismissible_block 'lorem' do %> ... <% end %> This alone isn't enough, you need to identify the container and button HTML. This is done using HTML5 `data-` attributes. There are two attributes that you must add to the HTML to make everything work as expected: 1. `data-dismissible`: attribute for the container of the content. 2. `data-dismissible-hide`: attribute for the button to hide the content. For example: <%= render_dismissible_block 'lorem' do %>


<% end %> Also make sure the [Cross-Site Request Forgery](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/security.html#cross-site-request-forgery-csrf) (CSRF) token is included in your layout: <%= csrf_meta_tags %> If for some reason you need to override something for only the DismissibleBlocks controller, the `dismissible_blocks_controller?` convenience method is available. class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base ... before_action :some_method skip_before_action :some_method, if: :dismissible_blocks_controller? end ## Links [RubyGems.org](https://rubygems.org/gems/dismissible_blocks) ## Author [Patrick Bougie](http://patrickbougie.com/) ## Contributing 1. Fork DismissibleBlocks: `https://github.com/pbougie/dismissible_blocks` 2. Create your feature branch: `git checkout -b new-feature` 3. Commit your changes: `git commit -am 'New feature description'` 4. Push to the branch: `git push origin new-feature` 5. Create a new Pull Request on [GitHub](https://github.com/) ## Legal DismissibleBlocks is copyright © 2014 [Patrick Bougie](http://patrickbougie.com/). It is free software and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE.text file.