# frozen_string_literal: true require 'arel' module Kasket class Visitor < Arel::Visitors::Visitor # binds can be removed once we stop supporting Rails < 5.2 def initialize(model_class, binds) @model_class = model_class @binds = binds.dup super() end def accept(node) self.last_column = nil super end private def last_column=(col) Thread.current[:arel_visitors_to_sql_last_column] = col end def last_column Thread.current[:arel_visitors_to_sql_last_column] end def column_for(name) @model_class.columns_hash[name.to_s] end def visit_Arel_Nodes_SelectStatement(node, *_) return :unsupported if node.with return :unsupported if node.offset return :unsupported if node.lock return :unsupported if ordered?(node) return :unsupported if node.cores.size != 1 query = visit_Arel_Nodes_SelectCore(node.cores[0]) return query if query == :unsupported query = query.inject({}) do |memo, item| memo.merge(item) end query.merge!(visit(node.limit)) if node.limit query end def visit_Arel_Nodes_SelectCore(node, *_) return :unsupported if node.groups.any? return :unsupported if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 5 ? node.having : node.havings.present? return :unsupported if node.set_quantifier return :unsupported if !node.source || node.source.empty? return :unsupported if node.projections.empty? select = node.projections[0] select = select.name if select.respond_to?(:name) if select != '*' # If we're not selecting all columns using star, then ensure all columns are selected explicitly column_names = @model_class.column_names return :unsupported unless node.projections.size == column_names.size projection_names = node.projections.map { |p| p.name if p.respond_to?(:name) }.compact return unless (column_names - projection_names).empty? end parts = [visit(node.source)] parts += node.wheres.map {|where| visit(where) } parts.include?(:unsupported) ? :unsupported : parts end def visit_Arel_Nodes_Limit(node, *_) if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 5 { limit: node.value.to_i } else { limit: visit(node.value).to_i } end end def visit_Arel_Nodes_JoinSource(node, *_) return :unsupported if !node.left || node.right.any? return :unsupported unless node.left.is_a?(Arel::Table) visit(node.left) end def visit_Arel_Table(node, *_) { from: node.name } end def visit_Arel_Nodes_And(node, *_) attributes = node.children.map { |child| visit(child) } return :unsupported if attributes.include?(:unsupported) attributes.sort! { |pair1, pair2| pair1[0].to_s <=> pair2[0].to_s } { attributes: attributes } end def visit_Arel_Nodes_In(node, *_) left = visit(node.left) return :unsupported if left != :id [left, visit(node.right)] end def visit_Arel_Nodes_Equality(node, *_) right = case node.right when false then 0 # This should probably be removed when Rails 3.2 is not supported anymore when nil then nil else visit(node.right) end [visit(node.left), right] end def visit_Arel_Attributes_Attribute(node, *_) self.last_column = column_for(node.name) node.name.to_sym end def literal(node, *_) if ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING < '5.2' if node == '?' @binds.shift.last.to_s else node.to_s end else node.to_s end end def visit_Arel_Nodes_BindParam(node, *_) if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR < 5 visit(@binds.shift[1]) else if ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING < '5.2' visit(@binds.shift) else visit(node.value.value) unless node.value.value.nil? end end end def visit_Array(node, *_) node.map {|value| visit(value) } end if ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING < '5.2' def visit_Arel_Nodes_Casted(node, *_) case node.val when nil then nil when String then node.val else quoted(node.val) end end end def visit_TrueClass(_node) 1 end def visit_FalseClass(_node) 0 end def quoted(node) @model_class.connection.quote(node) end # any non `id asc` ordering def ordered?(node) !node.orders.all? { |o| o.is_a?(Arel::Nodes::Ascending) && o.expr.name == "id" } end alias_method :visit_String, :literal alias_method :visit_Fixnum, :literal alias_method :visit_Integer, :literal alias_method :visit_Bignum, :literal alias_method :visit_Arel_Nodes_SqlLiteral, :literal end end