#include <bzs/db/protocol/tdap/client/trdboostapi.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace bzs::db::protocol::tdap::client;
using namespace bzs::db::protocol::tdap;

@brief read and update records example

This program updates some records of a "user" table.
Change group of user in group 1 to 3

Please execute "create database" , "change schema" and "insert records" example
        before execute this example.


static const short fieldnum_id = 0;
static const short fieldnum_group = 2;
static const char_td keynum_group = 1;

int isGroupOne(const fields& fds)
    return (fds[fieldnum_group].i() == 1) ? filter_validate_value
                                          : filter_invalidate_value;

void changeGroupTo3(const fields& fds)
    fds[fieldnum_group] = 3;

void updateUsers(table_ptr tb)
    // Execute seekGreaterOrEqual with key number and key value
    indexIterator it = readIndex_v(tb, eSeekGreaterOrEqual, keynum_group, 1);

    // Wrap filtered iterator
    filterdIndexIterator itf(it, isGroupOne);

    // loop each group=1 records and update to 3
    for_each(itf, changeGroupTo3);

#pragma argsused
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    database_ptr db = createDatabaseObject();
        connectParams param(_T("tdap"), _T("localhost"), _T("test"),
         !!!  Important   !!!
         When using a multi-threaded, 
         please request a new connection for each database. 
        // When using a multi-threaded, set to true.
        bool newConnection = false;          
        connectOpen(db, param, newConnection);

        table_ptr tb = openTable(db, _T("user"));
        std::cout << "Insert records success." << std::endl;
        return 0;

    catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e)
        std::tcout << _T("[ERROR] ") << *bzs::rtl::getMsg(e) << std::endl;
    return 1;