# frozen_string_literal: true module Tanshuku # Tanshuku’s Rails engine. # # @note # The example below generates a routing +GET `/t/:key` to `Tanshuku::UrlsController#show`+. When your Rails app # receives a request to +/t/abcdefghij0123456789+, +Tanshuku::UrlsController#show+ will be called and a # +Tanshuku::Url+ record with a key +abcdefghij0123456789+ will be found. Then the request will be redirected to the # +Tanshuku::Url+ record’s original URL. # # @example To mount Tanshuku to your Rails app # # config/routes.rb # Rails.application.routes.draw do # mount Tanshuku::Engine, at: "/t" # end class Engine < ::Rails::Engine isolate_namespace Tanshuku config.generators do |g| g.test_framework :rspec end end end