@layer components { a { @apply text-secondary-500 hover:text-secondary-600 hover:underline; } b, strong { @apply font-medium; } .buttons { @apply space-x; } .button { @apply shadow-sm text-white hover:text-white bg-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-600 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-offset-2 focus:ring-primary-600 hover:no-underline; @apply dark:ring-offset-slate-700; &.button-red { @apply bg-red-500 hover:bg-red-600 focus:ring-red-600; } } .button-secondary { @apply text-secondary-500 hover:text-secondary-600 hover:underline; /* @apply dark:text-slate-200; */ &.button-increase-contrast { @apply text-secondary-700 hover:text-secondary-900; } &.button-red { @apply text-red-500 hover:text-red-600; &.button-increase-contrast { @apply text-red-700 hover:text-red-900; } } } .button, .button-secondary, .button-alternative { @apply py-2 px-4 border border-transparent rounded-md; @apply inline-flex items-center whitespace-nowrap; &.button-smaller { @apply py-1 px-3 text-xs; } } .button-alternative { @apply border-slate-300 rounded-md shadow-sm bg-white text-slate-500 hover:bg-slate-50 no-underline hover:no-underline; @apply dark:bg-slate-800 dark:border-slate-900 dark:text-white dark:hover:bg-slate-700; } .button-color { @extend .button; @apply rounded-full; } .btn-toggle { input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio] { display: none; &:checked { & + button { @extend .button; } } } &.btn-color-picker { input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio] { &:checked { & + button { @apply ring ring-offset-2 rounded-full; } } } } } .full { @apply w-full flex justify-center; } form.form { @apply space-y-5; .form-wrapper { @apply space-y-5; &[disabled] { opacity: 0.3; position: relative; user-select: none; &:before { content: ""; position: absolute; background-color: transparent; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; } } } /* This is the best way I know how to solve the problem of Tailwind's `space-y-5` creating extra space at the top because Rails injects hidden fields at the top of our forms. However, we don't need this on `get` forms, because no extra element is injected into the form. */ &[method="post" i], &[method="patch" i] { @apply -mt-5; } .buttons { @apply pt-1 space-x; } } .table { @apply w-full divide-y divide-slate-900 dark:divide-slate-700 divide-opacity-5 text-left; th { @apply px-3 py-3 text-2xs font-semibold font-normal; @apply dark:text-slate-400; &:first-child { @apply pl-5; } &:last-child { @apply pr-5; } } tbody { @apply divide-y divide-slate-900 divide-opacity-5; @apply dark:divide-slate-700; } td { @apply px-3 py-3.5; @apply dark:text-slate-400; &:first-child { @apply pl-5; } &:last-child { @apply pr-5; } &.buttons { @apply pr-3; @apply text-right space-x-2; /* just having a cell with buttons shouldn't expand the height of a table row. */ & > * { @apply -mt-5 -mb-5; } } } } .box-table { .table { & th, & td { &:first-child { @apply pl-8; } &:last-child { @apply pr-8; } } } } .pagy-nav .page a, .pagy-nav .page.active { @apply button-alternative; } .pagy-nav .page.prev.disabled, .pagy-nav .page.next.disabled { @apply hidden; } .pagy-nav .page.active, .pagy-nav-js .page.active { @apply button; } /* Fix Safari issue related to <summary> / <details> arrow */ details > summary.list-none::-webkit-details-marker, details > summary.list-none::marker { display: none; } }