// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global module test equals context ok same same */ var context = null; // .......................................................... // styles // module("SC.RenderContext#styles", { setup: function() { context = SC.RenderContext() ; } }); test("returns empty hash if no current styles", function() { same(context.styles(), {}, 'styles') ; }); test("styles(hash) replaces styles", function() { var styles = { foo: 'bar' }; equals(context.setStyle(styles), context, "returns receiver"); same(context.styles(), styles, 'Styles'); }); test("clone on next retrieval if styles(foo) set with cloneOnModify=YES", function() { var styles = { foo: 'bar' }; context.setStyle(styles); var result = context.styles(); ok(result !== styles, "styles is NOT same instance"); same(result, styles, "but styles are equivalent"); equals(result, context.styles(), "2nd retrieval is same instance"); }); test("extracts styles from element on first retrieval", function() { var elem = document.createElement('div'); SC.$(elem).attr('style', 'color: black; height: 20px; border-top: 1px solid hotpink; -webkit-column-count: 3'); context = SC.RenderContext(elem); var result = context.styles(); if(SC.browser.isIE){ same(result, { color: 'black', height: '20px', borderTop: 'hotpink 1px solid', WebkitColumnCount: '3' }, 'extracted style. This is failing in IE8 because it return styles like cOLOR.'); }else{ same(result, { color: 'black', height: '20px', borderTop: '1px solid hotpink', WebkitColumnCount: '3' }, 'extracted style. This is failing in IE8 because it return styles like cOLOR.'); } equals(context.styles(), result, "should reuse same instance thereafter"); }); // .......................................................... // addStyle // module("SC.RenderContext#addStyle", { setup: function() { context = SC.RenderContext().setStyle({ foo: 'foo' }) ; } }); test("should add passed style name to value", function() { context.addStyle('bar', 'bar'); equals('bar', context.styles().bar, 'verify style name'); }); test("should replace passed style name value", function() { context.addStyle('foo', 'bar'); equals('bar', context.styles().foo, 'verify style name'); }); test("should return receiver", function() { equals(context, context.addStyle('foo', 'bar')); }); test("should create styles hash if needed", function() { context = SC.RenderContext(); equals(context._styles, null, 'precondition - has no styles'); context.addStyle('foo', 'bar'); equals('bar', context.styles().foo, 'has styles'); }); test("should assign all styles if a hash is passed", function() { context.addStyle({ foo: 'bar', bar: 'bar' }); same(context.styles(), { foo: 'bar', bar: 'bar' }, 'has same styles'); }); test("addStyle should remove properties that are part of combo properties", function(){ SC.COMBO_STYLES = { foo: 'fooSub'.w() }; context.setStyle({ foo: 'foo', fooSub: 'bar' }); equals(context.styles().fooSub, 'bar', 'proper starting values'); context.addStyle('foo', 'bar'); equals(context.styles().foo, 'bar', 'foo has new value'); equals(context.styles().fooSub, undefined, 'fooSub has no value'); });