- test_add
- test_attr
- test_child
- test_chilrden
- test_constructors
- test_deep_map
- test_descendant
- test_descendants
- test_dup
- test_each
- test_entities
- test_eqeq
- test_escapes
- test_exec
- test_inpsect
- test_load
- test_map
- test_monadic
- test_multielement_selectors
- test_normalize
- test_parse
- test_parse_as_twigs
- test_parse_extra_cdata
- test_parse_extra_comment
- test_parse_extra_dtd
- test_parse_extra_escapes
- test_parse_extra_qxml
- test_parse_file
- test_parsing_entities
- test_parsing_extras
- test_parsing_nopp
- test_patterns
- test_patterns_2
- test_patterns_3
- test_patterns_any_all
- test_pretty_printer
- test_pseudoattributes_read
- test_pseudoattributes_write
- test_range
- test_real_method_missing
- test_remove_pretty_printing
- test_remove_pretty_printing_conditional
- test_renormalize
- test_sort_by
- test_subsequence
- test_text
- test_xml_bang
Test XML#<< method for adding children
[ show source ]
# File tests.rb, line 53 def test_add a = XML.new(:p, "Hello") a << ", " a << "world!" assert_equal("<p>Hello, world!</p>", a.to_s, "XML#<< should work") b = XML.new(:foo) b << XML.new(:bar) assert_equal("<foo><bar/></foo>", b.to_s, "XML#<< should work") end
[ show source ]
# File tests.rb, line 43 def test_attr foo = XML.new(:foo, {:x => "1"}) assert_equal("1", foo[:x], "Attribute reading should work") foo[:x] = "2" foo[:y] = "3" assert_equal("2", foo[:x], "Attribute writing should work") assert_equal("3", foo[:y], "Attribute writing should work") end
Test XML#child
[ show source ]
# File tests.rb, line 294 def test_child a = XML.parse("<foo></foo>") b = XML.parse("<foo><bar a='1'/></foo>") c = XML.parse("<foo><bar a='1'/><bar a='2'/></foo>") assert_equal(nil, a.child(:bar), "XML#child should return nil if there are no matching children") assert_equal("<bar a='1'/>", b.child(:bar).to_s, "XML#child should work") assert_equal("<bar a='1'/>", c.child(:bar).to_s, "XML#child should return first child if there are many") assert_equal("<bar a='2'/>", c.child({:a => '2'}).to_s, "XML#child should support patterns") end
Test XML#children and Array#children
[ show source ]
# File tests.rb, line 260 def test_chilrden a = XML.bar({:x=>"1"}) b = XML.bar({:x=>"3"}) c = XML.bar({:x=>"2"}, b) d = XML.foo(a,c) e = d.children(:bar) f = e.children(:bar) assert_equal([a,c], e, "XML#children(tag) should return tag-tagged children") assert_equal([b], f, "Array#children(tag) should return tag-tagged children of its elements") end
Test whether XML.new constructors work (without monadic case)
[ show source ]
# File tests.rb, line 10 def test_constructors br = XML.new(:br) h3 = XML.new(:h3, "Hello") a = XML.new(:a, {:href => "http://www.google.com/"}, "Google") ul = XML.new(:ul, XML.new(:li, "Hello"), XML.new(:li, "world")) assert_equal("<br/>", br.to_s, "Constructors should work") assert_equal("<h3>Hello</h3>", h3.to_s, "Constructors should work") assert_equal("<a href='http://www.google.com/'>Google</a>", a.to_s, "Constructors should work") assert_equal("<ul><li>Hello</li><li>world</li></ul>", ul.to_s, "Constructors should work") end
Test deep_map
[ show source ]
# File tests.rb, line 801 def test_deep_map a = XML.parse("<foo><bar>x</bar> <foo><bar>y</bar></foo></foo>") b = a.deep_map(:bar) {|c| XML.new(c.text.to_sym) } assert_equal("<foo><x/> <foo><y/></foo></foo>", b.to_s, "XML#deep_map should work") c = XML.parse("<foo><bar>x</bar> <bar><bar>y</bar></bar></foo>") d = c.deep_map(:bar) {|c| XML.new(:xyz, c.attrs, *c.children) } assert_equal("<foo><xyz>x</xyz> <xyz><bar>y</bar></xyz></foo>", d.to_s, "XML#deep_map should work") end
Test XML#descendant
[ show source ]
# File tests.rb, line 306 def test_descendant a = XML.parse("<foo></foo>") b = XML.parse("<foo><bar a='1'/></foo>") c = XML.parse("<foo><bar a='1'/><bar a='2'/></foo>") d = XML.parse("<foo><bar a='1'><bar a='2'/></bar><bar a='3'/></foo>") e = XML.parse("<foo><foo><bar a='1'/></foo><bar a='2'/></foo>") assert_equal(nil, a.descendant(:bar), "XML#descendant should return nil if there are no matching descendants") assert_equal("<bar a='1'/>", b.descendant(:bar).to_s, "XML#descendant should work") assert_equal("<bar a='1'/>", c.descendant(:bar).to_s, "XML#descendant should return first descendant if there are many") assert_equal("<bar a='1'><bar a='2'/></bar>", d.descendant(:bar).to_s, "XML#descendant should return first descendant if there are many") assert_equal("<bar a='1'/>", e.descendant(:bar).to_s, "XML#descendant should return first descendant if there are many") assert_equal("<bar a='2'/>", c.descendant({:a => '2'}).to_s, "XML#descendant should support patterns") assert_equal("<bar a='2'/>", d.descendant({:a => '2'}).to_s, "XML#descendant should support patterns") assert_equal("<bar a='2'/>", e.descendant({:a => '2'}).to_s, "XML#descendant should support patterns") end
Test XML#descendants and Array#descendants
[ show source ]
# File tests.rb, line 272 def test_descendants a = XML.bar({:x=>"1"}) b = XML.bar({:x=>"3"}) c = XML.bar({:x=>"2"}, b) d = XML.foo(a,c) e = d.descendants(:bar) f = e.descendants(:bar) assert_equal([a,c,b], e, "XML#descendants(tag) should return tag-tagged descendants") assert_equal([b], f, "Array#descendants(tag) should return tag-tagged descendants of its elements") end
Test dup-with-block method
[ show source ]
# File tests.rb, line 136 def test_dup a = XML.new(:foo, {:a => "1"}, "Hello") b = a.dup{ @name = :bar } c = a.dup{ self[:a] = "2" } d = a.dup{ self << ", world!" } assert_equal("<foo a='1'>Hello</foo>", a.to_s, "XML#dup{} should not modify its argument") assert_equal("<bar a='1'>Hello</bar>", b.to_s, "XML#dup{} should work") assert_equal("<foo a='2'>Hello</foo>", c.to_s, "XML#dup{} should work") assert_equal("<foo a='1'>Hello, world!</foo>", d.to_s, "XML#dup{} should work") # Deep copy test a = XML.new(:h3, "Hello") b = XML.new(:foo, XML.new(:bar, a)) c = b.dup a << ", world!" assert_equal("<foo><bar><h3>Hello, world!</h3></bar></foo>", b.to_s, "XML#dup should make a deep copy") assert_equal("<foo><bar><h3>Hello</h3></bar></foo>", c.to_s, "XML#dup should make a deep copy") end
Test XML#each method for iterating over children
[ show source ]
# File tests.rb, line 65 def test_each a = XML.new(:p, "Hello", ", ", "world", XML.new(:br)) b = "" a.each{|c| b += c.to_s} assert_equal("Hello, world<br/>", b, "XML#each should work") end
Test entity unescaping
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# File tests.rb, line 534 def test_entities a = XML.parse("<foo>¥ü†</foo>") b = XML.parse("<foo>¥ü†</foo>") c = XML.parse("<foo>¥ü†</foo>") d = "" assert_equal(b.text, a.text, "Entity unescaping on XML#Parse should work") assert_equal(c.text, a.text, "Entity unescaping on XML#Parse should work") assert_equal(b.to_s, a.to_s, "Entity escaping on XML#to_s should work") assert_equal(c.to_s, a.to_s, "Entity escaping on XML#to_s should work") # The escapes assume \XXX are byte escapes and the encoding is UTF-8 assert_equal("\302\245\303\274\342\200\240", a.text, "Entity unescaping on XML#Parse should work") assert_equal("<foo>\302\245\303\274\342\200\240</foo>", a.to_s, "Entity escaping on XML#to_s should work") end
Test XML#==
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# File tests.rb, line 92 def test_eqeq a = XML.new(:foo) b = XML.new(:foo) c = XML.new(:bar) assert(a==a, "XML#== should work") assert(a==b, "XML#== should work") assert(a!=c, "XML#== should work") d = XML.new(:foo, {:bar => "1"}) e = XML.new(:foo, {:bar => "1"}) f = XML.new(:foo, {:bar => "2"}) assert(d==d, "XML#== should work") assert(d==e, "XML#== should work") assert(d!=f, "XML#== should work") a = XML.new(:foo, "Hello, world!") b = XML.new(:foo, "Hello, world!") c = XML.new(:foo, "Hello", ", world!") d = XML.new(:foo, "Hello") e = XML.new(:foo, "Hello", "") assert(a==a, "XML#== should work") assert(a==b, "XML#== should work") assert(a==c, "XML#== should work") assert(a!=d, "XML#== should work") assert(d==e, "Empty children should not affect XML#==") # Highly pathological case a = XML.new(:foo, "ab", "cde", "", "fg", "hijk", "", "") b = XML.new(:foo, "", "abc", "d", "efg", "h", "ijk") assert(a==b, "XML#== should work with differently split Strings too") # String vs XML a = XML.new(:foo, "Hello") b = XML.new(:foo) {foo!} c = XML.new(:foo) {bar!} assert(a!=b, "XML#== should work with children of different types") assert(b!=c, "XML#== should work recursively") a = XML.new(:foo) {foo!; bar!} b = XML.new(:foo) {foo!; foo!} assert(a!=b, "XML#== should work recursively") end
Test character escaping on output, in text and in attribute values
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# File tests.rb, line 23 def test_escapes p = XML.new(:p, "< > &") foo = XML.new(:foo, {:bar=>"< > ' \" &"}) assert_equal("<p>< > &</p>", p.to_s, "Character escaping should work") assert_equal("<foo bar='< > ' " &'/>", foo.to_s, "Character escaping in attributes should work") end
Test XML#exec! monadic interface
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# File tests.rb, line 284 def test_exec a = XML.foo a.exec! { bar! { text! "Hello" } text! "world" } assert_equal("<foo><bar>Hello</bar>world</foo>", a.to_s, "XML#exec! should work") end
Test XML#inspect
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# File tests.rb, line 491 def test_inpsect a = xml(:a, xml(:b, xml(:c))) d = xml(:d) assert_equal("<a>...</a>", a.inspect, "XML#inspect should work") assert_equal("<a>...</a>", a.inspect(0), "XML#inspect(levels) should work") assert_equal("<a><b>...</b></a>", a.inspect(1), "XML#inspect(levels) should work") assert_equal("<a><b><c/></b></a>", a.inspect(2), "XML#inspect(levels) should work") assert_equal("<a><b><c/></b></a>", a.inspect(3), "XML#inspect(levels) should work") assert_equal("<d/>", d.inspect, "XML#inspect should work") assert_equal("<d/>", d.inspect(0), "XML#inspect should work") assert_equal("<d/>", d.inspect(1), "XML#inspect should work") end
Test XML.load
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# File tests.rb, line 778 def test_load a = XML.load("test.xml") b = XML.load(File.open("test.xml")) c = XML.load("string:<foo><bar></bar></foo>") d = XML.load("file:test.xml") assert_equal("<foo><bar/></foo>", a.to_s, "XML#load should work") assert_equal("<foo><bar/></foo>", b.to_s, "XML#load should work") assert_equal("<foo><bar/></foo>", c.to_s, "XML#load should work") assert_equal("<foo><bar/></foo>", d.to_s, "XML#load should work") end
Test XML#map method
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# File tests.rb, line 73 def test_map a = XML.new(:body, XML.new(:h3, "One"), "Hello", XML.new(:h3, "Two")) b = a.map{|c| if c.is_a? XML and c.name == :h3 XML.new(:h2, c.attrs, *c.contents) else c end } assert_equal("<body><h3>One</h3>Hello<h3>Two</h3></body>", a.to_s, "XML#map should not modify the argument") assert_equal("<body><h2>One</h2>Hello<h2>Two</h2></body>", b.to_s, "XML#map should work") d = a.map(:h3) {|c| XML.new(:h2, c.attrs, *c.contents) } assert_equal("<body><h2>One</h2>Hello<h2>Two</h2></body>", d.to_s, "XML#map should accept selectors") end
Test the "monadic" interface, that is constructors with instance_eval‘d blocks passed to them: XML.new(:foo) { bar! } # -> <foo><bar/></foo>
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# File tests.rb, line 175 def test_monadic a = XML.new(:foo) { bar!; xml!(:xxx) } b = xml(:div) { ul! { li!(XML.a("Hello")) } } assert_equal("<foo><bar/><xxx/></foo>", a.to_s, "Monadic interface should work") assert_equal("<div><ul><li><a>Hello</a></li></ul></div>", b.to_s, "Monadic interface should work") end
Test multielement selectors
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# File tests.rb, line 791 def test_multielement_selectors a = XML.parse("<foo><bar color='blue'><x/></bar><bar color='red'><x><y i='1'/></x><y i='2'/></bar></foo>") assert_equal("<x/><x><y i='1'/></x>", a.children(:bar, :x).to_s, "Multielement selectors should work") assert_equal("<y i='2'/>", a.children(:bar, :y).to_s, "Multielement selectors should work") assert_equal("<y i='1'/><y i='2'/>", a.children(:bar, :*, :y).to_s, "Multielement selectors should work") assert_equal("<y i='1'/>", a.descendants(:x, :y).to_s, "Multielement selectors should work") assert_equal("<y i='1'/><y i='2'/>", a.children(:bar, :*, :y).to_s, "Multielement selectors should work") end
Test XML#normalize! method
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# File tests.rb, line 158 def test_normalize a = XML.new(:foo, "He", "", "llo") b = XML.new(:foo, "") c = XML.new(:foo, "", XML.new(:bar, "1"), "", XML.new(:bar, "2", ""), "X", XML.new(:bar, "", "3"), "") a.normalize! b.normalize! c.normalize! assert_equal(["Hello"], a.contents, "XML#normalize! should work") assert_equal([], b.contents, "XML#normalize! should work") assert_equal([XML.new(:bar, "1"), XML.new(:bar, "2"), "X", XML.new(:bar, "3")], c.contents, "XML#normalize! should work") end
Test if parsing and printing gives the right results We test mostly round-trip
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# File tests.rb, line 188 def test_parse a = "<foo/>" b = "<foo a='1'/>" c = "<foo>Hello</foo>" d = "<foo a='1'><bar b='2'>Hello</bar><bar b='3'>world</bar></foo>" e = "<foo>> < &</foo>" f = "<foo a='b&c'/>" assert_equal(a, XML.parse(a).to_s, "XML.parse(x).to_s should equal x for normalized x") assert_equal(b, XML.parse(b).to_s, "XML.parse(x).to_s should equal x for normalized x") assert_equal(c, XML.parse(c).to_s, "XML.parse(x).to_s should equal x for normalized x") assert_equal(d, XML.parse(d).to_s, "XML.parse(x).to_s should equal x for normalized x") assert_equal(e, XML.parse(e).to_s, "XML.parse(x).to_s should equal x for normalized x") assert_equal(f, XML.parse(f).to_s, "XML.parse(x).to_s should equal x for normalized x") end
Test XML#parse_as_twigs interface
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# File tests.rb, line 471 def test_parse_as_twigs stream = "<foo><p><ul><li>1</li><li>2</li><li>3</li></ul></p><p><br/></p><p/><p><bar/></p></foo>" i = 0 results = [] XML.parse_as_twigs(stream) {|n| n.complete! if i == 1 or i == 3 results << n i += 1 } assert_equal("<foo/>", results[0].to_s, "XML.parse_as_twigs should work") assert_equal("<p><ul><li>1</li><li>2</li><li>3</li></ul></p>", results[1].to_s, "XML.parse_as_twigs should work") assert_equal("<p/>", results[2].to_s, "XML.parse_as_twigs should work") assert_equal("<br/>", results[3].to_s, "XML.parse_as_twigs should work") assert_equal("<p/>", results[4].to_s, "XML.parse_as_twigs should work") assert_equal("<p/>", results[5].to_s, "XML.parse_as_twigs should work") assert_equal("<bar/>", results[6].to_s, "XML.parse_as_twigs should work") assert_equal(7, results.size, "XML.parse_as_twigs should work") end
Test handling extra cruft Some things are best ignored or normalized
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# File tests.rb, line 214 def test_parse_extra_cdata a = "<foo><![CDATA[<greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>]]></foo>" a_out = "<foo><greeting>Hello, world!</greeting></foo>" assert_equal(a_out, XML.parse(a).to_s, "XML.parse(x).to_s should equal normalized x") end
Test handling (=ignoring) DTDs
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# File tests.rb, line 235 def test_parse_extra_comment c = "<!-- this is a comment --><greeting>Hello,<!-- another comment --> world!</greeting>" c_out = "<greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>" assert_equal(c_out, XML.parse(c).to_s, "XML.parse(x).to_s should equal normalized x") end
Test handling (=ignoring) DTDs
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# File tests.rb, line 228 def test_parse_extra_dtd c = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?><!DOCTYPE greeting [<!ELEMENT greeting (#PCDATA)>]><greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>" c_out = "<greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>" assert_equal(c_out, XML.parse(c).to_s, "XML.parse(x).to_s should equal normalized x") end
Test parsing &-entities
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# File tests.rb, line 205 def test_parse_extra_escapes a = "<foo>" '</foo>" a_out = "<foo>\" '</foo>" assert_equal(a_out, XML.parse(a).to_s, "XML.parse(x).to_s should normalize entities in x") end
Test handling (=ignoring) XML declarations
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# File tests.rb, line 221 def test_parse_extra_qxml b = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>" b_out = "<greeting>Hello, world!</greeting>" assert_equal(b_out, XML.parse(b).to_s, "XML.parse(x).to_s should equal normalized x") end
Test reading from a file
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# File tests.rb, line 242 def test_parse_file a = File.open("test.xml").xml_parse b = XML.from_file("test.xml") c = XML.from_url("file:test.xml") d = XML.from_url("string:<foo><bar></bar></foo>") e = XML.parse("<foo><bar></bar></foo>") f = "<foo><bar></bar></foo>".xml_parse g = XML.foo { bar! } assert_equal(g.to_s, a.to_s, "File#xml_parse should work") assert_equal(g.to_s, b.to_s, "XML.from_file should work") assert_equal(g.to_s, c.to_s, "XML.from_url(\"file:...\") should work") assert_equal(g.to_s, d.to_s, "XML.from_url(\"string:...\") should work") assert_equal(g.to_s, e.to_s, "XML.parse should work") assert_equal(g.to_s, f.to_s, "String#xml_parse should work") end
Test XML.parse(str, :extra_entities => …)
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# File tests.rb, line 752 def test_parsing_entities a = "<foo>&cat; & &dog;</foo>" b = XML.parse(a, :extra_entities => lambda{|e| case e when "cat" "neko" when "dog" "inu" end }) c = XML.parse(a, :extra_entities => {"cat" => "neko", "dog" => "inu"}) assert_equal("neko & inu", b.text, "XML#parse(str, :extra_entities=>Proc) should work") assert_equal("neko & inu", c.text, "XML#parse(str, :extra_entities=>Hash) should work") d = XML.parse(a, :extra_entities => {"cat" => "neko", "dog" => "inu"}) # Central European characters escapes e = "<foo>żółw</foo>" f = XML.parse(e, :extra_entities => {"zdot" => 380, "oacute" => 243, "lstrok" => 322}) # Assumes \number does bytes, UTF8 assert_equal("\305\274\303\263\305\202w", f.text, "XML#parse(str, :extra_entities=>...) should work with integer codepoints") end
Test extra arguments to XML#parse - :comments and :pi
[ show source ]
# File tests.rb, line 714 def test_parsing_extras a = "<foo><?xml-stylesheet href='http://www.blogger.com/styles/atom.css' type='text/css'?></foo>" b = "<foo><!-- This is a comment --></foo>" ax = XML.parse(a) bx = XML.parse(b) assert_equal("<foo/>", ax.to_s, "XML#parse should drop PI by default") assert_equal("<foo/>", bx.to_s, "XML#parse should drop comments by default") ay = XML.parse(a, :comments => true, :pi => true) by = XML.parse(b, :comments => true, :pi => true) assert_equal(a, ay.to_s, "XML#parse(str, :pi=>true) should include PI") assert_equal(b, by.to_s, "XML#parse(str, :comments=>true) should include comments") end
Test extra arguments to XML#parse - :remove_pretty_printing. FIXME: How about a shorter (but still mnemonic) name for that ?
[ show source ]
# File tests.rb, line 733 def test_parsing_nopp a = "<foo><bar>100</bar><bar>200</bar></foo>" b = "<foo> <bar> 100 </bar> <bar> 200 </bar> </foo>" c = XML.parse(a) d = XML.parse(b) e = XML.parse(b, :remove_pretty_printing => true) assert_not_equal(c.to_s, d.to_s, "XML#parse should not ignore pretty printing by default") assert_equal(c.to_s, e.to_s, "XML#parse(str, :remove_pretty_printing=>true) should work") end
Test patterns support
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# File tests.rb, line 552 def test_patterns a = XML.parse "<foo><bar color='blue'>Hello</bar>, <bar color='red'>world</bar><excl>!</excl></foo>" a.normalize! blue = [] nocolor = [] bar = [] #hello = [] a.descendants {|d| case d when :bar bar << d end case d when {:color => 'blue'} blue << d end case d when {:color => nil} nocolor << d end #case d #when /Hello/ # hello << d #end } assert_equal([XML.parse("<bar color='blue'>Hello</bar>"), XML.parse("<bar color='red'>world</bar>")], bar, "Pattern matching should work") assert_equal([XML.parse("<bar color='blue'>Hello</bar>")], blue, "Pattern matching should work") assert_equal([XML.parse("<excl>!</excl>")], nocolor, "Pattern matching should work") # Commented out, as it requires overloading Regexp#=~ and therefore Binding.of_caller #assert_equal([XML.parse("<bar color='blue'>Hello</bar>"), "Hello"], hello, "Pattern matching should work") end
Test pattern support in descendants (works the same way in children)
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# File tests.rb, line 591 def test_patterns_2 a = XML.parse "<foo><bar color='blue'>Hello</bar>, <bar color='red'>world</bar><excl color='blue'>!</excl></foo>" a.normalize! bar = a.descendants(:bar) blue = a.descendants({:color=>'blue'}) blue_bar = a.descendants(all(:bar, {:color=>'blue'})) #hello = a.descendants(/Hello/) xml = a.descendants(XML) string = a.descendants(String) assert_equal([XML.parse("<bar color='blue'>Hello</bar>"), XML.parse("<bar color='red'>world</bar>")], bar, "Pattern matching should work") assert_equal([XML.parse("<bar color='blue'>Hello</bar>"), XML.parse("<excl color='blue'>!</excl>")], blue, "Pattern matching should work") assert_equal([XML.parse("<bar color='blue'>Hello</bar>")], blue_bar, "Pattern matching should work") # Commented out, as it requires overloading Regexp#=~ and therefore Binding.of_caller #assert_equal([XML.parse("<bar color='blue'>Hello</bar>"), "Hello"], hello, "Pattern matching should work") assert_equal([XML.parse("<bar color='blue'>Hello</bar>"), XML.parse("<bar color='red'>world</bar>"), XML.parse("<excl color='blue'>!</excl>")], xml, "Pattern matching should work") assert_equal(['Hello', ', ', 'world', '!'], string, "Pattern matching should work") end
Test patterns =~ support
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# File tests.rb, line 612 def test_patterns_3 a = XML.parse "<foo><bar color='blue'>Hello</bar>, <bar color='red'>world</bar><excl>!</excl></foo>" a.normalize! blue = [] nocolor = [] bar = [] hello = [] a.descendants {|d| if d =~ :bar bar << d end if d =~ {:color => 'blue'} blue << d end if d =~ {:color => nil} nocolor << d end if d =~ /Hello/ hello << d end } assert_equal([XML.parse("<bar color='blue'>Hello</bar>"), XML.parse("<bar color='red'>world</bar>")], bar, "Pattern matching should work") assert_equal([XML.parse("<bar color='blue'>Hello</bar>")], blue, "Pattern matching should work") assert_equal([XML.parse("<excl>!</excl>")], nocolor, "Pattern matching should work") assert_equal([XML.parse("<bar color='blue'>Hello</bar>"), "Hello"], hello, "Pattern matching should work") end
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# File tests.rb, line 645 def test_patterns_any_all a = XML.parse "<foo> <bar color='blue' size='big'>1</bar> <bar color='blue'>2</bar> <bar color='blue' size='normal'>3</bar> <bar color='red' size='big'>4</bar> <bar color='red'>5</bar> <bar color='red' size='normal'>6</bar> </foo>" p = all({:color => 'red'}, any({:size => nil}, {:size => 'normal'})) # Select childern which color red and size either normal or not specified b = a.children(p) c = a.find_all{|x| x =~ p } d = a.find_all{|x| p === x } assert_equal("<bar color='red'>5</bar><bar color='red' size='normal'>6</bar>", b.to_s, "Pattern matching with any/all should work") assert_equal("<bar color='red'>5</bar><bar color='red' size='normal'>6</bar>", c.to_s, "Pattern matching with any/all should work") assert_equal("<bar color='red'>5</bar><bar color='red' size='normal'>6</bar>", d.to_s, "Pattern matching with any/all should work") end
Test XML.load
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# File tests.rb, line 812 def test_pretty_printer a = XML.parse("<foo><bar>x</bar>Boo!<bar><y><z>f</z></y></bar><xyzzy /><bar>Mutiline\nText\n:-)</bar></foo>") a.add_pretty_printing! expected = "<foo> <bar> x </bar> Boo! <bar> <y> <z> f </z> </y> </bar> <xyzzy/> <bar> Mutiline Text :-) </bar> </foo>" assert_equal(expected, a.to_s, "XML#pretty_print! should work") end
Test XML#[:@foo] pseudoattributes
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# File tests.rb, line 506 def test_pseudoattributes_read # Ignore the second <x>...</x> a = XML.parse("<foo x='10'><x>20</x><y>30</y><x>40</x></foo>") assert_equal("10", a[:x], "XML#[] real attributes should work") assert_nil(a[:y], "XML#[] real attributes should work") assert_nil(a[:z], "XML#[] real attributes should work") assert_equal("20", a[:@x], "XML#[] pseudoattributes should work") assert_equal("30", a[:@y], "XML#[] pseudoattributes should work") assert_nil(a[:@z], "XML#[] pseudoattributes should work") end
Test XML#[:@foo] pseudoattributes
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# File tests.rb, line 519 def test_pseudoattributes_write # Ignore the second <x>...</x> a = XML.parse("<foo x='10'><x>20</x><y>30</y><x>40</x></foo>") a[:x] = 100 a[:y] = 200 a[:z] = 300 a[:@x] = 1000 a[:@y] = 2000 a[:@z] = 3000 assert_equal("<foo x='100' y='200' z='300'><x>1000</x><y>2000</y><x>40</x><z>3000</z></foo>", a.to_s, "XML#[]= pseudoattributes should work") end
Test XML#range
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# File tests.rb, line 347 def test_range a = XML.parse "<foo><bar i='0'/><bar i='1'/><bar i='2'/><bar i='3'/><bar i='4'/></foo>" b = a.children(:bar) # Non-recursive case ar_n_n = a.range(nil, nil) ar_0_n = a.range(b[0], nil) ar_1_n = a.range(b[1], nil) ar_4_n = a.range(b[4], nil) ar_n_4 = a.range(nil, b[4]) ar_n_3 = a.range(nil, b[3]) ar_n_0 = a.range(nil, b[0]) assert_equal("<foo><bar i='0'/><bar i='1'/><bar i='2'/><bar i='3'/><bar i='4'/></foo>", ar_n_n.to_s, "XML#range should work") assert_equal("<foo><bar i='1'/><bar i='2'/><bar i='3'/><bar i='4'/></foo>", ar_0_n.to_s, "XML#range should work") assert_equal("<foo><bar i='2'/><bar i='3'/><bar i='4'/></foo>", ar_1_n.to_s, "XML#range should work") assert_equal("<foo/>", ar_4_n.to_s, "XML#range should work") assert_equal("<foo><bar i='0'/><bar i='1'/><bar i='2'/><bar i='3'/></foo>", ar_n_4.to_s, "XML#range should work") assert_equal("<foo><bar i='0'/><bar i='1'/><bar i='2'/></foo>", ar_n_3.to_s, "XML#range should work") assert_equal("<foo/>", ar_n_0.to_s, "XML#range should work") a = XML.parse "<a> <b i='0'><c i='0'/><c i='1'/><c i='2'/></b> <b i='1'><c i='3'/><c i='4'/><c i='5'/></b> <b i='2'><c i='6'/><c i='7'/><c i='8'/></b> </a>" c = a.descendants(:c) c.each_with_index{|ci,i| c.each_with_index{|cj,j| next unless i < j ar = a.range(ci,cj) cs_present = ar.descendants(:c).map{|n|n[:i].to_i} assert_equal(((i+1)...j).to_a, cs_present, "XML#range(c#{i}, c#{j}) should contain cs between #{i} and #{j}, exclusive, instead got: #{ar}") } ar = a.range(ci,nil) cs_present = ar.descendants(:c).map{|n|n[:i].to_i} assert_equal(((i+1)..8).to_a, cs_present, "XML#range(c#{i}, nil) should contain cs from #{i+1} to 8, instead got: #{ar}") ar = a.range(nil,ci) cs_present = ar.descendants(:c).map{|n|n[:i].to_i} assert_equal((0...i).to_a, cs_present, "XML#range(nil, c#{i}) should contain cs from 0 to #{i-1}, instead got: #{ar}") } end
Methods XML#foo! are all catched, but how about other methods ?
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# File tests.rb, line 458 def test_real_method_missing foo = XML.new(:foo) exception_raised = false begin foo.bar() rescue NoMethodError exception_raised = true end # FIXME: There are other assertions than assert_equal ;-) assert_equal(true, exception_raised, "XML#bar should raise NoMethodError") end
Test parse option :ignore_pretty_printing
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# File tests.rb, line 667 def test_remove_pretty_printing a = "<foo><bar>100</bar><bar>200</bar></foo>" b = "<foo> <bar> 100 </bar> <bar> 200 </bar> </foo>" c = XML.parse(a) d = XML.parse(b) e = XML.parse(b) e.remove_pretty_printing! assert_not_equal(c.to_s, d.to_s, "XML#parse should not ignore pretty printing by default") assert_equal(c.to_s, e.to_s, "XML#remove_pretty_printing! should work") f = XML.parse("<foo> <bar>Hello world</bar> </foo>") f.remove_pretty_printing! g = XML.parse("<foo><bar>Hello world</bar></foo>") assert_equal(f.to_s, g.to_s, "XML#remove_pretty_printing! should work") end
Test remove_pretty_printing! with exception list
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# File tests.rb, line 692 def test_remove_pretty_printing_conditional a = "<foo> <pre> <a> 100 </a> </pre> <xyzzy> <a> 200 </a> </xyzzy> </foo>" b = "<foo><pre> <a> 100 </a> </pre><xyzzy><a>200</a></xyzzy></foo>" ax = XML.parse(a) bx = XML.parse(b) ax.remove_pretty_printing!([:pre]) assert_equal(bx.to_s, ax.to_s, "XML#remove_pretty_printing!(exceptions) should work") end
Test XML#renormalize and XML#renormalize_sequence
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# File tests.rb, line 337 def test_renormalize a = "<foo></foo>" b = "<foo></foo><bar></bar>" assert_equal("<foo/>", XML.renormalize(a), "XML#renormalize should work") assert_equal("<foo/>", XML.renormalize_sequence(a), "XML#renormalize_sequence should work") assert_equal("<foo/><bar/>", XML.renormalize_sequence(b), "XML#renormalize_sequence should work") end
Test sort_by and children_sort_by
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# File tests.rb, line 32 def test_sort_by doc = XML.parse("<foo><bar id='5'/>a<bar id='3'/>c<bar id='4'/>b<bar id='1'/></foo>") doc_by_id = doc.sort_by{|c| c[:id]} assert_equal("<foo><bar id='1'/><bar id='3'/><bar id='4'/><bar id='5'/></foo>", doc_by_id.to_s) doc_all_by_id = doc.children_sort_by{|c| if c.is_a? XML then [0, c[:id]] else [1, c] end} assert_equal("<foo><bar id='1'/><bar id='3'/><bar id='4'/><bar id='5'/>abc</foo>", doc_all_by_id.to_s) end
Test XML#subsequence
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# File tests.rb, line 393 def test_subsequence a = XML.parse "<foo><bar i='0'/><bar i='1'/><bar i='2'/><bar i='3'/><bar i='4'/></foo>" b = a.children(:bar) # Non-recursive case ar_n_n = a.subsequence(nil, nil) ar_0_n = a.subsequence(b[0], nil) ar_1_n = a.subsequence(b[1], nil) ar_4_n = a.subsequence(b[4], nil) ar_n_4 = a.subsequence(nil, b[4]) ar_n_3 = a.subsequence(nil, b[3]) ar_n_0 = a.subsequence(nil, b[0]) assert_equal("<foo><bar i='0'/><bar i='1'/><bar i='2'/><bar i='3'/><bar i='4'/></foo>", ar_n_n.to_s, "XML#subsequence should work") assert_equal("<bar i='1'/><bar i='2'/><bar i='3'/><bar i='4'/>", ar_0_n.to_s, "XML#subsequence should work") assert_equal("<bar i='2'/><bar i='3'/><bar i='4'/>", ar_1_n.to_s, "XML#subsequence should work") assert_equal("", ar_4_n.to_s, "XML#subsequence should work") assert_equal("<foo><bar i='0'/><bar i='1'/><bar i='2'/><bar i='3'/></foo>", ar_n_4.to_s, "XML#subsequence should work") assert_equal("<foo><bar i='0'/><bar i='1'/><bar i='2'/></foo>", ar_n_3.to_s, "XML#subsequence should work") assert_equal("<foo/>", ar_n_0.to_s, "XML#subsequence should work") a = XML.parse "<a> <b j='0'><c i='0'/><c i='1'/><c i='2'/></b> <b j='1'><c i='3'/><c i='4'/><c i='5'/></b> <b j='2'><c i='6'/><c i='7'/><c i='8'/></b> </a>" c = a.descendants(:c) # (ar + ar.descendants).find_all{|x| x.is_a? XML and x.name == :c} # instead of ar.descendants(:c) because # we might have returned [<c i='?'/>] as a result, # and then it's not a descendant of the result then. # This is ugly, and it should be fixed somewhere in magic/xml c.each_with_index{|ci,i| c.each_with_index{|cj,j| next unless i < j ar = a.subsequence(ci,cj) cs_present = (ar + ar.descendants).find_all{|x| x.is_a? XML and x.name == :c}.map{|n| n[:i].to_i} assert_equal(((i+1)...j).to_a, cs_present, "XML#subsequence(c#{i}, c#{j}) should contain cs between #{i} and #{j}, exclusive, instead got: #{ar}") } ar = a.subsequence(ci,nil) cs_present = (ar + ar.descendants).find_all{|x| x.is_a? XML and x.name == :c}.map{|n| n[:i].to_i} assert_equal(((i+1)..8).to_a, cs_present, "XML#subsequence(c#{i}, nil) should contain cs from #{i+1} to 8, instead got: #{ar}") ar = a.subsequence(nil,ci) cs_present = (ar + ar.descendants).find_all{|x| x.is_a? XML and x.name == :c}.map{|n| n[:i].to_i} assert_equal((0...i).to_a, cs_present, "XML#subsequence(nil, c#{i}) should contain cs from 0 to #{i-1}, instead got: #{ar}") } end
Test XML#text
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# File tests.rb, line 324 def test_text a = XML.parse("<foo>Hello</foo>") b = XML.parse("<foo></foo>") c = XML.parse("<foo><bar>Hello</bar></foo>") d = XML.parse("<foo>He<bar>llo</bar></foo>") assert_equal("Hello", a.text, "XML#text should work") assert_equal("", b.text, "XML#text should work") assert_equal("Hello", c.text, "XML#text should work") assert_equal("Hello", d.text, "XML#text should work") end
Test xml! at top level
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# File tests.rb, line 444 def test_xml_bang real_stdout = $stdout $stdout = StringIO.new xml!(:foo) assert_equal("<foo/>", $stdout.string, "xml! should work") $stdout = StringIO.new XML.bar! assert_equal("<bar/>", $stdout.string, "XML#foo! should work") $stdout = real_stdout end