# ImgDl A tool download images. Support recursive search, regex, async download, etc. ## Installation $ gem install img_dl ## Usage Usage: img_dl [OPTION]... URL SAVEPATH Search Images from URL and save to SAVEPATH.You can specified regular expression as a filter or set a limit num,etc. Example: img_dl http://google.com /home/me/download/icons OPTION: -r Enable recursive search, when this option parsed you should option -ul or -il to limit search,otherwise the program maybe can't stop -ul Limit recursive urls count, Only if you specified -r -il Limit download images count -ur Regex filter for recursive url, Example -ur www.foo.bai/?page=d+ -ir Regex filter for images,Example -ir .gif$ -pf Save the file prefix -in Interval, default value is 0 -h print this help -version Print version Examples : Download 30 pictures from http://sample.tv/image and save to ./images -r mean recursive search and -ur mean only search matched urls `$ img_dl -r -il 30 -ur sample.tv/image/page=\d+ http://sample.tv/image ./images` ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request