# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe "Visiting Products", js: true do include_context "custom products" let(:store_name) do ((first_store = Spree::Store.first) && first_store.name).to_s end before do Spree::Config.products_per_page = 8 end describe 'meta tags and title' do let(:jersey) { Spree::Product.find_by_name('Ruby on Rails Baseball Jersey') } let(:metas) { { meta_description: 'Brand new Ruby on Rails Jersey', meta_keywords: 'ror, jersey, ruby' } } before do jersey.update_attributes(metas) visit sprangular_engine.root_path wait_for_route_changes product = page.all(:css, '.product')[4] product.hover product.click_link('a') end scenario 'correct title when displaying a single product' do expect(page).to have_title('Ruby on Rails Baseball Jersey - ' + store_name) within('h1') do expect(page).to have_content('Ruby on Rails Baseball Jersey') end end scenario 'displays metas' do expect(page).to have_meta(:description, 'Brand new Ruby on Rails Jersey') expect(page).to have_meta(:keywords, 'ror, jersey, ruby') end end scenario "search" do visit sprangular_engine.root_path wait_for_route_changes within :css, "form[name=SearchForm]" do fill_in "keywords", with: "shirt" page.find('span.glyphicon').click end expect(page.all('.product-listing .product').size).to eq(1) end context "with variants" do let(:product) { Spree::Product.find_by_name("Ruby on Rails Baseball Jersey") } let(:option_value) { create(:option_value) } let!(:variant) { product.variants.create!(price: 5.59) } before do product.option_types << option_value.option_type variant.option_values << option_value end scenario "displays price of first variant listed" do product.variants.first.stock_items.update_all(count_on_hand: 1, backorderable: false) visit sprangular_engine.root_path(anchor: "!/products/#{product.slug}") click_button "S" within(:css, ".add-to-cart .price") do expect(page).to have_content(variant.price) end end scenario "display out of stock for when variant sold out" do product.variants.first.stock_items.update_all(count_on_hand: 0, backorderable: false) visit sprangular_engine.root_path(anchor: "!/products/#{product.slug}") click_button "S" expect(page).to have_content "This item is sold out" end end context "with variants, images only for the variants" do let(:product) { Spree::Product.find_by_name("Ruby on Rails Baseball Jersey") } let(:option_type) { create(:option_type) } before do image = File.open(File.expand_path('../../fixtures/thinking-cat.jpg', __FILE__)) product.option_types << option_type v1 = product.variants.create!(price: 9.99) v2 = product.variants.create!(price: 10.99) v1.option_values << create(:option_value, presentation: 'S', option_type: option_type) v2.option_values << create(:option_value, presentation: 'M', option_type: option_type) v1.images.create!(attachment: image) v2.images.create!(attachment: image) end scenario "should not display no image available" do visit sprangular_engine.root_path(anchor: "!/products/#{product.slug}") click_button "S" expect(page).to have_xpath("//img[contains(@src,'thinking-cat')]") end end scenario "hide products without price" do Spree::Price.update_all(amount: nil) Spree::Config.show_products_without_price = true visit sprangular_engine.root_path expect(page.all('.product-listing .product').size).to eq(8) Spree::Config.show_products_without_price = false visit sprangular_engine.root_path expect(page.all('.product-listing .product').size).to eq(0) end scenario "correct title when displaying a single product" do product = Spree::Product.find_by_name("Ruby on Rails Baseball Jersey") visit sprangular_engine.root_path(anchor: "!/products/#{product.slug}") within("h1") do expect(page).to have_content("Ruby on Rails Baseball Jersey") end end end