module Recurly class Account < Resource # @macro [attach] scope # @scope class # @return [Pager] A pager that yields +$1+ accounts. scope :active, :state => :active scope :closed, :state => :closed scope :subscriber, :state => :subscriber scope :non_subscriber, :state => :non_subscriber scope :past_due, :state => :past_due # @macro [attach] has_many # @return [Pager, []] A pager that yields $1 for persisted # accounts; an empty array otherwise. has_many :adjustments has_many :invoices has_many :subscriptions has_many :transactions has_many :redemptions # @return [BillingInfo, nil] has_one :billing_info, :readonly => false # @return [AccountBalance, nil] has_one :account_balance, :readonly => true def redemption coupon_code redemptions.detect { |r| r.coupon_code == coupon_code } end define_attribute_methods %w( account_code state username email cc_emails first_name last_name company_name accept_language hosted_login_token vat_number address tax_exempt entity_use_code created_at closed_at vat_location_valid ) alias to_param account_code # @return [Invoice] A newly-created invoice. # @raise [Invalid] Raised if the account cannot be invoiced. def invoice!(attrs={}) Invoice.from_response, attrs.empty? ? nil : Invoice.to_xml(attrs)) rescue Recurly::API::UnprocessableEntity => e raise Invalid, e.message end # @return [Invoice] The newly-built invoice that has not been persisted. # @raise [Invalid] Raised if the account cannot be invoiced. def build_invoice Invoice.from_response"#{invoices.uri}/preview") rescue Recurly::API::UnprocessableEntity => e raise Invalid, e.message end # Reopen an account. # # @return [true, false] +true+ when successful, +false+ when unable to # (e.g., the account is already opwn), and may raise an exception if the # attempt fails. def reopen return false unless link? :reopen reload follow_link :reopen true end def changed_attributes attrs = super if address.respond_to?(:changed?) && address.changed? attrs['address'] = address end attrs end private def xml_keys keys = super keys << 'account_code' if account_code? && !account_code_changed? keys.sort end end end