


struct              CRNum;
enum CRStatus       cr_num_copy                         (CRNum *a_dest,
                                                         CRNum const *a_src);
void                cr_num_destroy                      (CRNum *a_this);
CRNum *             cr_num_dup                          (CRNum const *a_this);
gboolean            cr_num_is_fixed_length              (CRNum const *a_this);
CRNum *             cr_num_new                          (void);
CRNum *             cr_num_new_with_val                 (gdouble a_val,
                                                         enum CRNumType a_type);
enum CRStatus       cr_num_set                          (CRNum *a_this,
                                                         gdouble a_val,
                                                         enum CRNumType a_type);
guchar *            cr_num_to_string                    (CRNum const *a_this);



struct CRNum

struct CRNum {
        enum CRNumType type ;
        gdouble val ;
        CRParsingLocation location ;

cr_num_copy ()

enum CRStatus       cr_num_copy                         (CRNum *a_dest,
                                                         CRNum const *a_src);

Copies an instance of CRNum.

a_dest :

the destination of the copy. Must be non NULL

a_src :

the instance of CRNum to copy. Must be non NULL.

Returns :

CR_OK upon successful completion, an error code otherwise.

cr_num_destroy ()

void                cr_num_destroy                      (CRNum *a_this);

The destructor of CRNum.

a_this :

the this pointer of the current instance of CRNum.

cr_num_dup ()

CRNum *             cr_num_dup                          (CRNum const *a_this);

Duplicates an instance of CRNum

a_this :

the instance of CRNum to duplicate.

Returns :

the newly created (duplicated) instance of CRNum. Must be freed by cr_num_destroy().

cr_num_is_fixed_length ()

gboolean            cr_num_is_fixed_length              (CRNum const *a_this);

Tests if the current instance of CRNum is a fixed length value or not. Typically a fixed length value is anything from NUM_LENGTH_EM to NUM_LENGTH_PC. See the definition of CRNumType to see what we mean.

a_this :

the current instance of CRNum .

Returns :

TRUE if the instance of CRNum is a fixed length number, FALSE otherwise.

cr_num_new ()

CRNum *             cr_num_new                          (void);


Returns :

the newly built instance of CRNum.

cr_num_new_with_val ()

CRNum *             cr_num_new_with_val                 (gdouble a_val,
                                                         enum CRNumType a_type);

A constructor of CRNum.

a_val :

the numerical value of the number.

a_type :

the type of number.

Returns :

the newly built instance of CRNum or NULL if an error arises.

cr_num_set ()

enum CRStatus       cr_num_set                          (CRNum *a_this,
                                                         gdouble a_val,
                                                         enum CRNumType a_type);

a_this :

the current instance of CRNum to be set.

a_val :

the new numerical value to be hold by the current instance of CRNum

a_type :

the new type of CRNum.

Returns :

CR_OK upon succesful completion, an error code otherwise.

cr_num_to_string ()

guchar *            cr_num_to_string                    (CRNum const *a_this);

a_this :

the current instance of CRNum.

Returns :

the newly built string representation of the current instance of CRNum. The returned string is NULL terminated. The caller *must* free the returned string.