require 'spec_helper' Horse = Koala::NetHTTPService describe "NetHTTPService module holder class Horse" do before :each do # reset global settings Horse.always_use_ssl = Horse.proxy = Horse.timeout = nil end it "has a ca_file accessor" do Horse.methods.collect {|m| m.to_sym}.should include(:ca_file) Horse.methods.collect {|m| m.to_sym}.should include(:ca_file=) end it "has a ca_path accessor" do Horse.methods.collect {|m| m.to_sym}.should include(:ca_path) Horse.methods.collect {|m| m.to_sym}.should include(:ca_path=) end it "has a verify_mode accessor" do Horse.methods.collect {|m| m.to_sym}.should include(:verify_mode) Horse.methods.collect {|m| m.to_sym}.should include(:verify_mode=) end it "should define a make_request static module method" do Horse.respond_to?(:make_request).should be_true end it "should include the Koala::HTTPService module defining common features" do Horse.included_modules.include?(Koala::HTTPService).should be_true end describe "when making a request" do before(:each) do # Setup stubs for make_request to execute without exceptions @mock_body = stub('Net::HTTPResponse body') @mock_http_response = stub('Net::HTTPResponse', :code => 1, :body => @mock_body) @http_yield_mock = mock('Net::HTTP start yielded object') @http_yield_mock.stub(:post).and_return(@mock_http_response) @http_yield_mock.stub(:get).and_return(@mock_http_response) @http_mock = stub('Net::HTTP object', 'use_ssl=' => true, 'verify_mode=' => true) @http_mock.stub(:start).and_yield(@http_yield_mock) @http_mock.stub(:ca_path=) @http_mock.stub(:ca_file=) @http_mock.stub(:verify_mode=) Net::HTTP.stub(:new).and_return(@http_mock) end describe "the connection" do it "should use POST if verb is not GET" do @http_yield_mock.should_receive(:post).and_return(@mock_http_response) @http_mock.should_receive(:start).and_yield(@http_yield_mock) Horse.make_request('anything', {}, 'anything') end it "should use GET if that verb is specified" do @http_yield_mock.should_receive(:get).and_return(@mock_http_response) @http_mock.should_receive(:start).and_yield(@http_yield_mock) Horse.make_request('anything', {}, 'get') end it "should add the method to the arguments if it's not get or post" do args = {} method = "telekenesis" # since the arguments get encoded later, we'll test for merge! # even though that's somewhat testing internal implementation args.should_receive(:merge!).with(:method => method) Horse.make_request('anything', args, method) end end describe "if the request has an access token" do before :each do @args = {"access_token" => "123"} end it "should use SSL" do @http_mock.should_receive('use_ssl=').with(true) Horse.make_request('anything', @args, 'anything') end it "should set the port to 443" do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(anything, 443).and_return(@http_mock) Horse.make_request('anything', @args, 'anything') end end describe "if always_use_ssl is true" do before :each do Horse.always_use_ssl = true end it "should use SSL" do @http_mock.should_receive('use_ssl=').with(true) Horse.make_request('anything', {}, 'anything') end it "should set the port to 443" do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(anything, 443).and_return(@http_mock) Horse.make_request('anything', {}, 'anything') end end describe "if the use_ssl option is provided" do it "should use SSL" do @http_mock.should_receive('use_ssl=').with(true) Horse.make_request('anything', {}, 'anything', :use_ssl => true) end it "should set the port to 443" do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(anything, 443).and_return(@http_mock) Horse.make_request('anything', {}, 'anything', :use_ssl => true) end end describe "if there's no token and always_use_ssl isn't true" do it "should not use SSL" do @http_mock.should_not_receive('use_ssl=') Horse.make_request('anything', {}, 'anything') end it "should not set the port" do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(anything, nil).and_return(@http_mock) Horse.make_request('anything', {}, 'anything') end end describe "proxy options" do before :each do Horse.proxy = "http://defaultproxy" end after :all do Horse.proxy = nil end it "should use passed proxy option if provided" do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(Koala::Facebook::GRAPH_SERVER, anything, "passedproxy", 80, nil, nil).and_return(@http_mock) Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {:proxy => "http://passedproxy"}) end it "should use default proxy if default is provided and NO proxy option passed" do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(Koala::Facebook::GRAPH_SERVER, anything, "defaultproxy", 80, nil, nil).and_return(@http_mock) Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {}) end it "should NOT use a proxy if default is NOT provided and NO proxy option passed" do Horse.proxy = nil Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(Koala::Facebook::GRAPH_SERVER, anything).and_return(@http_mock) Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {}) end end describe "timeout options" do before :each do Horse.timeout = 20 # seconds end after :all do Horse.timeout = nil # seconds end it "should use passed timeout option if provided" do @http_mock.should_receive('open_timeout=').with(10) @http_mock.should_receive('read_timeout=').with(10) Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {:timeout => 10}) end it "should use default timout if default is provided and NO timeout option passed" do @http_mock.should_receive('open_timeout=').with(20) @http_mock.should_receive('read_timeout=').with(20) Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {}) end it "should NOT use a timeout if default is NOT provided and NO timeout option passed" do Horse.timeout = nil # seconds @http_mock.should_not_receive('open_timeout=') @http_mock.should_not_receive('read_timeout=') Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {}) end end describe "ca_file options" do after :each do Horse.always_use_ssl = nil Horse.ca_file = nil end it "should not use a ca_file if the request is not via SSL" do Horse.always_use_ssl = false @http_mock.should_not_receive(:ca_file=) Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {:ca_file => '/no/file'}) end describe "when via SSL" do before :each do Horse.always_use_ssl = true @global_ca_file_path = '/global/ca/file/path' end context "if the file doesn't exist" do it "raises Errno::ENOENT if the default ca_file does not exist" do Horse.ca_file = @global_ca_file_path File.should_receive(:exists?).with(@global_ca_file_path).and_return(false) expect { Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {}) }.to raise_exception(Errno::ENOENT) end it "raises Errno::ENOENT if options[:ca_file] does not exist" do File.should_receive(:exists?).with(@global_ca_file_path).and_return(false) expect { Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {:ca_file => @global_ca_file_path}) }.to raise_exception(Errno::ENOENT) end end context "if the file exists" do before :each do File.stub(:exists?).and_return(true) end it "should use options[:ca_file] if provided" do given_ca_file = '/ca/file' Horse.ca_file = @global_ca_file_path @http_mock.should_not_receive(:ca_file=).with(@global_ca_file_path) @http_mock.should_receive(:ca_file=).with(given_ca_file) Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {:ca_file => given_ca_file}) end it "should use default ca_file if default is provided and NO ca_file option is passed" do Horse.ca_file = @global_ca_file_path @http_mock.should_receive(:ca_file=).with(@global_ca_file_path) Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {}) end it "should NOT use a ca_file if default is NOT provided and NO ca_file option is passed" do @http_mock.should_not_receive(:ca_file=) Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {}) end end end end describe "ca_path options" do after :each do Horse.always_use_ssl = nil Horse.ca_path = nil end it "should not use a ca_path if the request is not via SSL" do Horse.always_use_ssl = false @http_mock.should_not_receive('ca_path=') Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {:ca_file => '/no/file'}) end describe "when via SSL" do before :each do Horse.always_use_ssl = true @global_ca_path = '/global/ca/path' end context "if the directory doesn't exist" do it "should not use a default ca_path if the default ca_path does not exist" do Horse.ca_path = @global_ca_path File.should_receive(:directory?).with(@global_ca_path).and_return(false) expect { Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {}) }.to raise_exception(Errno::ENOENT) end it "should not use a default ca_path if the default ca_path does not exist" do File.should_receive(:directory?).with(@global_ca_path).and_return(false) expect { Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {:ca_path => @global_ca_path}) }.to raise_exception(Errno::ENOENT) end end context "if the directory exists" do before :each do File.stub(:directory?).and_return(true) end it "should use passed ca_path options if provided" do given_ca_path = '/ca/path' Horse.ca_path = @global_ca_path @http_mock.should_not_receive(:ca_ath=).with(@global_ca_path) @http_mock.should_receive(:ca_path=).with(given_ca_path) Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {:ca_path => given_ca_path}) end it "should use default ca_path if default is provided and NO ca_path option is passed" do Horse.ca_path = @global_ca_path @http_mock.should_receive(:ca_path=).with(@global_ca_path) Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {}) end it "should NOT use a ca_path if default is NOT provided and NO ca_path option is passed" do @http_mock.should_not_receive(:ca_path=) Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {}) end end end end describe "verify_mode options" do after :each do Horse.always_use_ssl = nil Horse.verify_mode = nil end it "does not set verify mode if it's not SSL" do Horse.always_use_ssl = nil @http_mock.should_not_receive(:verify_mode=) Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {:verify_mode => "abc"}) end context "when making an SSL request" do before :each do Horse.always_use_ssl = true end it "sets verify mode if provided in the options" do mode = "foo" @http_mock.should_receive(:verify_mode=).with(mode) Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {:verify_mode => mode}) end it "sets verify mode to the default if provided (and none set in options)" do Horse.verify_mode = "foo" @http_mock.should_receive(:verify_mode=).with(Horse.verify_mode) Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {}) end it "sets verify mode to the default if provided (and none set in options)" do mode = "bar" Horse.verify_mode = "foo" @http_mock.should_receive(:verify_mode=).with(mode) Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {:verify_mode => mode}) end it "sets verify mode to OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER if no default or option is provided" do @http_mock.should_receive(:verify_mode=).with(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER) Horse.make_request('anything', {} , 'anything', {}) end end end it "should use the graph server by default" do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(Koala::Facebook::GRAPH_SERVER, anything).and_return(@http_mock) Horse.make_request('anything', {}, 'anything') end it "should use the REST server if the :rest_api option is true" do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(Koala::Facebook::REST_SERVER, anything).and_return(@http_mock) Horse.make_request('anything', {}, 'anything', :rest_api => true) end it "should start an HTTP connection" do @http_mock.should_receive(:start).and_yield(@http_yield_mock) Horse.make_request('anything', {}, 'anything') end it 'creates a HTTP Proxy object when options contain a proxy' do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(anything, anything, 'proxy', 1234, 'user', 'pass').and_return(@http_mock) Horse.make_request('anything', {}, 'anything', {:proxy => 'http://user:pass@proxy:1234'}) end it 'sets both timeouts when options contains a timeout' do @http_mock.should_receive(:open_timeout=).with(10) @http_mock.should_receive(:read_timeout=).with(10) Horse.make_request('anything', {}, 'anything', {:timeout => 10}) end describe "via POST" do it "should use Net::HTTP to make a POST request" do @http_yield_mock.should_receive(:post).and_return(@mock_http_response) Horse.make_request('anything', {}, 'post') end it "should go to the specified path adding a / if it doesn't exist" do path = mock('Path') @http_yield_mock.should_receive(:post).with(path, anything).and_return(@mock_http_response) Horse.make_request(path, {}, 'post') end it "should use encoded parameters" do args = {} params = mock('Encoded parameters') Horse.should_receive(:encode_params).with(args).and_return(params) @http_yield_mock.should_receive(:post).with(anything, params).and_return(@mock_http_response) Horse.make_request('anything', args, 'post') end describe "with multipart/form-data" do before(:each) do Horse.stub(:encode_multipart_params) Horse.stub("params_require_multipart?").and_return(true) @multipart_request_stub = stub('Stub Multipart Request') Net::HTTP::Post::Multipart.stub(:new).and_return(@multipart_request_stub) @file_stub = stub('fake File', "kind_of?" => true, "path" => 'anypath.jpg') @http_yield_mock.stub(:request).with(@multipart_request_stub).and_return(@mock_http_response) end it "should use multipart/form-data if any parameter is a valid file hash" do @http_yield_mock.should_receive(:request).with(@multipart_request_stub).and_return(@mock_http_response) Horse.make_request('anything', {}, 'post') end it "should use the given request path for the request" do args = {"file" => @file_stub} expected_path = 'expected/path' Net::HTTP::Post::Multipart.should_receive(:new).with(expected_path, anything).and_return(@multipart_request_stub) Horse.make_request(expected_path, {}, 'post') end it "should use multipart encoded arguments for the request" do args = {"file" => @file_stub} expected_params = stub('Stub Multipart Params') Horse.should_receive(:encode_multipart_params).with(args).and_return(expected_params) Net::HTTP::Post::Multipart.should_receive(:new).with(anything, expected_params).and_return(@multipart_request_stub) Horse.make_request('anything', args, 'post') end end end describe "via GET" do it "should use Net::HTTP to make a GET request" do @http_yield_mock.should_receive(:get).and_return(@mock_http_response) Horse.make_request('anything', {}, 'get') end it "should use the correct path, including arguments" do path = mock('Path') params = mock('Encoded parameters') args = {} Horse.should_receive(:encode_params).with(args).and_return(params) @http_yield_mock.should_receive(:get).with("#{path}?#{params}").and_return(@mock_http_response) Horse.make_request(path, args, 'get') end end describe "the returned value" do before(:each) do @response = Horse.make_request('anything', {}, 'anything') end it "should return a Koala::Response object" do @response.class.should == Koala::Response end it "should return a Koala::Response with the right status" do @response.status.should == @mock_http_response.code end it "should reutrn a Koala::Response with the right body" do @response.body.should == @mock_body end it "should return a Koala::Response with the Net::HTTPResponse object as headers" do @response.headers.should == @mock_http_response end end # describe return value end # describe when making a request describe "when detecting if multipart posting is needed" do it "should be true if any parameter value requires multipart post" do koala_io = mock("Koala::IO") koala_io.should_receive(:kind_of?).with(Koala::UploadableIO).and_return(true) args = { "key1" => "val", "key2" => "val", "key3" => koala_io, "key4" => "val" } Horse.params_require_multipart?(args).should be_true end describe "when encoding multipart/form-data params" do it "should replace Koala::UploadableIO values with UploadIO values" do upload_io =, "fake type") uploadable_io = stub('Koala::UploadableIO') uploadable_io.should_receive(:kind_of?).with(Koala::UploadableIO).and_return(true) uploadable_io.should_receive(:to_upload_io).and_return(upload_io) args = { "not_a_file" => "not a file", "file" => uploadable_io } result = Horse.encode_multipart_params(args) result["not_a_file"] == args["not_a_file"] result["file"] == upload_io end end end end