module Learn class OptionsSanitizer attr_reader :args SANITIZE_LIST = { '-e' => '--editor', '-t' => '--template' } KNOWN_COMMANDS = [ 'test', 'help', 'version', '-v', '--version', 'submit', 'open', 'reset', 'whoami', 'directory', 'next', 'doctor', 'new', 'status', 'hello', 'save' ] KNOWN_TEST_FLAGS = [ '--no-color', '-b', '--browser', '-s', '--skip', '--keep' ] def initialize(args) @args = args end def sanitize! sanitize_non_test_args! sanitize_test_args! end private # Sanitization methods def sanitize_non_test_args!! do |arg| SANITIZE_LIST[arg] ? SANITIZE_LIST[arg] : arg end end def sanitize_test_args! if missing_or_unknown_args? handle_missing_or_unknown_args elsif has_test_command_and_invalid_flag? exit_with_invalid_flag elsif has_test_command_and_output_flag? check_for_output_file(add_test_command: false) end end # Arg manipulation methods def handle_missing_or_unknown_args if first_arg_not_a_flag_or_file? exit_with_unknown_command elsif has_output_flag? check_for_output_file elsif only_has_flag_arguments? add_test_command else exit_with_cannot_understand end end def check_for_output_file(add_test_command: true) index = args.index('-o') || args.index('--out') if output_file_specified?(index) initial_arg_index = add_test_command ? 0 : 1 out_arg = "#{args[index]} #{args[index+1]}" delete_output_file_args!(index) if only_has_known_test_flags?(initial_arg_index) rebuild_args!(output_file_arg: out_arg, add_test_command: add_test_command) else exit_with_unknown_flags end else exit_with_missing_output_file end end def delete_output_file_args!(index) args.delete_at(index+1) args.delete_at(index) end def rebuild_args!(output_file_arg:, add_test_command:) args.unshift('test') if add_test_command args.push(output_file_arg) end def add_test_command args.unshift('test') end # Arg check methods def missing_or_unknown_args? args.empty? || !KNOWN_COMMANDS.include?(args[0]) end def first_arg_not_a_flag_or_file? args[0] && !args[0].start_with?('-') && first_arg_not_a_file? end def first_arg_not_a_file? ['/', '.'].none? { |punct| args[0].include?(punct) } && !File.exists?(args[0]) end def arg_is_a_file?(arg) arg && (['/', '.'].any? { |punct| arg.include?(punct) } || File.exists?(arg)) end def has_output_flag? args.any? {|arg| ['-o', '--out'].include?(arg)} end def only_has_known_test_flags?(start_index) if arg_is_a_file?(args[start_index]) start_index += 1 end args[start_index..-1].all? {|arg| KNOWN_TEST_FLAGS.include?(arg)} end def output_file_specified?(index) args[index+1] && !args[index+1].start_with?('-') end def only_has_flag_arguments? if arg_is_a_file?(args[0]) args[1..-1].all? {|arg| arg.start_with?('-')} else args.all? {|arg| arg.start_with?('-')} end end def has_test_command_and_invalid_flag? args[0] == 'test' && args[1] && !args[1].start_with?('-') && !arg_is_a_file?(args[1]) end def has_test_command_and_output_flag? args[0] == 'test' && args.any? {|arg| ['-o', '--out'].include?(arg)} end # Exit methods def exit_with_invalid_flag puts "Invalid flag: #{args[1]}" exit end def exit_with_unknown_command puts "Unknown command: #{args[0]}. Type `learn help` to see what you can do." exit end def exit_with_cannot_understand puts "Sorry, I can't understand what you're trying to do. Type `learn help` for help." exit end def exit_with_unknown_flags unknown_flags = {|arg| !KNOWN_TEST_FLAGS.include?(arg)} puts "Unknown #{unknown_flags.count > 1 ? 'flags' : 'flag'}: #{unknown_flags.join(', ')}" exit end def exit_with_missing_output_file puts "Must specify an output file when using the -o, --out flag." exit end end end