<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <display_name>Calibration Reports Enhanced</display_name>
  <description>This measure is intended for calibibration of modeled results against user entered utility bill.</description>
  <modeler_description>Measure looks at consumption for electricity and natural gas, and demand for electricity. It is inteneded to be used with no more than one gas an electric bills. Each bill can have multiple billing periods. Make sure ot use an AMY matching the utility data time frame.</modeler_description>
      <display_name>Electric NMBE limit (%)</display_name>
      <display_name>Electric CVRMSE limit (%)</display_name>
      <display_name>Gas NMBE limit (%)</display_name>
      <display_name>Gas CVRMSE limit (%)</display_name>
      <display_name>Fuel Oil#2 NMBE limit (%)</display_name>
      <display_name>Fuel Oil#2 CVRMSE limit (%)</display_name>
  <provenances />
      <name>Measure Type</name>
      <name>Uses SketchUp API</name>