Trinidad Daemon Extension ======= # DESCRIPTION Extension to run Trinidad server as a daemon. [WARNING] This extension only works with Trinidad 0.8.3 or above. # INSTALLATION jruby -S gem install trinidad_daemon_extension # USAGE This extension can be enabled from the Trinidad's configuration file or from the command line. It uses a temporal directory to write the pid file but its route can be overrided. * To enable it from the configuration file you have to add a section "extensions" to the root of the file and the section "daemon" to this one. The pid file can be specified there: --- extensions: daemon: pid_file: ./ # this is optional by default the extension writes the pid file into a temporal directory. * To enable it from the command line you have to load the extension first and then add one of these options: --daemonize [PID_FILE] for instance: $ jruby -S trinidad --load daemon --daemonize ./ The log file where the daemon writes its logs is also configurable from the trinidad's configuration file. By default it writes the logs into the file log/trinidad.log with the level INFO, to modify this behaviour you just need to add these lines under the daemon configuration: --- extensions: daemon: log: file: trinidad.log # where the daemon writes its output level: ALL # severity level, it cn be one of these: ALL, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST, INFO, OFF, SEVERE, WARNING This log is enabled by default but if we don't need it or we are using another logger system we can also disable it: --- extension: daemon: nolog: The extension also allows to add new JVM arguments to run the daemon with. They just need to be added into the configuration file: --- extensions: daemon: jvm_args: '-XX:MaxPermSize=512m' You can find further information on how to write your own extension in the wiki: # Copyright Copyright (c) 2010 David Calavera. See LICENSE for details.