# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- module Axlsx # Package is responsible for managing all the bits and peices that Open Office XML requires to make a valid # xlsx document including valdation and serialization. class Package # Initializes your package # # @param [Hash] options A hash that you can use to specify the author and workbook for this package. # @option options [String] :author The author of the document # @example Package.new :author => 'you!', :workbook => Workbook.new def initialize(options={}) @workbook = nil @core, @app = Core.new, App.new @core.creator = options[:author] || @core.creator yield self if block_given? end # The workbook this package will serialize or validate. # @return [Workbook] If no workbook instance has been assigned with this package a new Workbook instance is returned. # @raise ArgumentError if workbook parameter is not a Workbook instance. # @note As there are multiple ways to instantiate a workbook for the package, # here are a few examples: # # assign directly during package instanciation # wb = Package.new(:workbook => Workbook.new).workbook # # # get a fresh workbook automatically from the package # wb = Pacakge.new().workbook # # # set the workbook after creating the package # wb = Package.new().workbook = Workbook.new def workbook @workbook || @workbook = Workbook.new end # @see workbook def workbook=(workbook) DataTypeValidator.validate "Package.workbook", Workbook, workbook; @workbook = workbook; end # Serialize your workbook to disk as an xlsx document. # # @param [File] output The file you want to serialize your package to # @param [Boolean] confirm_valid Validate the package prior to serialization. # @return [Boolean] False if confirm_valid and validation errors exist. True if the package was serialized # @note A tremendous amount of effort has gone into ensuring that you cannot create invalid xlsx documents. # confirm_valid should be used in the rare case that you cannot open the serialized file. # @see Package#validate # @example # # This is how easy it is to create a valid xlsx file. Of course you might want to add a sheet or two, and maybe some data, styles and charts. # # Take a look at the README for an example of how to do it! # f = File.open('test.xlsx', 'w') # Package.new.serialize(f) # # # You will find a file called test.xlsx def serialize(output, confirm_valid=false) return false unless !confirm_valid || self.validate.empty? p = parts Zip::ZipOutputStream.open(output) do |zip| p.each do |part| unless part[:doc].nil? zip.put_next_entry(part[:entry]); zip.puts(part[:doc]) end unless part[:path].nil? zip.put_next_entry(part[:entry]); # binread for 1.9.3 zip.write IO.respond_to?(:binread) ? IO.binread(part[:path]) : IO.read(part[:path]) end end end true end # Validate all parts of the package against xsd schema. # @return [Array] An array of all validation errors found. # @note This gem includes all schema from OfficeOpenXML-XMLSchema-Transitional.zip and OpenPackagingConventions-XMLSchema.zip # as per ECMA-376, Third edition. opc schema require an internet connection to import remote schema from dublin core for dc, # dcterms and xml namespaces. Those remote schema are included in this gem, and the original files have been altered to # refer to the local versions. # # If by chance you are able to creat a package that does not validate it indicates that the internal # validation is not robust enough and needs to be improved. Please report your errors to the gem author. # @see http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-376.htm # @example # # The following will output any error messages found in serialization. # p = Axlsx::Package.new # # ... code to create sheets, charts, styles etc. # p.validate.each { |error| puts error.message } def validate errors = [] parts.each { |part| errors.concat validate_single_doc(part[:schema], part[:doc]) unless part[:schema].nil? } errors end private # The parts of a package # @return [Array] An array of hashes that define the entry, document and schema for each part of the package. # @private def parts @parts = [ {:entry => RELS_PN, :doc => relationships.to_xml, :schema => RELS_XSD}, {:entry => CORE_PN, :doc => @core.to_xml, :schema => CORE_XSD}, {:entry => APP_PN, :doc => @app.to_xml, :schema => APP_XSD}, {:entry => WORKBOOK_RELS_PN, :doc => workbook.relationships.to_xml, :schema => RELS_XSD}, {:entry => WORKBOOK_PN, :doc => workbook.to_xml, :schema => SML_XSD}, {:entry => CONTENT_TYPES_PN, :doc => content_types.to_xml, :schema => CONTENT_TYPES_XSD}, {:entry => "xl/#{STYLES_PN}", :doc => workbook.styles.to_xml, :schema => SML_XSD} ] workbook.drawings.each do |drawing| @parts << {:entry => "xl/#{drawing.rels_pn}", :doc => drawing.relationships.to_xml, :schema => RELS_XSD} @parts << {:entry => "xl/#{drawing.pn}", :doc => drawing.to_xml, :schema => DRAWING_XSD} end workbook.charts.each do |chart| @parts << {:entry => "xl/#{chart.pn}", :doc => chart.to_xml, :schema => DRAWING_XSD} end workbook.images.each do |image| @parts << {:entry => "xl/#{image.pn}", :path => image.image_src} end workbook.worksheets.each do |sheet| @parts << {:entry => "xl/#{sheet.rels_pn}", :doc => sheet.relationships.to_xml, :schema => RELS_XSD} @parts << {:entry => "xl/#{sheet.pn}", :doc => sheet.to_xml, :schema => SML_XSD} end @parts end # Performs xsd validation for a signle document # # @param [String] schema path to the xsd schema to be used in validation. # @param [String] doc The xml text to be validated # @return [Array] An array of all validation errors encountered. # @private def validate_single_doc(schema, doc) schema = Nokogiri::XML::Schema(File.open(schema)) doc = Nokogiri::XML(doc) errors = [] schema.validate(doc).each do |error| errors << error end errors end # Appends override objects for drawings, charts, and sheets as they exist in your workbook to the default content types. # @return [ContentType] # @private def content_types c_types = base_content_types workbook.drawings.each do |drawing| c_types << Axlsx::Override.new(:PartName => "/xl/#{drawing.pn}", :ContentType => DRAWING_CT) end workbook.charts.each do |chart| c_types << Axlsx::Override.new(:PartName => "/xl/#{chart.pn}", :ContentType => CHART_CT) end workbook.worksheets.each do |sheet| c_types << Axlsx::Override.new(:PartName => "/xl/#{sheet.pn}", :ContentType => WORKSHEET_CT) end exts = workbook.images.map { |image| image.extname } exts.uniq.each do |ext| ct = if ['jpeg', 'jpg'].include?(ext) JPEG_CT elsif ext == 'gif' GIF_CT elsif ext == 'png' PNG_CT end c_types << Axlsx::Default.new(:ContentType => ct, :Extension => ext ) end c_types end # Creates the minimum content types for generating a valid xlsx document. # @return [ContentType] # @private def base_content_types c_types = ContentType.new() c_types << Default.new(:ContentType => RELS_CT, :Extension => RELS_EX) c_types << Default.new(:Extension => XML_EX, :ContentType => XML_CT) c_types << Override.new(:PartName => "/#{APP_PN}", :ContentType => APP_CT) c_types << Override.new(:PartName => "/#{CORE_PN}", :ContentType => CORE_CT) c_types << Override.new(:PartName => "/xl/#{STYLES_PN}", :ContentType => STYLES_CT) c_types << Axlsx::Override.new(:PartName => "/#{WORKBOOK_PN}", :ContentType => WORKBOOK_CT) c_types.lock c_types end # Creates the relationships required for a valid xlsx document # @return [Relationships] # @private def relationships rels = Axlsx::Relationships.new rels << Relationship.new(WORKBOOK_R, WORKBOOK_PN) rels << Relationship.new(CORE_R, CORE_PN) rels << Relationship.new(APP_R, APP_PN) rels.lock rels end end end