# Dialog windows # class window.Alchemy.Dialog DEFAULTS: header_height: 36 size: '400x300' padding: true title: '' modal: true overflow: 'visible' ready: -> closed: -> # Arguments: # - url: The url to load the content from via ajax # - options: A object holding options # - size: The maximum size of the Dialog # - title: The title of the Dialog constructor: (@url, @options = {}) -> @options = $.extend({}, @DEFAULTS, @options) @$document = $(document) @$window = $(window) @$body = $('body') size = @options.size.split('x') @width = parseInt(size[0], 10) @height = parseInt(size[1], 10) @build() # Opens the Dialog and loads the content via ajax. open: -> @dialog.trigger 'Alchemy.DialogOpen' @bind_close_events() window.requestAnimationFrame => @dialog_container.addClass('open') @overlay.addClass('open') if @overlay? @$body.addClass('prevent-scrolling') Alchemy.currentDialogs.push(this) @load() true # Closes the Dialog and removes it from the DOM close: -> @dialog.trigger 'DialogClose.Alchemy' @$document.off 'keydown' @dialog_container.removeClass('open') @overlay.removeClass('open') if @overlay? @$document.on 'webkitTransitionEnd transitionend oTransitionEnd', => @$document.off 'webkitTransitionEnd transitionend oTransitionEnd' @dialog_container.remove() @overlay.remove() if @overlay? @$body.removeClass('prevent-scrolling') Alchemy.currentDialogs.pop(this) if @options.closed? @options.closed() true # Loads the content via ajax and replaces the Dialog body with server response. load: -> @show_spinner() $.get @url, (data) => @replace(data) .fail (xhr) => @show_error(xhr) true # Reloads the Dialog content reload: -> @dialog_body.empty() @load() # Replaces the dialog body with given content and initializes it. replace: (data) -> @remove_spinner() @dialog_body.hide() @dialog_body.html(data) @init() @dialog[0].dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent( "DialogReady.Alchemy", bubbles: true detail: body: @dialog_body[0] )) if @options.ready? @options.ready(@dialog_body) @dialog_body.show() true # Adds a spinner into Dialog body show_spinner: -> @spinner = new Alchemy.Spinner('medium') @spinner.spin(@dialog_body[0]) # Removes the spinner from Dialog body remove_spinner: -> @spinner.stop() # Initializes the Dialog body init: -> Alchemy.GUI.init(@dialog_body) @watch_remote_forms() # Watches ajax requests inside of dialog body and replaces the content accordingly watch_remote_forms: -> form = $('[data-remote="true"]', @dialog_body) form.bind "ajax:success", (event) => xhr = event.detail[2] content_type = xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Type') if content_type.match(/javascript/) return else @dialog_body.html(xhr.responseText) @init() return form.bind "ajax:error", (event, b, c) => statusText = event.detail[1] xhr = event.detail[2] @show_error(xhr, statusText) return # Displays an error message show_error: (xhr, status_message, $container = @dialog_body) -> error_type = "warning" switch xhr.status when 0 error_header = "The server does not respond." error_body = "Please check server and try again." when 403 error_header = "You are not authorized!" error_body = "Please close this window." else error_type = "error" if status_message error_header = status_message console.error(xhr.responseText) else error_header = "#{xhr.statusText} (#{xhr.status})" error_body = "Please check log and try again." $errorDiv = $("
") $errorDiv.append Alchemy.messageIcon(error_type) $errorDiv.append "


" $errorDiv.append "


" $container.html $errorDiv # Binds close events on: # - Close button # - Overlay (if the Dialog is a modal) # - ESC Key bind_close_events: -> @close_button.on "click", => @close() false @dialog_container.addClass('closable').on "click", (e) => return true if e.target != @dialog_container.get(0) @close() false @$document.keydown (e) => if e.which == 27 @close() false else true # Builds the html structure of the Dialog build: -> @dialog_container = $('
') @dialog = $('
') @dialog_body = $('
') @dialog_header = $('
') @dialog_title = $('
') @close_button = $('') @dialog_title.text(@options.title) @dialog_header.append(@dialog_title) @dialog_header.append(@close_button) @dialog.append(@dialog_header) @dialog.append(@dialog_body) @dialog_container.append(@dialog) @dialog.addClass('modal') if @options.modal @dialog_body.addClass('padded') if @options.padding if @options.modal @overlay = $('
') @$body.append(@overlay) @$body.append(@dialog_container) @resize() @dialog # Sets the correct size of the dialog # It normalizes the given size, so that it never acceeds the window size. resize: -> padding = 16 $doc_width = @$window.width() $doc_height = @$window.height() if @options.size == 'fullscreen' [@width, @height] = [$doc_width, $doc_height] if @width >= $doc_width @width = $doc_width - padding if @height >= $doc_height @height = $doc_height - padding - @DEFAULTS.header_height @dialog.css 'width': @width 'min-height': @height overflow: @options.overflow if @options.overflow == 'hidden' @dialog_body.css height: @height overflow: 'auto' else @dialog_body.css 'min-height': @height overflow: 'visible' return # Collection of all current dialog instances window.Alchemy.currentDialogs = [] # Gets the last dialog instantiated, which is the current one. window.Alchemy.currentDialog = -> length = Alchemy.currentDialogs.length return if length == 0 Alchemy.currentDialogs[length - 1] # Utility function to close the current Dialog # # You can pass a callback function, that gets triggered after the Dialog gets closed. # window.Alchemy.closeCurrentDialog = (callback) -> dialog = Alchemy.currentDialog() if dialog? dialog.options.closed = callback dialog.close() # Utility function to open a new Dialog window.Alchemy.openDialog = (url, options) -> if !url throw('No url given! Please provide an url.') dialog = new Alchemy.Dialog(url, options) dialog.open() # Watches elements for Alchemy Dialogs # # Links having a data-alchemy-confirm-delete # and input/buttons having a data-alchemy-confirm attribute get watched. # # You can pass a scope so that only elements inside this scope are queried. # # The href attribute of the link is the url for the overlay window. # # See Alchemy.Dialog for further options you can add to the data attribute # window.Alchemy.watchForDialogs = (scope = '#alchemy') -> $(scope).on 'click', '[data-alchemy-confirm-delete]', (event) -> $this = $(this) options = $this.data('alchemy-confirm-delete') Alchemy.confirmToDeleteDialog($this.attr('href'), options) event.preventDefault() return $(scope).on 'click', '[data-alchemy-confirm]', (event) -> options = $(this).data('alchemy-confirm') Alchemy.openConfirmDialog options.message, $.extend options, ok_label: options.ok_label cancel_label: options.cancel_label on_ok: => Alchemy.pleaseWaitOverlay() @form.submit() return event.preventDefault() return # Returns a Remix icon for given message type # window.Alchemy.messageIcon = (messageType) -> icon_class = switch messageType when "warning", "warn", "alert" then "alert" when "notice" then "check" when "error" then "bug" else messageType ""