module EpnApi class Paper attr_accessor :grade, :name, :annualqp, :recycledcontent, :trees, :water, :energy, :solid_waste, :greenhouse_gas def initialize(args) self.grade = args[:grade] or raise "Paper needs Grade" self.recycledcontent = args[:recycled_percent] or raise "Paper needs Recycled Percent" = args[:name] || get_name( args[:grade] ) self.annualqp= {"amount" => 100000, "qpunits" => "pounds"} %w(trees water energy solid_waste greenhouse_gas).each do |column| self.send("#{column}=", args[column.to_sym]) if args[column.to_sym] end end def get_name(grade) paper_name_hash = self.initialize_paper_hash paper_name_hash[grade] end def initialize_paper_hash paper_name_hash = { 1 => "Uncoated Freesheet (e.g. copy paper)" , 2 => "Coated Freesheet (e.g. high-end catalog)" , 3 => "Uncoated Groundwood (e.g. newsprint)" , 4 => "Coated Groundwood (e.g. catalog, magazine)" , 5 => "Supercalendered (e.g. newspaper inserts)" , 6 => "Corrugated: Unbleached" , 7 => "Corrugated: Semi-bleached" , 8 => "Corrugated: Bleached" , 9 => "Paperboard: Solid Bleached Sulfate (SBS)" , 10 => "Paperboard: Coated Unbleached Kraft (CUK)" , 11 => "Paperboard: Uncoated Bleached Kraft" , 12 => "Paperboard: Uncoated Unbleached Kraft" , 13 => "Paperboard: Coated Recycled Board (CRB)" , } end def unit_check raise "incorrect units" if self.annualqp != {"amount" => 100000, "qpunits" => "pounds"} return self.annualqp["amount"] end # def object_id_strip_from_string # new_paper_string = self.inspect.to_s # new_paper_id = self.extract_id # new_paper_string.gsub( new_paper_id, '' ) # end # # def extract_id # self.to_s[2..-2] # end # PUSH THIS PROCESS TO THE APP FROM THE WRAPPER, LET RAILS COMPARE # def compare(existing_paper) # new_paper_string = self.object_id_strip_from_string # existing_paper_string = existing_paper.object_id_strip_from_string # if (new_paper_string == existing_paper_string) # return false # else # return self # end # end def update_via_epn api_doc = api_doc.epn_response!( self ) self.to_return_hash end def to_return_hash return_hash = %w(grade recycledcontent name trees water energy solid_waste greenhouse_gas).each do |key| key, self.send("#{key}")) end return return_hash end end end