RSpec.describe Licensee::Project::LicenseFile do let(:filename) { 'LICENSE.txt' } let(:mit) { Licensee::License.find('mit') } let(:content) { sub_copyright_info(mit.content) } subject {, filename) } it 'parses the attribution' do expect(subject.attribution).to eql('Copyright (c) 2016 Ben Balter') end context 'with an non-UTF-8-encoded license' do let(:content) { "\x91License\x93".force_encoding('windows-1251') } it "doesn't blow up " do expect(subject.attribution).to be_nil end end it 'creates the wordset' do expect(subject.wordset.count).to eql(93) expect(subject.wordset.first).to eql('mit') end it 'creates the hash' do expect(subject.hash).to eql('750260c322080bab4c19fd55eb78bc73e1ae8f11') end context 'filename scoring' do { 'license' => 1.0, 'LICENCE' => 1.0, 'unLICENSE' => 1.0, 'unlicence' => 1.0, '' => 0.9, '' => 0.9, 'license.txt' => 0.9, 'COPYING' => 0.8, 'copyRIGHT' => 0.8, 'COPYRIGHT.txt' => 0.7, 'copying.txt' => 0.7, 'LICENSE.php' => 0.6, '' => 0.6, 'copying.image' => 0.5, 'COPYRIGHT.go' => 0.5, 'LICENSE-MIT' => 0.4, 'MIT-LICENSE.txt' => 0.4, '' => 0.4, 'COPYING-GPL' => 0.3, 'COPYRIGHT-BSD' => 0.3, 'README.txt' => 0.0 }.each do |filename, expected| context "a file named #{filename}" do let(:score) { described_class.name_score(filename) } it 'scores the file' do expect(score).to eql(expected) end end end context 'LGPL scoring' do { 'COPYING.lesser' => 1, 'copying.lesser' => 1, 'license.lesser' => 0, '' => 0, '' => 0 }.each do |filename, expected| context "a file named #{filename}" do let(:score) { described_class.lesser_gpl_score(filename) } it 'scores the file' do expect(score).to eql(expected) end end end end context 'preferred license regex' do %w(md markdown txt).each do |ext| it "matches .#{ext}" do expect(described_class::PREFERRED_EXT_REGEX).to match(".#{ext}") end end it 'does not match .md2' do expect(described_class::PREFERRED_EXT_REGEX).to_not match('.md2') end it 'does not match .md/foo' do expect(described_class::PREFERRED_EXT_REGEX).to_not match('.md/foo') end end context 'any extension regex' do it 'matches .foo' do expect(described_class::ANY_EXT_REGEX).to match('.foo') end it 'does not match .md/foo' do expect(described_class::ANY_EXT_REGEX).to_not match('.md/foo') end end context 'license regex' do %w(LICENSE licence unlicense LICENSE-MIT MIT-LICENSE).each do |license| it "matches #{license}" do expect(described_class::LICENSE_REGEX).to match(license) end end end context 'copying regex' do %w(COPYING copyright).each do |copying| it "matches #{copying}" do expect(described_class::COPYING_REGEX).to match(copying) end end end end end