module Kangaroo module Util # Proxy to the object service (at /xmlrpc/object), which provides everything # to read, create and modify OpenERP objects. # # @example Configure Kangaroo and get the database instance # config = 'spec/test_env/test.yml' # client = config.client # database = client.database # # @example # database.object('product.product').fields_get ['name', 'description'] # # @note OpenERPs object service actually only exposes the method 'execute', which needs the # ORM method to call (e.g. fields_get) as first argument, and then the model to operate on. # Proxy::Object already takes care of that, so that you can call ORM methods directly. (see example) # class Proxy::Object < Proxy # Call function via execute on OpenERPs object service. # # @param name function name to call # @return returned value def call! name, *args super :execute, name, *args end # Get for a model # # @param [Array] list of field names, nil for all # @param [Hash] context # @return [Hash] field names and properties def fields_get fields = nil, context = {} call! :fields_get, fields, context end # Get default values for a model # # @param [Array] fields list of field names # @param [Hash] context # @return [Hash] def default_get fields = nil, context = nil call! :default_get, fields, context end # Get names of records for to-many relationships # # @param [Array] ids # @param [Hash] context # @return [Array] List of arrays [id, name] def name_get ids, context = nil call! :name_get, ids, context end # Search for records by name # # @param [String] name # @param [Array] args # @param [String] operator # @param [Hash] context # @param [Number] limit # @return list of object names def name_search name = '', args = nil, operator = 'ilike', context = nil, limit = 100 call! :name_search, name, args, operator, context, limit end # Read metadata for records, including # - create user # - create date # - write user # - write date # - xml id # # @param [Array] ids # @param [Hash] context # @param [boolean] details # @return [Array] list of Hashes with metadata def read_perm ids, context = nil, details = false call! :read_perm, ids, context, details end # Copy a record # # @param id # @param default values to override on copy (defaults to nil) # @param [Hash] context # @return attributes of copied record def copy id, default = nil, context = nil call! :copy, id, default, context end # Check if records with given ids exist # # @param ids # @param context # @return [boolean] true if all exist, else false def exists ids, context = nil call! :exists, ids, context end # Get xml ids for records # # @param ids # @return [Hash] Hash with ids as keys and xml_ids as values def get_xml_id ids call! :get_xml_id, ids end # Create a new record # # @param [Hash] attributes attributes to set on new record # @return id of new record def create attributes, context = nil call! :create, attributes, context end # Search for records # # @param model_name OpenERP model to search # @param [Array] conditions search conditions # @param offset number of records to skip, defaults to 0 # @param limit max number of records, defaults to nil def search conditions, offset = 0, limit = nil, order = nil, context = nil, count = false call! :search, conditions, offset, limit, order, context, count end # Read fields from records # # @param [Array] ids ids of record to read fields from # @param [Array] fields fields to read # @param [Hash] context # @return [Array] Array of Hashes with field names and values def read ids, fields = [], context = nil call! :read, ids, fields, context end # Update records # # @param [Array] ids ids of record to update # @param [Hash] values Hash of field names => values # @return true def write ids, values, context = nil call! :write, ids, values, context end # Delete records # # @param [Array] ids ids to to remove # @return true def unlink ids, context = nil call! :unlink, ids, context end # Read records grouped by a field # # @param [Array] domain search conditions # @param [Array] fields field names to read # @param [Array] groupby field names to group by # @param offset number of records to skip (defaults to 0) # @param limit max number of records to retrieve (defaults to nil) # @param order order by clause # @return [Array] def read_group domain, fields, groupby, offset = 0, limit = nil, order = nil call! :read_group, domain, fields, groupby, offset, limit, order end # Export a set of records # # @param [Array] ids list of ids of records to export # @param [Array] fields list of fields of the selected records to export # @param [Hash] context def export_data ids, fields, context = nil call! :export_data, ids, fields, context end # Import a set of records with a single request # # @param [Array] fields fields to import # @param [Array] data an Array of Hashes which represent the records to import # @param [Hash] options for options see OpenERPs Technical Memento def import_data fields, data, options = {} options = { :mode => 'init', :current_module => '', :noupdate => false }.merge options.symbolize_keys call! :import_data, fields, data, *options.values_at(:mode, :current_module, :noupdate, :context, :filename) end end end end