require 'bundler' require 'sinatra' require '../lib/oauth2_dingtalk' ENV['APPID'] = 'APPID' ENV['APPSECRET'] = 'APPSECRET' class App < Sinatra::Base get '/' do redirect '/auth/dingding' end get '/auth/:provider/callback' do content_type 'application/json' puts MultiJson.encode(request.env) end get '/auth/failure' do content_type 'application/json' MultiJson.encode(request.env) end end use Rack::Session::Cookie, secret: 'change_me' use OmniAuth::Builder do # note that the scope is different from the default # we also have to repeat the default fields in order to get # the extra 'connections' field in there provider :dingding, ENV['APPID'], ENV['APPSECRET'] end run