require ADIWG::Mdtranslator::Readers::SbJson.readerModule('module_responsibleParty') require ADIWG::Mdtranslator::Readers::SbJson.readerModule('module_dateTime') # require ADIWG::Mdtranslator::Readers::SbJson.readerModule('module_resourceMaintenance') # require ADIWG::Mdtranslator::Readers::SbJson.readerModule('module_metadataExtension') # require ADIWG::Mdtranslator::Readers::SbJson.readerModule('module_resourceIdentifier') # require ADIWG::Mdtranslator::Readers::SbJson.readerModule('module_citation') # require ADIWG::Mdtranslator::Readers::SbJson.readerModule('module_locale') module ADIWG module Mdtranslator module Readers module SbJson module MetadataInfo def self.unpack(hMetadata, responseObj, intObj) # return nil object if input is empty intMetadataInfo = nil return if hMetadata.empty? # instance classes needed in script intMetadataClass = intMetadataInfo = intMetadataClass.newMetadataInfo hMetadataInfo = hMetadata # metadata - metadata identifier if hMetadataInfo.key?('id') hMetadataId = hMetadataInfo['id'] unless hMetadataId.empty? rId = intMetadataClass.newResourceId rId[:identifier] = hMetadataId rId[:identifierType] = 'uuid' rId[:identifierNamespace] = 'gov.sciencebase.catalog' rId[:identifierDescription] = 'The unique ScienceBase id of the resource.' intMetadataInfo[:metadataId] = rId end end # metadata - parent metadata identifier if hMetadataInfo.key?('parentId') hParentId = hMetadataInfo['parentId'] hParent = intMetadataClass.newCitation hParent[:citTitle] = 'Parent Metadata identifier' pId = intMetadataClass.newResourceId pId[:identifier] = hParentId pId[:identifierType] = 'uuid' pId[:identifierNamespace] = 'gov.sciencebase.catalog' pId[:identifierDescription] = 'The unique ScienceBase id of the parent resource.' hParent[:citResourceIds] << pId pParty = intMetadataClass.newRespParty pParty[:contactId] = 'SB' pParty[:roleName] = 'originator' hParent[:citResponsibleParty] << pParty intMetadataInfo[:parentMetadata] = hParent unless hParent.empty? end # metadata - metadata contacts, custodians # We're just injecting the first sbJSON contact here firstCont = intObj[:contacts][0] aCust = {} aCust['contactId'] = firstCont[:contactId] aCust['role'] = firstCont[:primaryRole] intMetadataInfo[:metadataCustodians] << ResponsibleParty.unpack(aCust, responseObj) # metadata - creation date if hMetadataInfo.key?('provenance') s = hMetadataInfo['provenance']['dateCreated'] if s != '' hDateTime = SbDateTime.unpack(s, responseObj) hDateTime[:dateType] = 'creation' intMetadataInfo[:metadataCreateDate] = hDateTime end end # metadata - date of last metadata update if hMetadataInfo.key?('provenance') s = hMetadataInfo['provenance']['lastUpdated'] if s != '' hDateTime = SbDateTime.unpack(s, responseObj) hDateTime[:dateType] = 'lastUpdate' intMetadataInfo[:metadataUpdateDate] = hDateTime end end # metadata - characterSet - default 'utf8' intMetadataInfo[:metadataCharacterSet] = 'utf8' # metadata - locale intLocale = intMetadataClass.newLocale intLocale[:languageCode] = 'eng' intLocale[:countryCode] = 'USA' intLocale[:characterEncoding] = 'UTF-8' intMetadataInfo[:metadataLocales] << intLocale # metadata - metadata URI intMetadataInfo[:metadataURI] = '' + hMetadataInfo['id'] unless hMetadataInfo['id'].nil? # metadata - status # if hMetadataInfo.has_key?('metadataStatus') # s = hMetadataInfo['metadataStatus'] # if s != '' # intMetadataInfo[:metadataStatus] = s # end # end # metadata - metadata maintenance info intResMaint = intMetadataClass.newResourceMaint # resource maintenance - frequency code intResMaint[:maintFreq] = 'asNeeded' # resource maintenance - contact intResMaint[:maintContacts] << intMetadataInfo[:metadataCustodians][0] intMetadataInfo[:maintInfo] = intResMaint intMetadataInfo end end end end end end