require File.expand_path '../helper', __FILE__ class ConfigurationTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include DefinesConstants should "provide default values" do assert_config_default :proxy_host, nil assert_config_default :proxy_port, nil assert_config_default :proxy_user, nil assert_config_default :proxy_pass, nil assert_config_default :project_root, nil assert_config_default :environment_name, nil assert_config_default :logger, nil assert_config_default :notifier_version, Airbrake::VERSION assert_config_default :notifier_name, 'Airbrake Notifier' assert_config_default :notifier_url, '' assert_config_default :secure, false assert_config_default :host, '' assert_config_default :http_open_timeout, 2 assert_config_default :http_read_timeout, 5 assert_config_default :ignore_by_filters, [] assert_config_default :ignore_user_agent, [] assert_config_default :params_filters, Airbrake::Configuration::DEFAULT_PARAMS_FILTERS assert_config_default :params_whitelist_filters, Airbrake::Configuration::DEFAULT_PARAMS_WHITELIST_FILTERS assert_config_default :backtrace_filters, Airbrake::Configuration::DEFAULT_BACKTRACE_FILTERS assert_config_default :rake_environment_filters, [] assert_config_default :ignore, Airbrake::Configuration::IGNORE_DEFAULT assert_config_default :development_lookup, true assert_config_default :framework, 'Standalone' assert_config_default :async, nil assert_config_default :project_id, nil end should "set GirlFriday/SuckerPunch-callable for async=true" do config = config.async = true assert config.async.respond_to?(:call) end should "raise error for rake integration if rake handler isn't loaded" do config = assert_raises(LoadError) { config.rescue_rake_exceptions = true } end should "set provided-callable for async {}" do config = config.async {|notice| :ok} assert config.async.respond_to?(:call) assert_equal :ok, end should "provide default values for secure connections" do config = = true assert_equal 443, config.port assert_equal 'https', config.protocol end should "provide default values for insecure connections" do config = = false assert_equal 80, config.port assert_equal 'http', config.protocol end should "not cache inferred ports" do config = = false config.port = true assert_equal 443, config.port end should "allow values to be overwritten" do assert_config_overridable :proxy_host assert_config_overridable :proxy_port assert_config_overridable :proxy_user assert_config_overridable :proxy_pass assert_config_overridable :secure assert_config_overridable :host assert_config_overridable :port assert_config_overridable :http_open_timeout assert_config_overridable :http_read_timeout assert_config_overridable :project_root assert_config_overridable :notifier_version assert_config_overridable :notifier_name assert_config_overridable :notifier_url assert_config_overridable :environment_name assert_config_overridable :development_lookup assert_config_overridable :logger assert_config_overridable :async assert_config_overridable :project_id assert_config_overridable :params_filters end should "have an api key" do assert_config_overridable :api_key end should "act like a hash" do config = hash = config.to_hash [:api_key, :backtrace_filters, :development_environments, :environment_name, :host, :http_open_timeout, :http_read_timeout, :ignore, :ignore_by_filters, :ignore_user_agent, :notifier_name, :notifier_url, :notifier_version, :params_filters, :project_root, :port, :protocol, :proxy_host, :proxy_pass, :proxy_port, :proxy_user, :secure, :development_lookup, :async].each do |option| assert_equal config[option], hash[option], "Wrong value for #{option}" end end should "be mergable" do config = hash = config.to_hash assert_equal hash.merge(:key => 'value'), config.merge(:key => 'value') end should "allow param filters to be appended" do assert_appends_value :params_filters end should "allow rake environment filters to be appended" do assert_appends_value :rake_environment_filters end should "allow ignored user agents to be appended" do assert_appends_value :ignore_user_agent end should "allow backtrace filters to be appended" do assert_appends_value(:backtrace_filters) do |config| new_filter = lambda {} config.filter_backtrace(&new_filter) new_filter end end should "allow ignore by filters to be appended" do assert_appends_value(:ignore_by_filters) do |config| new_filter = lambda {} config.ignore_by_filter(&new_filter) new_filter end end should "allow ignored exceptions to be appended" do config = original_filters = config.ignore.dup new_filter = 'hello' config.ignore << new_filter assert_same_elements original_filters + [new_filter], config.ignore end should "allow ignored exceptions to be replaced" do assert_replaces(:ignore, :ignore_only=) end should "allow ignored rake exceptions to be appended" do config = original_filters = config.ignore_rake.dup new_filter = 'hello' config.ignore_rake << new_filter assert_same_elements original_filters + [new_filter], config.ignore_rake end should "allow ignored rake exceptions to be replaced" do assert_replaces(:ignore_rake, :ignore_rake_only=) end should "allow ignored user agents to be replaced" do assert_replaces(:ignore_user_agent, :ignore_user_agent_only=) end should "use development and test as development environments by default" do config = assert_same_elements %w(development test cucumber), config.development_environments end context "configured?" do setup do @config = end should "be true if given an api_key" do @config.api_key = "1234" assert @config.configured? end should "be false with a nil api_key" do @config.api_key = nil assert !@config.configured? end should "be false with a blank api_key" do @config.api_key = '' assert !@config.configured? end end should "be public in a public environment" do config = config.development_environments = %w(development) config.environment_name = 'production' assert config.public? end should "not be public in a development environment" do config = config.development_environments = %w(staging) config.environment_name = 'staging' assert !config.public? end should "be public without an environment name" do config = assert config.public? end should "use the assigned logger if set" do config = config.logger = "CUSTOM LOGGER" assert_equal "CUSTOM LOGGER", config.logger end should 'give a new instance if non defined' do Airbrake.configuration = nil assert_kind_of Airbrake::Configuration, Airbrake.configuration end should 'reject invalid user attributes' do silence_warnings config = config.user_attributes = %w(id foo) assert_equal %w(id), config.user_attributes end should "warn about invalid attributes" do stub_warnings config = config.user_attributes = %w(id foo bar baz) %w(foo bar baz).each do |attr| assert_match(/Unsupported user attribute: '#{attr}'/, Kernel.warnings) end end def assert_config_default(option, default_value, config = nil) config ||= assert_equal default_value, config.send(option) end def assert_config_overridable(option, value = 'a value') config = config.send(:"#{option}=", value) assert_equal value, config.send(option) end def assert_appends_value(option, &block) config = original_values = config.send(option).dup block ||= lambda do |conf| new_value = 'hello' conf.send(option) << new_value new_value end new_value = assert_same_elements original_values + [new_value], config.send(option) end def assert_replaces(option, setter) config = new_value = 'hello' config.send(setter, [new_value]) assert_equal [new_value], config.send(option) config.send(setter, new_value) assert_equal [new_value], config.send(option) end # monkeypatches Kernel.warn so we can read warnings from # Kernel.warnings def stub_warnings Kernel.class_eval do @@warnings = [] def warn(*messages) @@warnings += messages end def self.warnings @@warnings.join("\n") end end end def silence_warnings Kernel.class_eval { def warn(*args); end } end end