=== 3.9.0 (2010-03-04) * Allow loading adapters and extensions from outside of the Sequel lib directory (jeremyevans) * Make limit and offset work as bound variables in prepared statements (jeremyevans) * In the single_table_inheritance plugin, handle case where the sti_key is nil or '' specially (jeremyevans) (#287) * Handle IN/NOT IN with an empty array (jeremyevans) * Emulate IN/NOT IN with multiple columns where the database doesn't support it and a dataset is given (jeremyevans) * Add Dataset#unused_table_alias, for generating a table alias that has not yet been used in the query (jeremyevans) * Support an empty database argument in bin/sequel, useful for testing things without a real database (jeremyevans) * Support for schemas and aliases when eager graphing (jeremyevans) * Handle using an SQL::Identifier as an 4th option to Dataset#join_table (jeremyevans) * Move gem spec from Rakefile to a .gemspec file, for compatibility with gem build and builder (jeremyevans) (#285) * Fix MSSQL 2005+ offset emulation on ruby 1.9 (jeremyevans) * Make active_model plugin work with ActiveModel 3.0 beta Lint specs, now requires active_model (jeremyevans) * Correctly create foreign key constraints on MySQL with the InnoDB engine, but you must specify the :key option (jeremyevans) * Add an optimistic_locking plugin for models, similar to ActiveRecord's optimistic locking support (jeremyevans) * Handle implicitly qualified symbols in UPDATE statements, useful for updating joined datasets (jeremyevans) * Have schema_dumper extension pass options hash to Database#tables (jeremyevans) (#283) * Make all internal uses of require thread-safe (jeremyevans) * Refactor connection pool into 4 separate pools, increase performance for unsharded setups (jeremyevans) * Change a couple instance_evaled lambdas into procs, for 1.9.2 compatibility (jeremyevans) * Raise error message earlier if DISTINCT ON is used on SQLite (jeremyevans) * Speed up prepared statements on SQLite (jeremyevans) * Correctly handle ODBC timestamps when database_timezone is nil (jeremyevans) * Add Sequel::ValidationFailed#errors (tmm1) === 3.8.0 (2010-01-04) * Catch cases in the postgres adapter where exceptions weren't converted or raised appropriately (jeremyevans) * Don't double escape backslashes in string literals in the mssql shared adapter (john_firebaugh) * Fix order of ORDER and HAVING clauses in the mssql shared adapter (mluu) * Add validates_type to the validation_helpers plugin (mluu) * Attempt to detect database disconnects in the JDBC adapter (john_firebaugh) * Add Sequel::SQL::Expression#==, so arbtirary expressions can be compared by value (dlee) * Respect the :size option for the generic File type on MySQL to create tinyblob, mediumblob, and longblob (ibc) * Don't use the OUTPUT clause on SQL Server versions that don't support it (pre-2005) (jeremyevans) (#281) * Raise DatabaseConnectionErrors in the single-threaded connection pool if unable to connect (jeremyevans) * Fix handling of non-existent server in single-threaded connection pool (jeremyevans) * Default to using mysqlplus driver in the native mysql adapter, fall back to mysql driver (ibc, jeremyevans) * Handle 64-bit integers in JDBC prepared statements (paulfras) * Improve blob support when using the H2 JDBC subadapter (nullstyle, jeremyevans, paulfras) * Add Database#each_server, which yields a new Database object for each server in the connection pool which is connected to only that server (jeremyevans) * Add Dataset#each_server, which yields a dataset for each server in the connection pool which is will execute on that server (jeremyevans) * Remove meta_eval and metaclass private methods from Sequel::Metaprogramming (jeremyevans) * Merge Dataset::FROM_SELF_KEEP_OPTS into Dataset::NON_SQL_OPTIONS (jeremyevans) * Add Database#remove_servers for removing servers from the pool on the fly (jeremyevans) * When disconnecting servers, if there are any connections to the server currently in use, schedule them to be disconnected (jeremyevans) * Allow disconnecting specific server(s)/shard(s) in Database#disconnect via a :servers option (jeremyevans) * Handle multiple statements in a single query in the native MySQL adapter in all cases, not just when selecting via Dataset#each (jeremyevans) * In the boolean_readers plugin, don't raise an error if the model's columns can't be determined (jeremyevans) * In the identity_map plugin, remove instances from the cache if they are deleted/destroyed (jeremyevans) * Add Database#add_servers, for adding new servers/shards on the fly (chuckremes, jeremyevans) === 3.7.0 (2009-12-01) * Add Dataset#sequence to the shared Oracle Adapter, for returning autogenerated primary key values on insert (jeremyevans) (#280) * Bring support for modifying joined datasets into Sequel proper, supported on MySQL and PostgreSQL (jeremyevans) * No longer use native autoreconnection in the mysql adapter (jeremyevans) * Add NULL, NOTNULL, TRUE, SQLTRUE, FALSE, and SQLFALSE constants (jeremyevans) * Add Dataset #select_map, #select_order_map, and #select_hash (jeremyevans) * Make Dataset#group_and_count handle arguments other than Symbols (jeremyevans) * Add :only_if_modified option to validates_unique method in validation_helpers plugin (jeremyevans) * Allow specifying the dataset alias via :alias option when using union/intersect/except (jeremyevans) * Allow Model#destroy to take an options hash and respect a :transaction option (john_firebaugh) * If a transaction is being used, raise_on_save_failure is false, and a before hook returns false, rollback the transaction (john_firebaugh, jeremyevans) * In the schema_dumper, explicitly specify the :type option if it isn't Integer (jeremyevans) * On postgres, use bigserial type if :type=>Bignum is given as an option to primary_key (jeremyevans) * Use READ_DEFAULT_GROUP in the mysql adapter to load the options in the client section of the my.cnf file (crohr) === 3.6.0 (2009-11-02) * Make the MSSQL shared adapter correctly parse the column schema information for tables in the non-default database schema (rohit.namjoshi) * Use save_changes instead of save when updating existing associated objects in the nested_attributes plugin (jeremyevans) * Allow Model#save_changes to accept an option hash that is passed to save, so you can save changes without validating (jeremyevans) * Make nested_attributes plugin add newly created objects to cached association array immediately (jeremyevans) * Make add_ association method not add the associated object to the cached array if it's already there (jeremyevans) * Add Model#modified! for explicitly marking an object as modified, so save_changes/update will run callbacks even if no columns have been modified (jeremyevans) * Add support for a :fields option in the nested attributes plugin, and only allow updating of the fields specified (jeremyevans) * Don't allow modifying keys related to the association when updating existing objects in the nested_attributes plugin (jeremyevans) * Add associated_object_keys method to AssociationReflection objects, specifying the key(s) in the associated model table related to the association (jeremyevans) * Support the memcached protocol in the caching plugin via the new :ignore_exceptions option (EppO, jeremyevans) * Don't modify array with a string and placeholders passed to Dataset#filter or related methods (jeremyevans) * Speed up Amalgalite adapter (copiousfreetime) * Fix bound variables on PostgreSQL when using nil and potentially other values (jeremyevans) * Allow easier overriding of default options used in the validation_helpers plugin (jeremyevans) * Have Dataset#literal_other call sql_literal on the object if it responds to it (heda, michaeldiamond) * Fix Dataset#explain in the amalgalite adapter (jeremyevans) * Have Model.table_name respect table aliases (jeremyevans) * Allow marshalling of saved model records after calling #marshallable! (jeremyevans) * one_to_many association methods now make sure that the removed object is currently associated to the receiver (jeremyevans) * Model association add_ and remove_ methods now have more descriptive error messages (jeremyevans) * Model association add_ and remove_ methods now make sure passed object is of the correct class (jeremyevans) * Model association remove_ methods now accept a primary key value and disassociate the associated model object (natewiger, jeremyevans) * Model association add_ methods now accept a hash and create a new associated model object (natewiger, jeremyevans) * Dataset#window for PostgreSQL datasets now respects previous windows (jeremyevans) * Dataset#simple_select_all? now ignores options that don't affect the SQL being issued (jeremyevans) * Account for table aliases in eager_graph (mluu) * Add support for MSSQL clustered index creation (mluu) * Implement insert_select in the MSSQL adapter via OUTPUT. Can be disabled via disable_insert_output. (jfirebaugh, mluu) * Correct error handling when beginning a transaction fails (jfirebaugh, mluu) * Correct JDBC binding for Time objects in prepared statements (jfirebaugh, jeremyevans) * Emulate JOIN USING clause poorly using JOIN ON if the database doesn't support JOIN USING (e.g. MSSQL, H2) (jfirebaugh, jeremyevans) * Support column aliases in Dataset#group_and_count (jfirebaugh) * Support preparing insert statements of the form insert(1,2,3) and insert(columns, values) (jfirebaugh) * Fix add_index for tables in non-default schema (jfirebaugh) * Allow named placeholders in placeholder literal strings (jeremyevans) * Allow the force_encoding plugin to work when refreshing (jeremyevans) * Add Dataset#bind for setting bound variable values before calling #call (jeremyevans) * Add additional join methods to Dataset: (cross|natural|(natural_)?(full|left|right))_join (jeremyevans) * Fix use a dataset aggregate methods (e.g. sum) on limited/grouped/etc. datasets (jeremyevans) * Clear changed_columns when saving new model objects with a database adapter that supports insert_select, such as postgres (jeremyevans) * Fix Dataset#replace with default values on MySQL, and respect insert-related options (jeremyevans) * Fix Dataset#lock on PostgreSQL (jeremyevans) * Fix Dataset#explain on SQLite (jeremyevans) * Add Dataset#use_cursor to the native postgres adapter, for processing large datasets (jeremyevans) * Don't ignore Class.inherited in Sequel::Model.inherited (antage) (#277) * Optimize JDBC::MySQL::DatabaseMethods#last_insert_id to prevent additional queries (tmm1) * Fix use of MSSQL with ruby 1.9 (cult hero) * Don't try to load associated objects when the current object has NULL for one of the key fields (jeremyevans) * No longer require GROUP BY to use HAVING, except on SQLite (jeremyevans) * Add emulated support for the lack of multiple column IN/NOT IN support in MSSQL and SQLite (jeremyevans) * Add emulated support for #ilike on MSSQL and H2 (jeremyevans) * Add a :distinct option for all associations, which uses the SQL DISTINCT clause (jeremyevans) * Don't require :: prefix for constant lookups in instance_evaled virtual row blocks on ruby 1.9 (jeremyevans) === 3.5.0 (2009-10-01) * Correctly literalize timezones in timestamps when using Oracle (jeremyevans) * Add class_table_inheritance plugin, supporting inheritance in the database using a table-per-model-class approach (jeremyevans) * Allow easier overriding of model code to insert and update individual records (jeremyevans) * Allow graphing to work on previously joined datasets, and eager graphing of models backed by joined datasets (jeremyevans) * Fix MSSQL emulated offset support for datasets with row_procs (e.g. Model datasets) (jeremyevans) * Support composite keys with set_primary_key when called with an array of multiple symbols (jeremyevans) * Fix select_more and order_more to not affect receiver (tamas.denes, jeremyevans) * Support composite keys in model associations, including many_through_many plugin support (jeremyevans) * Add the force_encoding plugin for forcing encoding of strings for models (requires ruby 1.9) (jeremyevans) * Support DataObjects 0.10 (previous DataObjects versions are now unsupported) (jeremyevans) * Allow the user to specify the ADO connection string via the :conn_string option (jeremyevans) * Add thread_local_timezones extension for allow per-thread overrides of the global timezone settings (jeremyevans) * Add named_timezones extension for using named timezones such as "America/Los_Angeles" using TZInfo (jeremyevans) * Pass through unsigned/elements/size and other options when altering columns on MySQL (tmm1) * Replace Dataset#virtual_row_block_call with Sequel.virtual_row (jeremyevans) * Allow Dataset #delete, #update, and #insert to respect existing WITH clauses on MSSQL (dlee, jeremyevans) * Add touch plugin, which adds Model#touch for updating an instance's timestamp, as well as touching associations when an instance is updated or destroyed (jeremyevans) * Add sql_expr extension, which adds the sql_expr to all objects, giving them easy access to Sequel's DSL (jeremyevans) * Add active_model plugin, which gives Sequel::Model an ActiveModel compliant API, passes the ActiveModel::Lint tests (jeremyevans) * Fix MySQL commands out of sync error when using queries with multiple result sets without retrieving all result sets (jeremyevans) * Allow splitting of multiple result sets into separate arrays when using multiple statements in a single query in the native MySQL adapter (jeremyevans) * Don't include primary key indexes when parsing MSSQL indexes on JDBC (jeremyevans) * Make Dataset#insert_select return nil on PostgreSQL if disable_insert_returning is used (jeremyevans) * Speed up execution of prepared statements with bound variables on MySQL (ibc@aliax.net) * Add association_dependencies plugin, for deleting, destroying, or nullifying associated objects when destroying a model object (jeremyevans) * Add :validate association option, set to false to not validate when implicitly saving associated objects (jeremyevans) * Add subclasses plugin, for recording all of a models subclasses and descendent classes (jeremyevans) * Add looser_typecasting extension, for using .to_f and .to_i instead of Kernel.Float and Kernel.Integer when typecasting floats and integers (jeremyevans) * Catch database errors when preparing statements or setting variable values when using the native MySQL adapter (jeremyevans) * Add typecast_on_load plugin, for fixing bad database typecasting when loading model objects (jeremyevans) * Detect more types of MySQL disconnection errors (jeremyevans) * Add Sequel.convert_exception_class for wrapping exceptions (jeremyevans) * Model#modified? now always considers new records as modified (jeremyevans) * Typecast before checking current model attribute value, instead of after (jeremyevans) * Don't attempt to use unparseable defaults as literals when dumping the schema for a MySQL database (jeremyevans) * Handle MySQL enum defaults in the schema dumper (jeremyevans) * Support Database#server_version on MSSQL (dlee, jeremyevans) * Support updating and deleting joined datasets on MSSQL (jfirebaugh) * Support the OUTPUT SQL clause on MSSQL delete, insert, and update statements (jfirebaugh) * Refactor generation of delete, insert, select, and update statements (jfirebaugh, jeremyevans) * Do a better job of parsing defaults on MSSQL (jfirebaugh) === 3.4.0 (2009-09-02) * Allow datasets without tables to work correctly on Oracle (mikegolod) * Add #invert, #asc, and #desc to OrderedExpression (dlee) * Allow validates_unique to take a block used to scope the uniqueness constraint (drfreeze, jeremyevans) * Automatically save a new many_to_many associated object when associating the object via add_* (jeremyevans) * Add a nested_attributes plugin for modifying associated objects directly through a model object (jeremyevans) * Add an instance_hooks plugin for adding hooks to specific model instances (jeremyevans) * Add a boolean_readers plugin for creating attribute? methods for boolean columns (jeremyevans) * Add Dataset#ungrouped which removes existing grouping (jeremyevans) * Make Dataset#group with nil or no arguments to remove existing grouping (dlee) * Fix using multiple emulated ALTER TABLE statements (e.g. drop_column) in a single alter_table block on SQLite (jeremyevans) * Don't allow inserting on a grouped dataset or a dataset that selects from multiple tables (jeremyevans) * Allow class Item < Sequel::Model(DB2) to work (jeremyevans) * Add Dataset#truncate for truncating tables (jeremyevans) * Add Database#run method for executing arbitrary SQL on a database (jeremyevans) * Handle index parsing correctly for tables in a non-default schema on JDBC (jfirebaugh) * Handle unique index parsing correctly when connecting to MSSQL via JDBC (jfirebaugh) * Add support for converting Time/DateTime to local or UTC time upon storage, retrieval, or typecasting (jeremyevans) * Accept a hash when typecasting values to date, time, and datetime types (jeremyevans) * Make JDBC adapter prepared statements support booleans, blobs, and potentially any type of object (jfirebaugh) * Refactor the inflection support and modify the default inflections (jeremyevans, dlee) * Make the serialization and lazy_attribute plugins add accessor methods to modules included in the class (jeremyevans) * Make Database#schema on JDBC include a :column_size entry specifying the maximum length/precision for the column (jfirebaugh) * Make Database#schema on JDBC accept a :schema option (dlee) * Fix Dataset#import when called with a dataset (jeremyevans) * Give a much more descriptive error message if the mysql.rb driver is detected (jeremyevans) * Make postgres adapter work with a modified postgres-pr that raises PGError (jeremyevans) * Make ODBC adapter respect Sequel.datetime_class (jeremyevans) * Add support for generic concepts of CURRENT_{DATE,TIME,TIMESTAMP} (jeremyevans) * Add a timestamps plugin for automatically creating hooks for create and update timestamps (jeremyevans) * Add support for serializing to json (derdewey) === 3.3.0 (2009-08-03) * Add an assocation_proxies plugin that uses proxies for associations (jeremyevans) * Have the add/remove/remove_all methods take additional arguments and pass them to the internal methods (clivecrous) * Move convert_tinyint_to_bool method from Sequel to Sequel::MySQL (jeremyevans) * Model associations now default to associating to classes in the same scope (jeremyevans, nougad) (#274) * Add Dataset#unlimited, similar to unfiltered and unordered (jeremyevans) * Make Dataset#from_self take an options hash and respect an :alias option, giving the alias to use (Phrogz) * Make the JDBC adapter accept a :convert_types option to turn off Java type conversion and double performance (jeremyevans) * Slight increase in ConnectionPool performance (jeremyevans) * SQL::WindowFunction can now be aliased/casted etc. just like SQL::Function (jeremyevans) * Model#save no longer attempts to update primary key columns (jeremyevans) * Sequel will now unescape values provided in connection strings (e.g. ado:///db?host=server%5cinstance) (jeremyevans) * Significant improvements to the ODBC and ADO adapters in general (jeremyevans) * The ADO adapter no longer attempts to use database transactions, since they never worked (jeremyevans) * Much better support for Microsoft SQL Server using the ADO, ODBC, and JDBC adapters (jeremyevans) * Support rename_column, set_column_null, set_column_type, and add_foreign_key on H2 (jeremyevans) * Support adding a column with a primary key or unique constraint to an existing table on SQLite (jeremyevans) * Support altering a column's type, null status, or default on SQLite (jeremyevans) * Fix renaming a NOT NULL column without a default on MySQL (nougad, jeremyevans) (#273) * Don't swallow DatabaseConnectionErrors when creating model subclasses (tommy.midttveit) === 3.2.0 (2009-07-02) * In the STI plugin, don't overwrite the STI field if it is already set (jeremyevans) * Add support for Common Table Expressions, which use the SQL WITH clause (jeremyevans) * Add SQL::WindowFunction, expand virtual row blocks to support them and other constructions (jeremyevans) * Add Model#autoincrementing_primary_key, for when the autoincrementing key isn't the same as the primary key (jeremyevans) * Add Dataset#ungraphed, to remove the splitting of results into subhashes or associated records (jeremyevans) * Support :opclass option for PostgreSQL indexes (tmi, jeremyevans) * Make parsing of server's version more reliable for PostgreSQL (jeremyevans) * Add Dataset#qualify, which is qualify_to with a first_source default (jeremyevans) * Add :ruby_default to parsed schema information, which contains a ruby object representing the database default (jeremyevans) * Fix changing a column's name, type, or null status on MySQL when column has a string default (jeremyevans) * Remove Dataset#to_table_reference protected method, no longer used (jeremyevans) * Fix thread-safety issue in stored procedure code (jeremyevans) * Remove SavepointTransactions module, integrate into Database code (jeremyevans) * Add supports_distinct_on? method (jeremyevans) * Remove SQLStandardDateFormat, replace with requires_sql_standard_datetimes? method (jeremyevans) * Remove UnsupportedIsTrue module, replace with supports_is_true? method (jeremyevans) * Remove UnsupportedIntersectExcept(All)? modules, replace with methods (jeremyevans) * Make Database#indexes work on PostgreSQL versions prior to 8.3 (tested on 7.4) (jeremyevans) * Fix bin/sequel using a YAML file on 1.9 (jeremyevans) * Allow connection pool options to be specified in connection string (jeremyevans) * Handle :user and :password options in the JDBC adapter (jeremyevans) * Fix warnings when using the ODBC adapter (jeremyevans) * Add opening_databases.rdoc file for describing how to connect to a database (mwlang, jeremyevans) * Significantly increase JDBC select performance (jeremyevans) * Slightly increase SQLite select performance using the native adapter (jeremyevans) * Majorly increase MySQL select performance using the native adapter (jeremyevans) * Pass through unsigned/elements/size and other options when altering columns on MySQL (tmm1) * Allow on_duplicate_key_update to affect Dataset#insert on MySQL (tmm1) * Support using a given table and column to store schema versions, using new Migrator.run method (bougyman, jeremyevans) * Fix foreign key table constraints on MySQL (jeremyevans) * Remove Dataset#table_exists?, use Database#table_exists? instead (jeremyevans) * Fix graphing of datasets with dataset sources (jeremyevans) (#271) * Raise a Sequel::Error if Sequel.connect is called with something other than a Hash or String (jeremyevans) (#272) * Add -N option to bin/sequel to not test the database connection (jeremyevans) * Make Model.grep call Dataset#grep instead of Enumerable#grep (jeremyevans) * Support the use of Regexp as first argument to StringExpression.like (jeremyevans) * Fix Database#indexes on PostgreSQL when the schema used is a symbol (jeremyevans) === 3.1.0 (2009-06-04) * Require the classes match to consider an association a reciprocal (jeremyevans) (#270) * Make Migrator work correctly with file names like 001_873465873465873465_some_name.rb (jeremyevans) (#267) * Add Dataset#qualify_to and #qualify_to_first_source, for qualifying unqualified identifiers in the dataset (jeremyevans) * All the use of #sql_subscript on most SQL::* objects, and support non-integer subscript values (jeremyevans) * Add reflection.rdoc file which explains and gives examples of many of Sequel's reflection methods (jeremyevans) * Add many_through_many plugin, allowing you to construct an association to multiple objects through multiple join tables (jeremyevans) * Add the :cartesian_product_number option to associations, for specifying if they can cause a cartesian product (jeremyevans) * Make :eager_graph association option work correctly when lazily loading many_to_many associations (jeremyevans) * Make eager_unique_table_alias consider joined tables as well as tables in the FROM clause (jeremyevans) * Make add_graph_aliases work correctly even if set_graph_aliases hasn't been used (jeremyevans) * Fix using :conditions that are a placeholder string in an association (e.g. :conditions=>['a = ?', 42]) (jeremyevans) * On MySQL, make Dataset#insert_ignore affect #insert as well as #multi_insert and #import (jeremyevans, tmm1) * Add -t option to bin/sequel to output the full backtrace if an exception is raised (jeremyevans) * Make schema_dumper extension ignore errors with indexes unless it is dumping in the database-specific type format (jeremyevans) * Don't dump partial indexes in the MySQL adapter (jeremyevans) * Add :ignore_index_errors option to Database#create_table and :ignore_errors option to Database#add_index (jeremyevans) * Make graphing a complex dataset work correctly (jeremyevans) * Fix MySQL command out of sync errors, disconnect from database if they occur (jeremyevans) * In the schema_dumper extension, do a much better job of parsing defaults from the database (jeremyevans) * On PostgreSQL, assume the public schema if one is not given and there is no default in Database#tables (jeremyevans) * Ignore a :default value if creating a String :text=>true or File column on MySQL, since it doesn't support defaults on text/blob columns (jeremyevans) * On PostgreSQL, do not raise an error when attempting to reset the primary key sequence for a table without a primary key (jeremyevans) * Allow plugins to have a configure method that is called on every attempt to load them (jeremyevans) * Attempting to load an already loaded plugin no longer calls the plugin's apply method (jeremyevans) * Make plugin's plugin_opts methods return an array of arguments if multiple arguments were given, instead of just the first argument (jeremyevans) * Keep track of loaded plugins at Model.plugins, allows plugins to depend on other plugins (jeremyevans) * Make Dataset#insert on PostgreSQL work with static SQL (jeremyevans) * Add lazy_attributes plugin, for creating attributes that can be lazily loaded from the database (jeremyevans) * Add tactical_eager_loading plugin, similar to DataMapper's strategic eager loading (jeremyevans) * Don't raise an error when loading a plugin with DatasetMethods where none of the methods are public (jeremyevans) * Add identity_map plugin, for creating temporary thread-local identity maps with some caching (jeremyevans) * Support savepoints when using MySQL and SQLite (jeremyevans) * Add -C option to bin/sequel that copies one database to another (jeremyevans) * In the schema_dumper extension, don't include defaults that contain literal strings unless the DBs are the same (jeremyevans) * Only include valid non-partial indexes of simple column references in the PostgreSQL adapter (jeremyevans) * Add -h option to bin/sequel for outputting the usage, alias for -? (jeremyevans) * Add -d and -D options to bin/sequel for dumping schema migrations (jeremyevans) * Support eager graphing for model tables that lack primary keys (jeremyevans) * Add Model.create_table? to the schema plugin, similar to Database#create_table? (jeremyevans) * Add Database#create_table?, which creates the table if it doesn't already exist (jeremyevans) * Handle ordered and limited datasets correctly when using UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT (jeremyevans) * Fix unlikely threading bug with class level validations (jeremyevans) * Make the schema_dumper extension dump tables in alphabetical order in migrations (jeremyevans) * Add Sequel.extension method for loading extensions, so you don't have to use require (jeremyevans) * Allow bin/sequel to respect multiple -L options instead of ignoring all but the last one (jeremyevans) * Add :command_timeout and :provider options to ADO adapter (hgimenez) * Fix exception messages when Sequel.string_to_* fail (jeremyevans) * Fix String :type=>:text generic type in the Firebird adapter (wishdev) * Add Sequel.amalgalite adapter method (jeremyevans) === 3.0.0 (2009-05-04) * Remove dead threads from connection pool if the pool is full and a connection is requested (jeremyevans) * Add autoincrementing primary key support in the Oracle adapter, using a sequence and trigger (jeremyevans, Mike Golod) * Make Model#save use the same server it uses for saving as for retrieving the saved record (jeremyevans) * Add Database#database_type method, for identifying which type of database the object is connecting to (jeremyevans) * Add ability to reset primary key sequences in the PostgreSQL adapter (jeremyevans) * Fix parsing of non-simple sequence names (that contain uppercase, spaces, etc.) in the PostgreSQL adapter (jeremyevans) * Support dumping indexes in the schema_dumper extension (jeremyevans) * Add index parsing to PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and JDBC adapters (jeremyevans) * Correctly quote SQL Array references, and handle qualified identifiers with them (e.g. :table__column.sql_subscript(1)) (jeremyevans) * Allow dropping an index with a name different than the default name (jeremyevans) * Allow Dataset#from to remove existing FROM tables when called without an argument, instead of raising an error later (jeremyevans) * Fix string quoting on Oracle so it doesn't double backslashes (jeremyevans) * Alias the count function call in Dataset#count, fixes use on MSSQL (akitaonrails, jeremyevans) * Allow QualifiedIdentifiers to be qualified, to allow :column.qualify(:table).qualify(:schema) (jeremyevans) * Allow :db_type=>'mssql' option to be respected when using the DBI adapter (akitaonrails) * Add schema_dumper extension, for dumping schema of tables (jeremyevans) * Allow generic database types specified as ruby types to take options (jeremyevans) * Change Dataset#exclude to invert given hash argument, not negate it (jeremyevans) * Make Dataset#filter and related methods treat multiple arguments more intuitively (jeremyevans) * Fix full text searching with multiple search terms on MySQL (jeremyevans) * Fix altering a column name, type, default, or NULL/NOT NULL status on MySQL (jeremyevans) * Fix index type syntax on MySQL (jeremyevans) * Add temporary table support, via :temp option to Database#create_table (EppO, jeremyevans) * Add Amalgalite adapter (jeremyevans) * Remove Sequel::Metaprogramming#metaattr_accessor and metaattr_reader (jeremyevans) * Remove Dataset#irregular_function_sql (jeremyevans) * Add Dataset#full_text_sql to the MySQL adapter (dusty) * Fix schema type parsing of decimal types on MySQL (jeremyevans) * Make Dataset#quote_identifier work with SQL::Identifiers (jeremyevans) * Remove methods and features deprecated in 2.12.0 (jeremyevans) === 2.12.0 (2009-04-03) * Deprecate Java::JavaSQL::Timestamp#usec (jeremyevans) * Fix Model.[] optimization introduced in 2.11.0 for databases that don't use LIMIT (jacaetevha) * Don't use the model association plugin if SEQUEL_NO_ASSOCIATIONS constant or environment variable is defined (jeremyevans) * Don't require core_sql if SEQUEL_NO_CORE_EXTENSIONS constant or environment variable is defined (jeremyevans) * Add validation_helpers model plugin, which adds instance level validation support similar to previously standard validations, with a different API (jeremyevans) * Split multi_insert into 2 methods with separate APIs, multi_insert for hashes, import for arrays of columns and values (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Dataset#transform and Model.serialize, and model serialization plugin (jeremyevans) * Add multi_insert_update to the MySQL adapter, used for setting specific update behavior when an error occurs when using multi_insert (dusty) * Add multi_insert_ignore to the MySQL adapter, used for skipping errors on row inserts when using multi_insert (dusty) * Add Sequel::MySQL.convert_invalid_date_time accessor for dealing with dates like "0000-00-00" and times like "25:00:00" (jeremyevans, epugh) * Eliminate internal dependence on core_sql extensions (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Migration and Migrator, require 'sequel/extensions/migration' if you want them (jeremyevans) * Denamespace Sequel::Error decendants (e.g. use Sequel::Rollback instead of Sequel::Error::Rollback) (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Error::InvalidTransform, Error::NoExistingFilter, and Error::InvalidStatement (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Dataset#[] when called without an argument, and Dataset#map when called with an argument and a block (jeremyevans) * Fix aliasing columns in the JDBC adapter (per.melin) (#263) * Make Database#rename_table remove the cached schema entry for the table (jeremyevans) * Make Database schema sql methods private (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Database #multi_threaded? and #logger (jeremyevans) * Make Dataset#where always affect the WHERE clause (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Object#blank? and related extensions, require 'sequel/extensions/blank' to get them back (jeremyevans) * Move lib/sequel_core into lib/sequel and lib/sequel_model into lib/sequel/model (jeremyevans) * Remove Sequel::Schema::SQL module, move methods into Sequel::Database (jeremyevans) * Support creating and dropping schema qualified views (jeremyevans) * Fix saving a newly inserted record in an after_create or after_save hook (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Dataset#print and PrettyTable, require 'sequel/extensions/pretty_table' if you want them (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Database#query and Dataset#query, require 'sequel/extensions/query' if you want them (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Dataset#paginate and #each_page, require 'sequel/extensions/pagination' if you want them (jeremyevans) * Fix ~{:bool_col=>true} and related inversions of boolean values (jeremyevans) * Add disable_insert_returning method to PostgreSQL datasets, so they fallback to just using INSERT (jeremyevans) * Don't use savepoints by default on PostgreSQL, use the :savepoint option to Database#transaction to use a savepoint (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Database#transaction accepting a server symbol argument, use an options hash with the :server option (jeremyevans) * Add Model.use_transactions for setting whether models should use transactions when destroying/saving records (jeremyevans, mjwillson) * Deprecate Model::Validation::Errors, use Model::Errors (jeremyevans) * Deprecate string inflection methods, require 'sequel/extensions/inflector' if you use them (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Model validation class methods, override Model#validate instead or Model.plugin validation_class_methods (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Model schema methods, use Model.plugin :schema (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Model hook class methods, use instance methods instead or Model.plugin :hook_class_methods (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Model.set_sti_key, use Model.plugin :single_table_inheritance (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Model.set_cache, use Model.plugin :caching (jeremyevans) * Move most model instance methods into Model::InstanceMethods, for easier overriding of instance methods for all models (jeremyevans) * Move most model class methods into Model::ClassMethods, for easier overriding of class methods for all models (jeremyevans) * Deprecate String#to_date, #to_datetime, #to_time, and #to_sequel_time, use require 'sequel/extensions/string_date_time' if you want them (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Array#extract_options! and Object#is_one_of? (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Object#meta_def, #meta_eval, and #metaclass (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Module#class_def, #class_attr_overridable, #class_attr_reader, #metaalias, #metaattr_reader, and #metaatt_accessor (jeremyevans) * Speed up the calling of most column accessor methods, and reduce memory overhead of creating them (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Model#set_restricted using Model#[] if no setter method exists, a symbol is used, and the columns are not set (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Model#set_with_params and #update_with_params (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Model#save!, use Model.save(:validate=>false) (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Model#dataset (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Model.is and Model.is_a, use Model.plugin for plugins (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Model.str_columns, Model#str_columns, #set_values, #update_values (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Model.delete_all, .destroy_all, .size, and .uniq (jeremyevans) * Copy all current dataset options when calling Model.db= (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Model.belongs_to, Model.has_many, and Model.has_and_belongs_to_many (jeremyevans) * Remove SQL::SpecificExpression, have subclasses inherit from SQL::Expression instead (jeremyevans) * Deprecate SQL::CastMethods#cast_as (jeremyevans) * Deprecate calling Database#schema without a table argument (jeremyevans) * Remove cached version of @db_schema in model instances to reduce memory and marshalling overhead (tmm1) * Deprecate Dataset#quote_column_ref and Dataset#symbol_to_column_ref (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Dataset#size and Dataset#uniq (jeremyevans) * Deprecate passing options to Dataset#each, #all, #single_record, #single_value, #sql, #select_sql, #update, #update_sql, #delete, #delete_sql, and #exists (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Dataset#[Integer] (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Dataset#create_view and Dataset#create_or_replace_view (jeremyevans) * Model datasets now have a model accessor that returns the related model (jeremyevans) * Model datasets no longer have :models and :polymorphic_key options (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Dataset.dataset_classes, Dataset#model_classes, Dataset#polymorphic_key, and Dataset#set_model (jeremyevans) * Allow Database#get and Database#select to take a block (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Database#>> (jeremyevans) * Deprecate String#to_blob and Sequel::SQL::Blob#to_blob (jeremyevans) * Deprecate use of Symbol#| for SQL array subscripts, add Symbol#sql_subscript (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Symbol#to_column_ref (jeremyevans) * Deprecate String#expr (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Array#to_sql, String#to_sql, and String#split_sql (jeremyevans) * Deprecate passing an array to Database#<< (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Range#interval (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Enumerable#send_each (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Hash#key on ruby 1.8, change some SQLite adapter constants (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Sequel.open, Sequel.use_parse_tree=?, and the upcase_identifier methods (jeremyevans) * Deprecate virtual row blocks without block arguments, unless Sequel.virtual_row_instance_eval is enabled (jeremyevans) * Support schema parsing in the Oracle adapter (jacaetevha) * Allow virtual row blocks to be instance_evaled, add Sequel.virtual_row_instance_eval= (jeremyevans) === 2.11.0 (2009-03-02) * Optimize Model.[] by using static sql when possible, for a 30-40% speed increase (jeremyevans) * Add Dataset#with_sql, which returns a clone of the datatset with static SQL (jeremyevans) * Refactor Dataset#literal so it doesn't need to be overridden in subadapters, for a 20-25% performance increase (jeremyevans) * Remove SQL::IrregularFunction, no longer used internally (jeremyevans) * Allow String#lit to take arguments and return a SQL::PlaceholderLiteralString (jeremyevans) * Add Model#set_associated_object, used by the many_to_one setter method, for easier overriding (jeremyevans) * Allow use of database independent types when casting (jeremyevans) * Give association datasets knowledge of the model object that created them and the related association reflection (jeremyevans) * Make Dataset#select, #select_more, #order, #order_more, and #get take a block that yields a SQL::VirtualRow, similar to #filter (jeremyevans) * Fix stored procedures in MySQL adapter when multiple arguments are used (clivecrous) * Add :conditions association option, for easier filtering of associated objects (jeremyevans) * Add :clone association option, for making clones of existing associations (jeremyevans) * Handle typecasting invalid date strings (and possible other types) correctly (jeremyevans) * Add :compress=>false option to MySQL adapter to turn off compression of client-server connection (tmm1) * Set SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL=0 on MySQL connections, disable with :auto_is_null=>false (tmm1) * Add :timeout option to MySQL adapter, default to 30 days (tmm1) * Set MySQL encoding using Mysql#options so it works across reconnects (tmm1) * Fully support blobs on SQLite (jeremyevans) * Add String#to_sequel_blob, alias String#to_blob to that (jeremyevans) * Fix default index names when a non-String or Symbol column is used (jeremyevans) * Fix some ruby -w warnings (jeremyevans) (#259) * Fix issues with default column values, table names, and quoting in the rename_column and drop_column support in shared SQLite adapter (jeremyevans) * Add rename_column support to SQLite shared adapter (jmhodges) * Add validates_inclusion_of validation (jdunphy) === 2.10.0 (2009-02-03) * Don't use a default schema any longer in the shared PostgreSQL adapter (jeremyevans) * Make Dataset#quote_identifier return LiteralStrings as-is (jeremyevans) * Support symbol keys and unnested hashes in the sequel command line tool's yaml config support (jeremyevans) * Add schema parsing support to the JDBC adapter (jeremyevans) * Add per-database type translation support for schema changes, translating ruby classes to database specific types (jeremyevans) * Add Sequel::DatabaseConnectionError, for indicating that Sequel wasn't able to connect to the database (jeremyevans) * Add validates_not_string validation, useful in conjunction with raise_on_typecast_failure = false (jeremyevans) * Don't modify Model#new? and Model#changed_columns when saving a record until after the after hooks have been run (tamas, jeremyevans) * Database#quote_identifiers= now affects future schema modification statements, even if it is not used before one of the schema modification statements (jeremyevans) * Fix literalization of blobs when using the PostreSQL JDBC subadapter (jeremyevans) * Fix literalization of date and time types when using the MySQL JDBC subadapter (jeremyevans) * Convert some Java specific types to ruby types on output in the JDBC adapter (jeremyevans) * Add Database#tables method to JDBC adapter (jeremyevans) * Add H2 JDBC subadapter (logan_barnett, david_koontz, james_britt, jeremyevans) * Add identifer_output_method, used for converting identifiers coming out of the database, replacing the lowercase support on some databases (jeremyevans) * Add identifier_input_method, used for converting identifiers going into the database, replacing upcase_identifiers (jeremyevans) * Add :allow_missing validation option, useful if the database provides a good default (jeremyevans) * Fix literalization of SQL::Blobs in DataObjects and JDBC adapter's postgresql subadapters when ruby 1.9 is used (jeremyevans) * When using standard strings in the postgres adapter with the postgres-pr driver, use custom string escaping to prevent errors (jeremyevans) * Before hooks now run in reverse order of being added, so later ones are run first (tamas) * Add Firebird adapter, requires Firebird ruby driver located at http://github.com/wishdev/fb (wishdev) * Don't clobber the following Symbol instance methods when using ruby 1.9: [], <, <=, >, >= (jeremyevans) * Quote the table name and the index for PostgreSQL index creation (jeremyevans) * Add DataObjects adapter, supporting PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite (jeremyevans) * Add ability for Database#create_table to take options, support specifying MySQL engine, charset, and collate per table (pusewicz, jeremyevans) * Add Model.add_hook_type class method, for adding your own hook types, mostly for use by plugin authors (pkondzior, jeremyevans) * Add Sequel.version for getting the internal version of Sequel (pusewicz, jeremyevans) === 2.9.0 (2009-01-12) * Add -L option to sequel command line tool to load all .rb files in the given directory (pkondzior, jeremyevans) * Fix Dataset#destroy for model datasets that can't handle nested queries (jeremyevans) * Improve the error messages in parts of Sequel::Model (jeremyevans, pusewicz) * Much better support for Dataset#{union,except,intersect}, allowing chaining and respecting order (jeremyevans) * Default to logging only WARNING level messages when connecting to PostgreSQL (jeremyevans) * Fix add_foreign_key for MySQL (jeremyevans, aphyr) * Correctly literalize BigDecimal NaN and (+-)Infinity values (jeremyevans) (#256) * Make Sequel raise an Error if you attempt to subclass Sequel::Model before setting up a database connection (jeremyevans) * Add Sequel::BeforeHookFailed exception to be raised when a record fails because a before hook fails (bougyman) * Add Sequel::ValidationFailed exception to be raised when a record fails because a validation fails (bougyman) * Make Database#schema raise an error if given a table that doesn't exist (jeremyevans) (#255) * Make Model#inspect call Model#inspect_values private method for easier overloading (bougyman) * Add methods to create and drop functions, triggers, and procedural languages on PostgreSQL (jeremyevans) * Fix Dataset#count when using UNION, EXCEPT, or INTERSECT (jeremyevans) * Make SQLite keep table's primary key information when dropping columns (jmhodges) * Support dropping indicies on SQLite (jmhodges) === 2.8.0 (2008-12-05) * Support drop column operations inside a transaction on sqlite (jeremyevans) * Support literal strings with placeholders and subselects in prepared statements (jeremyevans) * Have the connection pool remove disconnected connections when the adapter supports it (jeremyevans) * Make Dataset#exists return a LiteralString (jeremyevans) * Support multiple SQL statements in one query in the MySQL adapter (jeremyevans) * Add stored procedure support for the MySQL and JDBC adapters (jeremyevans, krsgoss) (#252) * Support options when altering a column's type (for changing enums, varchar size, etc.) (jeremyevans) * Support AliasedExpressions in tables when using implicitly qualified arguments in joins (jeremyevans) * Support Dataset#except on Oracle (jeremyevans) * Raise errors when EXCEPT/INTERSECT is used when not supported (jeremyevans) * Fix ordering of UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT statements (jeremyevans) (#253) * Support aliasing subselects in the Oracle adapter (jeremyevans) * Add a subadapter for the Progress RDBMS to the ODBC adapter (:db_type=>'progress') (groveriffic) (#251) * Make MySQL and Oracle adapters raise an Error if asked to do a SELECT DISTINCT ON (jeremyevans) * Set standard_conforming_strings = ON by default when using PostgreSQL, turn off with Sequel::Postgres.force_standard_strings = false (jeremyevans) (#247) * Fix Database#rename_table when using PostgreSQL (jeremyevans) (#248) * Whether to upcase or quote identifiers can now be set separately, via Sequel.upcase_identifiers= or the :upcase_identifiers database option (jeremyevans) * Support transactions in the ODBC adapter (dlee) * Support multi_insert_sql and unicode string literals in MSSQL shared adapter (dlee) * Make PostgreSQL use the default schema if parsing the schema for all tables at once, even if :schema=>nil option is used (jeremyevans) * Make MySQL adapter not raise an error when giving an SQL::Identifier object to the schema modification methods such as create_table (jeremyevans) * The keys of the hash returned by Database#schema without a table name are now quoted strings instead of symbols (jeremyevans) * Make Database#schema to handle implicit schemas on all databases and multiple identifier object types (jeremyevans) * Remove Sequel.odbc_mssql method (jeremyevans) (#249) * More optimization of Model#initialize (jeremyevans) * Treat interval as it's own type, not an integer type (jeremyevans) * Allow use of implicitly qualified symbol as argument to Symbol#qualify (:a.qualify(:b__c)=>b.c.a), fixes model associations in different schemas (jeremyevans) (#246) === 2.7.1 (2008-11-04) * Fix PostgreSQL Date optimization so that it doesn't reject dates like 11/03/2008 (jeremyevans) === 2.7.0 (2008-11-03) * Transform AssociationReflection from a single class to a class hierarchy (jeremyevans) * Optimize Date object creation in PostgreSQL adapter (jeremyevans) * Allow easier creation of custom association types, though support for them may still be suboptimal (jeremyevans) * Add :eager_grapher option to associations, which the user can use to override the default eager_graph code (jeremyevans) * Associations are now inherited when a model class is subclassed (jeremyevans) * Instance methods added by associations are now added to an anonymous module the class includes, allowing you to override them and use super (jeremyevans) * Add #add_graph_aliases (select_more for graphs), and allow use of arbitrary expressions when graphing (jeremyevans) * Fix a corner case where the wrong table name is used in eager_graph (jeremyevans) * Make Dataset#join_table take an option hash instead of a table_alias argument, add support for :implicit_qualifier option (jeremyevans) * Add :left_primary_key and :right_primary_key options to many_to_many associations (jeremyevans) * Add :primary_key option to one_to_many and many_to_one associations (jeremyevans) * Make after_load association callbacks take effect when eager loading via eager (jeremyevans) * Add a :uniq association option to many_to_many associations (jeremyevans) * Support using any expression as the argument to Symbol#like (jeremyevans) * Much better support for multiple schemas in PostgreSQL (jeremyevans) (#243) * The first argument to Model#initalize can no longer be nil, it must be a hash if it is given (jeremyevans) * Remove Sequel::Model.lazy_load_schema= setting (jeremyevans) * Lazily load model instance options such as raise_on_save_failure, for better performance (jeremyevans) * Make Model::Validiation::Errors more Rails-compatible (jeremyevans) * Refactor model hooks for performance (jeremyevans) * Major performance enhancement when fetching rows using PostgreSQL (jeremyevans) * Don't typecast serialized columns in models (jeremyevans) * Add Array#sql_array to handle ruby arrays of all two pairs as SQL arrays (jeremyevans) (#245) * Add ComplexExpression#== and #eql?, for checking equality (rubymage) (#244) * Allow full text search on PostgreSQL to include rows where a search column is NULL (jeremyevans) * PostgreSQL full text search queries with multiple columns are joined with space to prevent joining border words to one (michalbugno) * Don't modify a dataset's cached column information if calling #each with an option that modifies the columns (jeremyevans) * The PostgreSQL adapter will now generally default to using a unix socket in /tmp if no host is specified, instead of a tcp socket to localhost (jeremyevans) * Make Dataset#sql call Dataset#select_sql instead of being an alias, to allow for easier subclassing (jeremyevans) * Split Oracle adapter into shared and unshared parts, so Oracle is better supported when using JDBC (jeremyevans) * Fix automatic loading of Oracle driver when using JDBC adapter (bburton333) (#242) === 2.6.0 (2008-10-11) * Make the sqlite adapter respect the Sequel.datetime_class setting, for timestamp and datetime types (jeremyevans) * Enhance the CASE statement support to include an optional expression (jarredholman) * Default to using the simple language if no language is specified for a full text index on PostgreSQL (michalbugno) * Add Model.raise_on_typecast_failure=, which makes it possible to not raise errors on invalid typecasts (michalbugno) * Add schema.rdoc file, which provides an brief description of the various parts of Sequel related to schema modification (jeremyevans) * Fix constraint generation when not using a proc or interpolated string (jeremyevans) * Make eager_graph respect associations' :order options (use :order_eager_graph=>false to disable) (jeremyevans) * Cache negative lookup when eagerly loading many_to_one associations where no objects have an associated object (jeremyevans) * Allow string keys to be used when using Dataset#multi_insert (jeremyevans) * Fix join_table when doing the first join for a dataset where the first source is a dataset when using unqualified columns (jeremyevans) * Fix a few corner cases in eager_graph (jeremyevans) * Support transactions on MSSQL (jeremyevans) * Use string literals in AS clauses on SQLite (jeremyevans) (#241) * AlterTableGenerator#set_column_allow_null was added to SET/DROP NOT NULL for columns (divoxx) * Database#tables now works for MySQL databases using the JDBC adapter (jeremyevans) * Database#drop_view can now take multiple arguments to drop multiple views at once (jeremyevans) * Schema modification methods (e.g. drop_table, create_table!) now remove the cached schema entry (jeremyevans) * Models can now determine their primary keys by looking at the schema (jeremyevans) * No longer include :numeric_precision and :max_chars entries in the schema column hashes, use the :db_type entry instead (jeremyevans) * Make schema parsing on PostgreSQL handle implicit schemas (e.g. schema(:schema__table)), so it works with models for tables outside the public schema (jeremyevans) * Significantly speed up schema parsing on MySQL (jeremyevans) * Include primary key information when parsing the schema (jeremyevans) * Fix schema generation of composite foreign keys on MySQL (clivecrous, jeremyevans) === 2.5.0 (2008-09-03) * Add Dataset #set_defaults and #set_overrides, used for scoping the values used in insert/update statements (jeremyevans) * Allow Models to use the RETURNING clause when inserting records on PostgreSQL (jeremyevans) * Raise Sequel::DatabaseError instead of generic Sequel::Error for database errors, don't swallow tracebacks (jeremyevans) * Use INSERT ... RETURNING ... with PostgreSQL 8.2 and higher (jeremyevans) * Make insert_sql, delete_sql, and update_sql respect the :sql option (jeremyevans) * Default to converting 2 digit years, use Sequel.convert_two_digit_years = false to get back the old behavior (jeremyevans) * Make the PostgreSQL adapter with the pg driver use async_exec, so it doesn't block the entire interpreter (jeremyevans) * Make the schema generators support composite primary and foreign keys and unique constraints (jarredholman) * Work with the 2008.08.17 version of the pg gem (erikh) * Disallow abuse of SQL function syntax for types (use :type=>:varchar, :size=>255 instead of :type=>:varchar[255]) (jeremyevans) * Quote index names when creating or dropping indexes (jeremyevans, SanityInAnarchy) * Don't have column accessor methods override plugin instance methods (jeremyevans) * Allow validation of multiple attributes at once, with built in support for uniqueness checking of multiple columns (jeremyevans) * In PostgreSQL adapter, fix inserting a row with a primary key value inside a transaction (jeremyevans) * Allow before_save and before_update to affect the columns saved by save_changes (jeremyevans) * Make Dataset#single_value work when graphing, which fixes count and paginate on graphed datasets (jeremyevans) === 2.4.0 (2008-08-06) * Handle Java::JavaSql::Date type in the JDBC adapter (jeremyevans) * Add support for read-only slave/writable master databases and database sharding (jeremyevans) * Remove InvalidExpression, InvalidFilter, InvalidJoinType, and WorkerStop exceptions (jeremyevans) * Add prepared statement/bound variable support (jeremyevans) * Fix anonymous column names in the ADO adapter (nusco) * Remove odbc_mssql adapter, use :db_type=>'mssql' option instead (jeremyevans) * Split MSSQL specific syntax into separate file, usable by ADO and ODBC adapters (nusco, jeremyevans) === 2.3.0 (2008-07-25) * Enable almost full support for MySQL using JDBC (jeremyevans) * Fix ODBC adapter's conversion of ::ODBC::Time values (Michael Xavier) * Enable full support for SQLite-JDBC using the JDBC adapter (jeremyevans) * Minor changes to allow for full Ruby 1.9 compatibility (jeremyevans) * Make Database#disconnect work for the ADO adapter (spicyj) * Don't raise an exception in the ADO adapter if the dataset contains no records (nusco) * Enable almost full support of PostgreSQL-JDBC using the JDBC adapter (jeremyevans) * Remove Sequel::Worker (jeremyevans) * Make PostgreSQL adapter not raise an error when inserting records into a table without a primary key (jeremyevans) * Make Database.uri_to_options a private class method (jeremyevans) * Make JDBC load drivers automatically for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, and MSSQL (jeremyevans) * Make Oracle adapter work with a nonstandard Oracle database port (pavel.lukin) * Typecast '' to nil by default for non-string non-blob columns, add typecast_empty_string_to_nil= model class and instance methods (jeremyevans) * Use a simpler select in Dataset#empty?, fixes use with MySQL (jeremyevans) * Add integration test suite, testing sequel against a real database, with nothing mocked (jeremyevans) * Make validates_length_of default tag depend on presence of options passed to it (jeremyevans) * Combine the directory structure for sequel_model and sequel_core, now there is going to be only one gem named sequel (jeremyevans) === 2.2.0 (2008-07-05) * Add :extend association option, extending the dataset with module(s) (jeremyevans) * Add :after_load association callback option, called after associated objects have been loaded from the database (jeremyevans) * Make validation methods support a :tag option, to work correctly with source reloading (jeremyevans) * Add :before_add, :after_add, :before_remove, :after_remove association callback options (jeremyevans) * Break many_to_one association setter method in two parts, for easier overriding (jeremyevans) * Model.validates_presence_of now considers false as present instead of absent (jeremyevans) * Add Model.raise_on_save_failure, raising errors on save failure instead of return false (now nil), default to true (jeremyevans) * Add :eager_loader association option, to specify code to be run when eager loading (jeremyevans) * Make :many_to_one associations support :dataset, :order, :limit association options, as well as block arguments (jeremyevans) * Add :dataset association option, which overrides the default base dataset to use (jeremyevans) * Add :eager_graph association option, works just like :eager except it uses #eager_graph (jeremyevans) * Add :graph_join_table_join_type association option (jeremyevans) * Add :graph_only_conditions and :graph_join_table_only_conditions association options (jeremyevans) * Add :graph_block and :graph_join_table_block association options (jeremyevans) * Set the model's dataset's columns in addition to the model's columns when loading the schema for a model (jeremyevans) * Make caching work correctly with subclasses (jeremyevans) * Add the Model.to_hash dataset method (jeremyevans) * Filter blocks now yield a SQL::VirtualRow argument, which is useful if another library defines operator methods on Symbol (jeremyevans) * Add Symbol#identifier method, to make x__a be treated as "x__a" instead of "x"."a" (jeremyevans) * Dataset#update no longer takes a block, please use a hash argument with the expression syntax instead (jeremyevans) * ParseTree support has been removed from Sequel (jeremyevans) * Database#drop_column is now supported in the SQLite adapter (abhay) * Tinyint columns can now be considered integers instead of booleans by setting Sequel.convert_tinyint_to_bool = false (samsouder) * Allow the use of URL parameters in connection strings (jeremyevans) * Ignore any previously selected columns when using Dataset#graph for the first time (jeremyevans) * Dataset#graph now accepts a block which is passed to join_table (jeremyevans) * Make Dataset#columns ignore any filtering, ordering, and distinct clauses (jeremyevans) * Use the safer connection-specific string escaping methods for PostgreSQL (jeremyevans) * Database#transaction now yields a connection when using the Postgres adapter, just like it does for other adapters (jeremyevans) * Dataset#count now works for a limited dataset (divoxx) * Database#add_index is now supported in the SQLite adapter (abhay) * Sequel's MySQL adapter should no longer conflict with ActiveRecord's use of MySQL (careo) * Treat Hash as expression instead of column alias when used in DISTINCT, ORDER BY, and GROUP BY clauses (jeremyevans) * PostgreSQL bytea fields are now fully supported (dlee) * For PostgreSQL, don't raise an error when assigning a value to a SERIAL PRIMARY KEY field when inserting records (jeremyevans) === 2.1.0 (2008-06-17) * Break association add_/remove_/remove_all_ methods into two parts, for easier overriding (jeremyevans) * Add Model.strict_param_setting, on by default, which raises errors if a missing/restricted method is called via new/set/update/etc. (jeremyevans) * Raise errors when using association methods on objects without valid primary keys (jeremyevans) * The model's primary key is a restricted column by default, Add model.unrestrict_primary_key to get the old behavior (jeremyevans) * Add Model.set_(allowed|restricted)_columns, which affect which columns create/new/set/update/etc. modify (jeremyevans) * Calls to Model.def_dataset_method with a block are cached and reapplied to the new dataset if set_dataset is called, even in a subclass (jeremyevans) * The :reciprocal option to associations should now be the symbol name of the reciprocal association, not an instance variable symbol (jeremyevans) * Add Model#associations, which is a hash holding a cache of associated objects, with each association being a separate key (jeremyevans) * Make all associations support a :graph_select option, specifying a column or array of columns to select when using eager_graph (jeremyevans) * Bring back Model#set and Model#update, now the same as Model#set_with_params and Model#update_with_params (jeremyevans) * Allow model datasets to call to_hash without any arguments, which allows easy creation of identity maps (jeremyevans) * Add Model.set_sti_key, for easily setting up single table inheritance (jeremyevans) * Make all associations support a :read_only option, which doesn't add methods that modify the database (jeremyevans) * Make *_to_many associations support a :limit option, for specifying a limit to the resulting records (and possibly an offset) (jeremyevans) * Make association block argument and :eager option affect the _dataset method (jeremyevans) * Add a :one_to_one option to one_to_many associations, which creates a getter and setter similar to many_to_one (a.k.a. has_one) (jeremyevans) * add_ and remove_ one_to_many association methods now raise an error if the passed object cannot be saved, instead of saving without validation (jeremyevans) * Add support for :if option on validations, using a symbol (specifying an instance method) or a proc (dtsato) * Support bitwise operators for NumericExpressions: &, |, ^, ~, <<, >> (jeremyevans) * No longer raise an error for Dataset#filter(true) or Dataset#filter(false) (jeremyevans) * Allow Dataset #filter, #or, #exclude and other methods that call them to use both the block and regular arguments (jeremyevans) * ParseTree support is now officially deprecated, use Sequel.use_parse_tree = false to use the expression (blockless) filters inside blocks (jeremyevans) * Remove :pool_reuse_connections ConnectionPool/Database option, MySQL users need to be careful with nested queries (jeremyevans) * Allow Dataset#graph :select option to take an array of columns to select (jeremyevans) * Allow Dataset#to_hash to be called with only one argument, allowing for easy creation of lookup tables for a single key (jeremyevans) * Allow join_table to accept a block providing the aliases and previous joins, that allows you to specify arbitrary conditions properly qualified (jeremyevans) * Support NATURAL, CROSS, and USING joins in join_table (jeremyevans) * Make sure HAVING comes before ORDER BY, per the SQL standard and at least MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite (juco) * Add cast_numeric and cast_string methods for use in the Sequel DSL, that have default types and wrap the object in the correct class (jeremyevans) * Add Symbol#qualify, for adding a table/schema qualifier to a column/table name (jeremyevans) * Remove Module#metaprivate, since it duplicates the standard Module#private_class_method (jeremyevans) * Support the SQL CASE expression via Array#case and Hash#case (jeremyevans) * Support the SQL EXTRACT function: :date.extract(:year) (jeremyevans) * Convert numeric fields to BigDecimal in PostgreSQL adapter (jeremyevans) * Add :decimal fields to the schema parser (jeremyevans) * The expr argument in join table now allows the same argument as filter, so it can take a string or a blockless filter expression (brushbox, jeremyevans) * No longer assume the expr argument to join_table references the primary key column (jeremyevans) * Rename the Sequel.time_class setting to Sequel.datetime_class (jeremyevans) * Add savepoint/nesting support to postgresql transactions (elven) * Use the specified table alias when joining a dataset, instead of the automatically generated alias (brushbox) === 2.0.1 (2008-06-04) * Make the choice of Time or DateTime optional for typecasting :datetime types, default to Time (jeremyevans) * Reload database schema for table when calling Model.create_table (jeremyevans) * Have PostgreSQL money type use BigDecimal instead of Float (jeremyevans) * Have the PostgreSQL and MySQL adapters use the Sequel.time_class setting for datetime/timestamp types (jeremyevans) * Add Sequel.time_class and String#to_sequel_time, used for converting time values from the database to either Time (default) or DateTime (jeremyevans) * Make identifier quoting uppercase by default, to work better with the SQL standard, override in PostgreSQL (jeremyevans) (#232) * Add StringExpression#+, for simple SQL string concatenation (:x.sql_string + :y) (jeremyevans) * Make StringMethods.like to a case sensensitive search on MySQL (use ilike for the old behavior) (jeremyevans) * Add StringMethods.ilike, for case insensitive pattern matching (jeremyevans) * Refactor ComplexExpression into three subclasses and a few modules, so operators that don't make sense are not defined for the class (jeremyevans) === 2.0.0 (2008-06-01) * Comprehensive update of all documentation (jeremyevans) * Remove methods deprecated in 1.5.0 (jeremyevans) * Add typecasting on attribute assignment to Sequel::Model objects, optional but enabled by default (jeremyevans) * Returning false in one of the before_ hooks now causes the appropriate method(s) to immediately return false (jeremyevans) * Add remove_all_* association method for *_to_many associations, which removes the association with all currently associated objects (jeremyevans) * Add Model.lazy_load_schema=, when set to true, it loads the schema on first instantiation (jeremyevans) * Add before_validation and after_validation hooks, called whenever the model is validated (jeremyevans) * Add Model.default_foreign_key, a private class method that allows changing the default foreign key that Sequel will use in associations (jeremyevans) * Cache negative lookup when eagerly loading many_to_one associations (jeremyevans) * Make all associations support the :select option, not just many_to_many (jeremyevans) * Allow the use of blocks when eager loading, and add the :eager_block and :allow_eager association options for configuration (jeremyevans) * Add the :graph_join_type, :graph_conditions, and :graph_join_table_conditions association options, used when eager graphing (jeremyevans) * Add AssociationReflection class (subclass of Hash), to make calling a couple of private Model methods unnecessary (jeremyevans) * Change hook methods so that if a tag/method is specified it overwrites an existing hook block with the same tag/method (jeremyevans) * Refactor String inflection support, you must use String.inflections instead of Inflector.inflections now (jeremyevans) * Allow connection to ODBC-MSSQL via a URL (petersumskas) (#230) * Comprehensive update of all documentation, except for the block filters and adapters (jeremyevans) * Handle Date and DateTime value literalization correctly in adapters (jeremyevans) * Literalize DateTime values the same as Time values (jeremyevans) * MySQL tinyints are now returned as boolean values instead of integers (jeremyevans) * Set additional MySQL charset options required for creating tables and databases (tmm1) * Remove methods deprecated in 1.5.0 (jeremyevans) * Add Module#metaattr_accessor for creating attr_accessors for the metaclass (jeremyevans) * Add SQL string concatenation support to blockless filters, via Array#sql_string_join (jeremyevans) * Add Pagination#last_page? and Pagination#first_page? (apeiros) * Add limited column reflection support, tested on PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite (jeremyevans) * Allow the use of :schema__table___table_alias syntax for tables, similar to the column support (jeremyevans) * Merge metaid gem into core_ext.rb and clean it up, so sequel now has no external dependencies (jeremyevans) * Add Dataset#as, so using a dataset as a column with an alias is not deprecated (jeremyevans) * Add Dataset#invert, which returns a dataset with inverted HAVING and WHERE clauses (jeremyevans) * Add blockless filter syntax support (jeremyevans) * Passing an array to Dataset#order and Dataset#select no longer works, you need to pass multiple arguments (jeremyevans) * You should use '?' instead of '(?)' when using interpolated strings with array arguments (jeremyevans) * Dataset.literal now surrounds the literalization of arrays with parentheses (jeremyevans) * Add echo option (back?) to sequel command line tool, via -E or --echo (jeremyevans) * Allow databases to have multiple loggers (jeremyevans) * The sequel command line tool now also accepts a path to a database config YAML file in addition to a URI (mtodd) * Major update of the postgresql adapter (jdavis, jeremyevans) (#225) * Make returning inside of a database transaction commit the transaction (ahoward, jeremyevans) * Dataset#to_table_reference is now protected, and it has a different API (jeremyevans) * Dataset#join_table and related functions now take an explicit optional table_alias argument, you can no longer include the table alias in the table argument (jeremyevans) * Aliased and/or qualified columns with embedded spaces can now be specified as symbols (jeremyevans) * When identifier quoting is enabled, the SQL standard double quote is used by default (jeremyevans) * When identifier quoting is enabled, quote tables as well as columns (jeremyevans) * Make identifier quoting optional, enabled by default (jeremyevans) * Allow Sequel::Database.connect and related methods to take a block that disconnects the database when the block finishes (jeremyevans) * Add Dataset#unfiltered, for removing filters from dataset (jeremyevans) * Add add_foreign_key and add_primary_key methods to the AlterTableGenerator (jeremyevans) * Allow migration files to have more than 3 digits (jeremyevans) * Add methods directly to Dataset instead of including modules (jeremyevans) * Make some Dataset instance methods private: invert_order, insert_default_values_sql (jeremyevans) * Don't add methods that depend on ParseTree unless you can load ParseTree (jeremyevans) * Don't wipeout the cached columns every time a dataset is cloned, but only on changes to :select, :sql, :from, or :join (jeremyevans) * Fix Oracle Adapter (yasushi.abe) * Fixed sqlite uri so that sqlite:// works just like file:// (2 slashes for a relative path, 3 for an absolute) (dlee) * Raise a Sequel::Error if an invalid limit or offset is used (jeremyevans) * Refactor and beef up Dataset#first and Dataset#last, with some change in functionality (jeremyevans) * Add String#to_datetime, for consistency (jeremyevans) * Fix Range#interval so that it returns 1 less for an exclusive range * Change SQLite adapter so it doesn't swallow exceptions other than SQLite3::Exception (such as Interrupt) (jeremyevans) * Change PostgreSQL and MySQL adapters to raise Sequel::Error instead of database specific errors if a database error occurs (jeremyevans) * Using a memory database with SQLite now defaults to a single connection, so all queries it uses run against the same database (jeremyevans) * Fix attempting to query MySQL using the same connection being used to concurrently execute another query (jeremyevans) * Add options to the connection pool to configure reusing connections and converting exceptions (jeremyevans) * Use the database driver provided string quoting methods for MySQL and SQLite (jeremyevans) (#223) * Add ColumnAll#==, for checking the equality of two ColumnAlls (jeremyevans) * Allow an array of arrays instead of a hash when specifying conditions (jeremyevans) * Add Sequel::DBI::Database#lowercase, for lowercasing column names (jamesearl) * Remove Dataset#extend_with_destroy, which may break code that uses Dataset#set_model directly and expects the destroy method to be added (jeremyevans) * Fix some issues when running on Ruby 1.9 (Zverok, jeremyevans) * Make the DBI adapter work (partially) with PostgreSQL (Seb) === 1.5.1 (2008-04-30) * Fix Dataset#eager_graph when not all objects have associated objects (jeremyevans) * Have Dataset#graph give a nil value instead of a hash with all nil values if no matching rows exist in the graphed table (jeremyevans) === 1.5.0 (2008-04-29) * Make the validation errors API compatible with Merb (Inviz) * Add validates_uniqueness_of, for protecting against duplicate entries in the database (neaf, jeremyevans) * Alias Model#dataset= to Model#set_dataset (tmm1) * Make some Model class methods private: def_hook_method, hooks, add_hook, plugin_module, plugin_gem (jeremyevans) * Add the eager! and eager_graph! mutation methods to model datasets (jeremyevans) * Remove Model.database_opened (jeremyevans) * Remove Model.super_dataset (jeremyevans) * Deprecate .create_with_params, .create_with, #set, #update, #update_with, and #new_record from Sequel::Model (jeremyevans) * Add Model.def_dataset_method, for defining methods on the model that reference methods on the dataset (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Model.method_missing, add dataset methods to Model via metaprogramming (jeremyevans) * Remove Model.join, so it is the same as Dataset#join (jeremyevans) * Use reciprocal associations for all types of associations in the getter/setter/add_/remove_ methods (jeremyevans) * Fix many_to_one associations to cache negative lookups (jeremyevans) * Change Model#=== to always be false if the primary key is nil (jeremyevans) * Add Model#hash, which should be unique for a given class and primary key (or values if primary key is nil) (jeremyevans) * Add Model#eql? as a alias to Model#== (jeremyevans) * Make Model#reload clear any cached associations (jeremyevans) * No longer depend on the assistance gem, merge the Inflector and Validations code (jeremyevans) * Add Model#set_with_params, which is Model#update_with_params without the save (jeremyevans) * Fix Model#destroy so that it returns self, not the result of after_destroy (jeremyevans) * Define Model column accessors in set_dataset, so they should always be avaiable, deprecate Model#method_missing (jeremyevans) * Add eager loading of associations via new sequel_core object graphing feature (jeremyevans) * Fix many_to_many associations with classes inside modules without an explicit join table (jeremyevans) * Allow creation of new records that don't have primary keys when the cache is on (jeremyevans) (#213) * Make Model#initialize, Model#set, and Model#update_with_params invulnerable to memory exhaustion (jeremyevans) (#210) * Add Model.str_columns, which gives a list of columns as frozen strings (jeremyevans) * Remove pretty_table.rb from sequel, since it is in sequel_core (jeremyevans) * Set a timeout in the Sqlite adapter, default to 5 seconds (hrvoje.marjanovic) (#218) * Document that calling Sequel::ODBC::Database#execute manually requires you to manually drop the returned object (jeremyevans) (#217) * Paginating an already paginated/limited dataset now raises an error (jeremyevans) * Add support for PostgreSQL partial indexes (dlee) * Added support for arbitrary index types (including spatial indexes) (dlee) * Quote column names in SQL generated for SQLite (tmm1) * Deprecate Object#rollback! (jeremyevans) * Make some Dataset methods private (qualified_column_name, column_list, table_ref, source_list) (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Dataset methods #set_options, #set_row_proc, #remove_row_proc, and #clone_merge (jeremyevans) * Add Symbol#*, a replacement for Symbol#all (jeremyevans) * Deprecate including ColumnMethods in Object, include it in Symbol, String, and Sequel::SQL::Expression (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Symbol#method_missing, and #AS, #DESC, #ASC, #ALL, and #all from ColumnMethods (jeremyevans) * Fix table joining in MySQL (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Sequel.method_missing and Object#Sequel, add real Sequel.adapter methods (jeremyevans) * Move dataset methods applicable only to paginated datasets into Sequel::Dataset::Pagination (jeremyevans) * Make Sequel::Dataset::Sequelizer methods private (jeremyevans) * Deprecate Dataset#method_missing, add real mutation methods (e.g. filter!) (jeremyevans) * Fix connecting to an MSSQL server via ODBC using domain user credentials (jeremyevans) (#216) * No longer depend on the assistance gem, merge in the ConnectionPool and .blank methods (jeremyevans) * No longer depend on ParseTree, RubyInline, or ruby2ruby, but you still need them if you want to use the block filters (jeremyevans) * Fix JDBC adapter by issuing index things start at 1 (pdamer) * Fix connecting to a database via the ADO adapter (now requires options instead of URI) (timuckun, jeremyevans) (#204) * Support storing microseconds in postgres timestamp fields (schnarch...@rootimage.msu.edu) (#215) * Allow joining of multiple datasets, by making the table alias different for each dataset joined (jeremyevans) * SECURITY: Fix backslash escaping of strings (dlee) * Add ability to create a graph of objects from a query, with the result split into corresponding tables (jeremyevans) (#113) * Add attr_accessor for dataset row_proc (jeremyevans) * Don't redefine Dataset#each when adding a transform or row_proc (jeremyevans) * Remove array_keys.rb from sequel_core, it was partially broken (since the arrays came from hashes), and redefined Dataset#each (jeremyevans) * Fix MySQL default values insert (matt.binary) (#196) * Fix ODBC adapter improperly escaping date and timestamp values (leo.borisenko) (#165) * Fix renaming columns on MySQL with type :varchar (jeremyevans) (#206) * Add Sequel::SQL::Function#==, for comparing SQL Functions (jeremyevans) (#209) * Update Informix adapter to work with Ruby/Informix 0.7.0 (gerardo.santana@gmail.com) * Remove sequel_core's knowledge of Sequel::Model (jeremyevans) * Use "\n" instead of $/ (since $/ can be redefined in ways we do not want) (jeremyevans) === 1.4.0 (2008-04-08) * Don't mark a column as changed unless the new value is different from the current value (tamas.denes, jeremyevans) (#203). * Switch gem name from "sequel_model" to just "sequel", which required large version bump (jeremyevans). * Add :select option to many_to_many associations, default to selecting only the associated model table and not the join table (jeremyevans) (#208). * Add :reciprocal one_to_many association option, for setting corresponding many_to_one instance variable (jeremyevans). * Add eager loading implementation (jeremyevans). * Change *_to_many associations so that the all associations are considered :cache=>true (jeremyevans). * Fix associations with block arguments and :cache=>true (jeremyevans). * Merge 3 mysql patches from the bugtracker (mvyver) (#200, #201, #202). * Merge 2 postgresql patches from the bugtracker (a...@mellowtone.co.jp) (#211, 212). * Allow overriding of default posgres spec database via ENV['SEQUEL_PG_SPEC_DB'] (jeremyevans). * Allow using the Sequel::Model as the first argument in a dataset join selection (jeremyevans) (#170). * Add simple callback mechanism to make model eager loading implementation easier (jeremyevans). * Added Sequel::Error::InvalidOperation class for invalid operations (#198). * Implemented MySQL::Database#server_version (#199). * Added spec configuration for MySQL socket file. * Fixed transform with array tuples in postgres adapter. * Changed spec configuration to Database objects instead of URIs in order to support custom options for spec databases. * Renamed schema files. * Fixed Dataset#from to work correctly with SQL functions (#193). ===Previous to 1.4.0, Sequel model and Sequel core versioning differed, see the bottom of this file for the changelog to Sequel model prior to 1.4.0. === 1.3 (2008-03-08) * Added configuration file for running specs (#186). * Changed Database#drop_index to accept fixed arity (#173). * Changed column definition sql to put UNSIGNED constraint before unique in order to satisfy MySQL (#171). * Enhanced MySQL adapter to support load data local infile_, added compress option for mysql connection by default (#172). * Fixed bug when inserting hashes in array tuples mode. * Changed SQLite adapter to catch RuntimeError raised when executing a statement and raise an Error::InvalidStatement with the offending SQL and error message (#188). * Added Error::InvalidStatement class. * Fixed Dataset#reverse to not raise for unordered dataset (#189). * Added Dataset#unordered method and changed #order to remove order if nil is specified (#190). * Fixed reversing order of ASC expression (#164). * Added support for :null => true option when defining table columns (#192). * Fixed Symbol#method_missing to accept variable arity (#185). === 1.2.1 (2008-02-29) * Added add_constraint and drop_constraint functionality to Database#alter_table (#182). * Enhanced Dataset#multi_insert to accept datasets (#179). * Added MySQL::Database#use method for switching database (#180). * Enhanced Database.uri_to_options to accept uri strings (#178). * Added Dataset#columns! method that always makes a roundtrip to the DB (#177). * Added new Dataset#each_page method that iterates over all pages in the result set (#175). * Added Dataset#reverse alias to Dataset#reverse_order (#174). * Fixed Dataset#transform_load and #transform_save to create a trasnformed copy of the supplied hash instead of transforming it in place (#184). * Implemented MySQL::Dataset#replace (#163). === 1.2 (2008-02-15) * Added support for :varchar[100] like type declarations in #create_table. * Fixed #rename_column in mysql adapter to support types like varchar(255) (#159). * Added support for order and limit in DELETE statement in MySQL adapter (#160). * Added checks to Dataset#multi_insert to prevent work if no values are given (#162). * Override ruby2ruby implementation of Proc#to_sexp which leaks memory (#161). * Added log option, help for sequel script (#157). === 1.1 (2008-02-15) * Fixed Dataset#join_table to support joining of datasets (#156). * Changed Dataset#empty? to use EXISTS condition instead of counting records, for much better performance (#158). * Implemented insertion of multiple records in a single statement for postgres adapter. This feature is available only in postgres 8.2 and newer. * Implemented Postgres::Database#server_version. * Implemented Database#get, short for dataset.get(...). * Refactored Dataset#multi_insert, added #import alias, added support for calling #multi_insert using array of columns and array of value arrays (thanks David Lee). * Implemented Dataset#get, a replacement for select(column).first[column]. * Implemented Dataset#grep method, poor man's text search. === 1.0.10 (2008-02-13) * Fixed Datset#group_and_count to work inside a query block (#152). * Changed datasets with transforms to automatically transform hash filters (#155). * Changed Marshal stock transform to use Base64 encoding with backward-compatibility to support existing marshaled values (#154). * Added support for inserting multiple records in a single statement using #multi_insert in MySQL adapter (#153). * Added support for :slice option (same as :commit_every) in Dataset#multi_insert. * Changed Dataset#all to accept opts and iteration block. === 1.0.9 (2008-02-10) * Implemented Dataset#inspect and Database#inspect (#151). * Added full-text searching for odbc_mssql adapter (thanks Joseph Love). * Added AlterTableGenerator#add_full_text_index method. * Implemented full_text indexing and searching for PostgreSQL adapter (thanks David Lee). * Implemented full_text indexing and searching for MySQL adapter (thanks David Lee). * Fixed Dataset#insert_sql to work with array subscript references (thanks Jim Morris). === 1.0.8 (2008-02-08) * Added support for multiple choices in string matching expressions (#147). * Renamed Dataset#clone_merge to Dataset#clone, works with or without options for merging (#148). * Fixed MySQL::Database#<< method to always free the result in order to allow multiple calls in a row (#149). Same also for PostgreSQL adapter. === 1.0.7 (2008-02-05) * Added support for conditional filters (using if else statements) inside block filters (thanks Kee). === 1.0.6 (2008-02-05) * Removed code pollution introduced in revs 814, 817 (really bad patch, IMO). * Fixed joining datasets using aliased tables (#140). * Added support additional field types in postgresql adapter (#146). * Added support for date field types in postgresql adapter (#145). * Fixed Dataset#count to work correctly for grouped datasets (#144). * Added Dataset#select_more, Dataset#order_more methods (#129). === 1.0.5 (2008-01-25) * Added support for instantiating models by using the load constructor method. === (2008-01-24) * Fixed bin/sequel to require sequel_model if available. === 1.0.4 (2008-01-24) * Added Dataset#select_all method. * Changed ODBC::Database to support connection using driver and database name, also added support for untitled columns in ODBC::Dataset (thanks Leonid Borisenko). * Fixed MySQL adapter to correctly format foreign key definitions (#123). * Changed MySQL::Dataset to allow HAVING clause on ungrouped datasets, and put HAVING clause before ORDER BY clause (#133). * Changed Dataset#group_and_count to accept multiple columns (#134). * Fixed database spec to open YAML file in binary mode (#131). * Cleaned up gem spec (#132). * Added Dataset#table_exists? convenience method. === 1.0.3 (2008-01-17) * Added support for UNSIGNED constraint, used in MySQL? (#127). * Implemented constraint definitions inside Database#create_table. * Fixed postgres adapter to define PGconn#async_exec as alias to #exec if not defined (for pure-ruby postgres driver). * Added String#to_date. Updated mysql adapter to use String#to_date for mysql date types (thanks drfreeze). === 1.0.2 (2008-01-14) * Removed ConnectionPool, NumericExtensions. Added dependency on assistance. === 1.0.1 (2008-01-12) * Changed postgres adapter to quote column references using double quotes. * Applied patch for oracle adapter: fix behavior of limit and offset, transactions, #table_exists?, #tables and additional specs (thanks Liming Lian #122). * Allow for additional filters on a grouped dataset (#119 and #120) * Changed mysql adapter to default to localhost if :host option is not specified (#114). * Refactored Sequelizer to use Proc#to_sexp (method provided by r2r). * Enhanced Database.connect to accept options with string keys, so it can now accept options loaded from YAML files. Database.connect also automatically converts :username option into :user for compatibility with existing YAML configuration files for AR and DataMapper. === (2008-01-03) * Changed MySQL adapter to support specifying socket option. * Added support for limiting and paginating datasets with fixed SQL, gotten with DB#fetch (thanks Ruy Diaz). * Added new Dataset#from_self method that returns a dataset selecting from the original dataset. === 1.0 (2008-01-02) * Removed deprecated adapter stubs. * Removed Sequel::Model() stub. * Changed name to sequel_core. * 100% code coverage. * Fixed error behavior when sequel_model is not available. * Fixed error behavior when parse_tree or ruby2ruby are not available. === (2008-01-01) * Fixed String#to_time to raise error correctly for invalid time stamps. * Improved code coverage - now at 99.2%. === (2007-12-31) * Added a stub for Sequel::Model that auto-loads sequel_model. * Changed Sequel.method_missing and Database.adapter_class to raise AdapterNotFound if an adapter could not be loaded. * Fixed behavior of error trap in sequel command line tool. === 0.5 (2007-12-30) * Removed model code into separate sub-project. Rearranged trunk into core, model and model_plugins. === 0.4.5 (2007-12-25) * Added rdoc for new alter_table functionality (#109). * Fixed update_sql with array sub-item keys (#110). * Refactored model specs. * Added Model#update as alias to #set. * Refactored validations code. Renamed Model.validations? into Model.has_validations?. * Added initial Model validations (Thanks Lance Carlson) * Added Database#set_column_default method (thanks Jim Morris.) * Removed warning on uninitialized @transform value (thanks Jim Morris). === (2007-12-20) * Fixed parsing errors in Ruby 1.9. * Fixed sync problem in connection_pool_spec. * Changed String#to_time to raise Error::InvalidValue if Time.parse fails. * Refactored sequel error classes. === (2007-12-19) * Fixed schema generation code to use field quoting and support adapter-specific literalization of default values (#108). === 0.4.4 (2007-12-17) * Implemented Database#rename_table (#104). * Fixed drop_index in mysql adapter (#103). * Added ALTER TABLE specs for postgres, sqlite and mysql adapters. Added custom alter_table behavior for sqlite and mysql adapters (#101, #102). * Added direct Database API for altering tables. * Added Database#alter_table method with support for adding, dropping, renaming, modifying columns and adding and droppping indexes. * Added #unique schema method for defining unique indexes (thanks Dado). * Implemented unfolding of #each calls inside sequelizer blocks (thanks Jim Morris). === 0.4.3 (2007-12-15) * Fixed Dataset#update to accept strings (#98). * Fixed Model.[] to raise for boolean argument (#97). * Added Database#add_index method (thanks coda.hale). * Added error reporting for filtering on comparison not in a block (thanks Jim Morris). * Added support for inline index definition (thanks Dado). * Added Database#create_table! method for forcibly creating a table (thanks Dado). * Added support for using Dataset#update with block. * Changed subscript access to use | operator. * Fixed subscript access in sequelizer. * Added support for subscript access using Symbol#/ operator. === (2007-12-10) * Improved code coverage. * Fixed Dataset#count to work properly with datasets with fixed SQL (when using #fetch). * Added Model.create_with_params method that filters the given parameters accordring to the model's columns (thanks Aman Gupta). === (2007-12-09) * Refactored and fixed Dataset#reverse_order to work with field quoting (thanks Christian). * Fixed problem with field quoting in insert statements. * Changed sequelizer code to silently fail on any error when requiring parsetree and ruby2ruby. * Added Database#create_view, #create_or_replace_view and #drop_view methods. Also implemented Dataset#create_view and #create_or_replace_view convenience methods. * Keep DRY by re-using Model#[]= from method_missing. * Added Model.fetch alias for DB.fetch.set_model(Model) === 0.4.2 (2007-12-07) * Implemented Model#save_changes. * Extended Model#save to accept specific columns to update. * Implemented experimental JDBC adapter. * Added adapter skeleton as starting point for new adapters. * Cleaned-up adapters and moved automatic requiring of 'sequel' to adapter stubs. === (2007-12-05) * Better plugin conventions. * Added experimental OpenBase adapter. * Fixed Sequel. methods to accept options hash as well as database name. Fixed Sequel.connect to accept options hash as well as URI (Wayne). === (2007-12-04) * Added release rake task (using RubyForge). * Changed Model.is to accept variable arity. * Implemented plugin loading for model classes. * Fixed odbc-mssql and odbc adapters (thanks Dusty.) * Implemented odbc-mssql adapter (thanks Dusty.) === (2007-11-27) * Fixed #first and #last functionality in Informix::Dataset (thanks Gerardo Santana). === 0.4.1 (2007-11-25) * Put adapter files in lib/sequel/adapters. Requiring sequel/ is now deprecated. Users can now just require 'sequel' and adapters are automagically loaded (#93). === 0.4.0 (2007-11-24) * Reorganized lib directory structure. * Added support for dbi-xxx URI schemes (#86). * Fixed problem in Database#uri where setting the password would raise an error (#87). * Improved Dataset#insert_sql to correctly handle string keys (#92). * Improved error-handling for worker threads. Errors are saved to an array and are accessible through #errors (#91). * Dataset#uniq/distinct can now accept a column list for DISTINCT ON clauses. * Fixed Model.all. * Fixed literalization of strings with escape sequences in postgres adapter (#90). * Added support for literalizing BigDecimal values (#89). * Fixed column qualification for joined datasets (thanks Christian). * Implemented experimental informix adapter. === (2007-11-10) * Changed Dataset#select_sql to support queries without a FROM clause. === 0.3.4 (2007-11-10) * Fixed MySQL adapter to allow calling stored procedures (thanks Sebastian). * Changed Dataset#each to always return self. * Fixed SQL functions without arguments in block filters. * Implemented super-cool Symbol#cast_as method. * Fixed error message in command-line tool if failed to load adapter (#85). * Refactored code relating to column references for better extendibility (#88). * Tiny fix to Model#run_hooks. === 0.3.3 (2007-11-04) * Revised code to generate SQL statements without trailing semicolons. * Added Sequel::Worker implementation of a simple worker thread for asynchronous execution. * Added spec for Oracle adapter. * Fixed Oracle adapter to format INSERT statements without semicolons (thanks Liming Lian). * Renamed alias to Array#keys as Array#columns instead of Array#fields. * Renamed FieldCompositionMethods as ColumnCompositionMethods. * Implemented Sequel::NumericExtensions to provide stuff like 30.days.ago. === 0.3.2 (2007-11-01) * Added #to_column_name as alias to #to_field_name, #column_title as alias to #field_title. * Added Dataset#interval method for getting interval between minimum/maximum values for a column. * Fixed Oracle::Database#execute (#84). * Added group_and_count as general implementation for count_by_xxx. * Added count_by magic method. * Added Dataset#range method for getting the minimum/maximum values for a column. * Fixed timestamp translation in SQLite adapter (#83). * Experimental DB2 adapter. * Added Dataset#set as alias to Dataset#update. * Removed long deprecated expressions.rb code. * Better documentation. * Implemented Dataset magic methods: order_by_xxx, group_by_xxx, filter_by_xxx, all_by_xxx, first_by_xxx, last_by_xxx. * Changed Model.create and Model.new to accept a block. === 0.3.1 (2007-10-30) * Typo fixes (#79). * Added require 'yaml' to dataset.rb (#78). * Changed postgres adapter to use the ruby-postgres library's type conversion if available (#76). * Fixed string literalization in mysql adapter for strings with comment backslashes in them (#75). * Fixed ParseTree dependency to work with version 2.0.0 and later (#74). * foreign_key definitions now accept :key option for specifying the remote key (#73). * Fixed Model#method_missing to not raise error for columns not in the table but for which a value exists (#77). * New documentation for Model. * Implemented Oracle adapter based on ruby-oci8 library. * Implemented Model#pk_hash. Is it really necessary? * Deprecated Model#pkey. Implemented better Model#pk method. * Specs and docs for Model.one_to_one, Model.one_to_many macros. === (2007-10-20) * Changed Database#fetch to return a modified dataset. === 0.3 (2007-10-20) * Added stock transforms to Dataset#transform. Refactored Model.serialize. * Added Database#logger= method for setting the database logger object. * Fixed Model.[] to act as shortcut to Model.find when a hash is given (#71). * Added support for old and new decimal types in MySQL adapter, and updated MYSQL_TYPES with MySQL 5.0 constants (#72). * Implemented Database#disconnect method for all adapters. * Fixed small bug in ArrayKeys module. * Implemented model caching by primary key. * Separated Model.find and Model.[] functionality. Model.find takes a filter. Model.[] is strictly for finding by primary keys. * Enhanced Dataset#first to accept a filter block. Model#find can also now accept a filter block. * Changed Database#[] to act as shortcut to #fetch if a string is given. * Renamed Database#each to #fetch. If no block is given, the method returns an enumerator. * Changed Dataset#join methods to correctly literalize values in join conditions (#70). * Fixed #filter with ranges to correctly literalize field names (#69). * Implemented Database#each method for quickly retrieving records with arbitrary SQL (thanks Aman Gupta). * Fixed bug in postgres adapter where a LiteralString would be literalized as a regular String. * Fixed SQLite insert with subquery (#68). * Reverted back to hashes as default mode. Added Sequel.use_array_tuples and Sequel.use_hash_tuples methods. * Fixed problem with arrays with keys when using #delete. * Implemented ArrayKeys as substitute for ArrayFields. * Added Dataset#each_hash method. * Rewrote SQLite::Database#transaction to use sqlite3-ruby library implementation of transactions. * Fixed Model.destroy_all to work correctly in cases where no before_destroy hook is defined and an after_destroy hook is defined. * Restored Model.has_hooks? implementation. * Changed Database#<< to strip comments and whitespace only when an array is given. * Changed Schema::Generator#primary_key to accept calls with the type argument omitted. * Hooks can now be prepended or appended by choice. * Changed Model.subset to define filter method on the underlying dataset instead of the model class. * Fixed Dataset#transform to work with array fields. * Added Dataset#to_csv method. * PrettyTable can now extract column names from arrayfields. * Converted ado, dbi, odbc adapters to use arrayfields instead of hashes. * Fixed composite key support. * Fixed Dataset#insert_sql, update_sql to support array fields. * Converted sqlite, mysql, postgres adapters to use arrayfields instead of hashes. * Extended Dataset#from to auto alias sub-queries. * Extended Dataset#from to accept hash for aliasing tables. * Added before_update, after_update hooks. === (2007-10-07) * Added Date literalization to sqlite adapter (#60). * Changed Model.serialize to allow calling it after the class is defined (#59). * Fixed after_create hooks to allow calling save inside the hook (#58). * Fixed MySQL quoting of sql functions (#57). * Implemented rollback! global method for cancelling transactions in progress. * Fixed =~ operator in Sequelizer. * Fixed ODBC::Dataset#fetch_rows (thanks Dusty). * Renamed Model.recreate_table to create_table!. recreate_table is deprecated and will issue a warning (#56). === 0.2.1 (2007-09-24) * Added default implementation of Model.primary_key_hash. * Fixed Sequel::Model() to set dataset for inherited classes. * Rewrote Model.serialize to use Dataset#transform. * Implemented Dataset#transform. * Added gem spec for Windows (without ParseTree dependency). * Added support for dynamic strings in Sequelizer (#49). * Query branch merged into trunk. * Implemented self-changing methods. * Add support for ternary operator to Sequelizer. * Fixed sequelizer to evaluate expressions if they don't involve symbols or literal strings. * Added protection against using #each, #delete, #insert, #update inside query blocks. * Improved Model#method_missing to deal with invalid attributes. * Implemented Dataset#query. * Added Dataset#group_by as alias for Dataset#group. * Added Dataset#order_by as alias for Dataset#order. * More model refactoring. Added support for composite keys. * Added Dataset#empty? method (#46). * Fixed Symbol#to_field_name to support names with numbers and upper-case characters (#45). * Added install_no_doc rake task. * Partial refactoring of model code. * Refactored dataset-model association and added Dataset#set_row_filter method. * Added support for case-sensitive regexps to mysql adapter. * Changed mysql adapter to support encoding option as well. * Added charset/encoding option to postgres adapter. * Implemented Model.serialize (thanks Aman Gupta.) * Changed Model.create to INSERT DEFAULT VALUES instead of (id) VALUES (null) (brings back #41.) * Fixed Model.new to work without arguments. * Added Model.no_primary_key method to allow models without primary keys. * Added Model#this method (#42 thanks Duane Johnson). * Fixed Dataset#insert_sql to use DEFAULT VALUES clause if argument is an empty hash. * Fixed Model.create to work correctly when no argument is passed (#41). === (2007-09-07) * Dataset#insert can now accept subqueries. * Changed Migrator.apply to return the version. * Changed Sequel::Model() to cache intermediate classes so descendant classes can be reopened (#39). * Added :charset option to MySQL adapter (#40). * Fixed Dataset#exclude to add parens around NOT expression (#38). * Fixed use of sub-queries with all comparison operators in block filters (#38). * Fixed arithmetic expressions in block filters to not be literalized. * Changed Symbol#method_missing to return LiteralString. * Changed PrettyTable to right-align numbers. * Fixed Model.create_table (thanks Duane Johnson.) === (2007-09-04) * Improved support for invoking methods with inline procs inside block filters. === 0.2.0 (2007-09-02) * Fixed Model.drop_table (thanks Duane Johnson.) * Dataset#each can now return rows for arbitrary SQL by specifying :sql option. * Added spec for postgres adapter. * Fixed Model.method_missing to work with new SQL generation. * Fixed #compare_expr to support regexps. * Fixed postgres, mysql adapters to support regexps. * More specs for block filters. Updated README. * Added support for globals and $X macros in block filters. * Fixed Sequelizer to not fail if ParseTree or Ruby2Ruby gems are missing. * Renamed String#expr into String#lit (#expr should be deprecated in future versions). * Renamed Sequel::ExpressionString into LiteralString. * Fixed Symbol#[] to return an ExpressionString, so as not to be literalized. * Renamed Dataset::Expressions to Dataset::Sequelizer. * Renamed Expressions#format_re_expression to match_expr. * Renamed Expressions#format_eq_expression to compare_expr. * Added support for Regexp in MySQL adapter. * Refactored Regexp expressions into a separate #format_re_expression method. * Added support for arithmetic in proc filters. * Added support for nested proc expressions, more specs. * Added support for SQL function using symbols, e.g. :sum[:x]. * Fixed deadlock bug in ConnectionPool. * Removed deprecated old expressions.rb. * Rewrote Proc filter feature using ParseTree. * Added support for additional functions on columns using Symbol#method_missing. * Added support for supplying filter block to DB#[] method, to allow stuff like DB[:nodes] {:path =~ /^icex1/}. === (2007-08-26) * Added spec for PrettyTable. * Added specs for Schema::Generator and Model (#36 thanks technoweenie). * Fixed Sequel::Model.set_schema (#36 thanks technoweenie.) * Added support for no options on Schema::Generator#foreign_key (#36 thanks technoweenie.) * Implemented (restored?) Schema::Generator#primary_key_name (#36 thanks technoweenie.) * Better spec code coverage. === (2007-08-24) * Changed Dataset#set_model to allow supplying additional arguments to the model's initialize method (#35). Thanks Sunny Hirai. === (2007-08-22) * Changed schema generation code to generate separate statements for CREATE TABLE and each CREATE INDEX (#34). * Refactored Dataset::SQL#field_name for better support of different field quoting standards by specific adapters. * Added #current_page_record_count for paginated datasets. * Removed Database#literal and included Dataset::SQL instead. * Sequel::Dataset:SQL#field_name can now take a hash (as well as #select and any method that uses #field_name) for aliasing column names. E.g. DB[:test].select(:_qqa => 'Date').sql #=> 'SELECT _qqa AS Date FROM test'. * Moved SingleThreadedPool to lib/sequel/connection_pool.rb. * Changed SQLite::Dataset to return affected rows for #delete and #update (#33). * ADO adapter: Added use of Enumerable for Recordset#Fields, playing it safe and moving to the first row before getting results, and changing the auto_increment constant to work for MSSQL. === (2007-08-18) * New ADO adapter by cdcarter (#31). * Added automatic column aliasing to #avg, #sum, #min and #max (#30). * Fixed broken Sequel::DBI::Dataset#fetch_rows (#29 thanks cdcarter.) === (2007-08-15) * Fixed DBI adapter. === (2007-08-15) * Added support for executing batch statements in sqlite adapter. * Changed #current_page_record_range to return 0..0 for an invalid page. * Fixed joining of aliased tables. * Improved Symbol#to_field_name to prevent false positives. * Implemented Dataset#multi_insert with :commit_every option. * More docs for Dataset#set_model. * Implemented automatic creation of convenience methods for each adapter (e.g. Sequel.sqlite etc.) === (2007-08-13) * Refactored schema definition code. Gets rid of famous primary_key problem as well as other issues (e.g. issue #22). * Added #pagination_record_count, #page_range and #current_page_record_range for paginated datasets. * Changed MySQL adapter to automatically reconnect (issue #26). * Changed Sequel() to accept variable arity. * Added :elements option to column definition, in order to support ENUM and SET types. === (2007-08-12) * Fixed migration docs. * Removed dependency on PGconn in Schema class. === (2007-08-11) * Added Sequel.dbi convenience method for using DBI connection strings to open DBI databases. === (2007-08-10) * Added support for specifying field size in schema definitions (thanks Florian Aßmann.) * Added migration code based on work by Florian Aßmann. * Reintroduced metaid dependency. No need to keep a local copy of it. === (2007-07-24) * Removed metaid dependency. Re-factored requires in lib/sequel.rb. === (2007-07-22) * Improved robustness of MySQL::Dataset#field_name. * Added Sequel.single_threaded= convenience method. === 0.1.9 (2007-07-21) * Fixed #update_sql and #insert_sql to support field quoting by calling #field_name. * Implemented automatic data type conversion in mysql adapter. * Added support for boolean literals in mysql adapter. * Added support for ORDER and LIMIT clauses in UPDATE statements in mysql adapter. * Implemented correct field quoting (using back-ticks) in mysql adapter. * Wrote basic MySQL spec. * Fixd MySQL::Dataset to return correct data types with symbols as hash keys. * Removed discunctional MySQL::Database#transaction. * Added support for single threaded operation. * Fixed bug in Dataset#format_eq_expression where Range objects would not be literalized correctly. * Added parens around postgres LIKE expressions using regexps. === 0.1.8 (2007-07-10) * Implemented Dataset#columns for retrieving the columns in the result set. * Updated Model with changes to how model-associated datasets work. * Beefed-up specs. Coverage is now at 95.0%. * Added support for polymorphic datasets. * The adapter dataset interface was simplified and standardized. Only four methods need be overriden: fetch_rows, update, insert and delete. * The Dataset class was refactored. The bulk of the dataset code was moved into separate modules. * Renamed Dataset#hash_column to Dataset#to_hash. * Added some common pragmas to sqlite adapter. * Added Postgres::Dataset#analyze for EXPLAIN ANALYZE queries. * Fixed broken Postgres::Dataset#explain. === 0.1.7 * Removed db.synchronize wrapping calls in sqlite adapter. * Implemented Model.join method to restrict returned columns to the model table (thanks Pedro Gutierrez). * Implemented Dataset#paginate method. * Fixed after_destroy hook. * Improved Dataset#first and #last to accept a filter hash. * Added Dataset#[]= method. * Added Sequel() convenience method. * Fixed Dataset#first to include a LIMIT clause for a single record. * Small fix to Postgres driver to return a primary_key value for the inserted record if it is specified in the insertion values (thanks Florian Aßmann and Pedro Gutierrez). * Fixed Symbol#DESC to support qualified notation (thanks Pedro Gutierrez). === 0.1.6 * Fixed Model#method_missing to raise for an invalid attribute. * Fixed PrettyTable to print model objects (thanks snok.) * Fixed ODBC timestamp conversion to return DateTime rather than Time object (thanks snok.) * Fixed Model.method_missing (thanks snok.) * Model.method_missing now creates stubs for calling Model.dataset methods. Methods like Model.each etc are removed. * Changed default join type to INNER JOIN (thanks snok.) * Added support for literal expressions, e.g. DB[:items].filter(:col1 => 'col2 - 10'.expr). * Added Dataset#and. * SQLite adapter opens a memory DB if no database is specified, e.g. Sequel.open 'sqlite:/'. * Added Dataset#or, pretty nifty. === 0.1.5 * Fixed Dataset#join to support multiple joins. Added #left_outer_join, #right_outer_join, #full_outer_join, #inner_join methods. === 0.1.4 * Added String#split_sql. * Implemented Array#to_sql and String#to_sql. Database#to_sql can now take an array of strings and convert into an SQL string. Comments and excessive white-space are removed. * Improved Schema generator to support data types as method names: DB.create_table :test do integer :abc text :def ... end * Implemented ODBC adapter. === 0.1.3 * Implemented DBI adapter. * Refactored database connection code. Now handled through Database#connect. === 0.1.2 * The first opened database is automatically assigned to to Model.db. * Removed SequelConnectionError. Exception class errors are converted to RuntimeError. * Added support for UNION, INTERSECT and EXCEPT set operations. * Fixed Dataset#single_record to return nil if no record is found. * Updated specs to conform to RSpec 1.0. * Added Model#find_or_create method. * Fixed MySQL::Dataset#query_single (thanks Dries Harnie.) * Added Model.subset method. Fixed Model.filter and Model.exclude to accept blocks. * Added Database#uri method. * Refactored and removed deprecated code in postgres adapter. ===0.1.1 * More documentation for Dataset. * Added Dataset#size as alias to Dataset#count. * Changed Database#<< to call execute (instead of being an alias). Thus it will work for descendants as well. * Fixed Sequel.open to accept variable arity. * Refactored Model#refresh, Model.create. Removed Model#reload. * Refactored Model hooks. * Cleaned up Dataset API. === 0.1.0 * Changed Database#create_table to only accept a block. Nobody's gonna use the other way. * Removed Dataset#[]= method. Too confusing and not really useful. * Fixed ConnectionPool#hold to wrap exceptions only once. * Dataset#where_list Renamed Dataset#expression_list. * Added support for qualified fields in Proc expressions (e.g. filter {items.id == 1}.) * Added like? and in? Proc expression operators. * Added require 'date' in dataset.rb. Is this a 1.8.5 thing? * Refactored Dataset to use literal strings instead of format strings (slight performance improvement and better readability.) * Added support for literalizing Date objects. * Refactored literalization of Time objects. === 0.0.20 * Refactored Dataset where clause construction to use expressions. * Implemented Proc expressions (adapted from a great idea by Sam Smoot.) * Fixed Model#map. * Documentation for ConnectionPool. * Specs for Database. === 0.0.19 * More specs for Dataset. * Fixed Dataset#invert_order to work correctly with strings. * Fixed Model#== to check equality of values. * Added Model#exclude and Model#order. * Fixed Dataset#order and Dataset#group to behave correctly when supplied with qualified field name symbols. * Removed Database#literal. Shouldn't have been there. * Added SQLite::Dataset#explain. Returns an array of opcode hashes. * Specs for ConnectionPool. === 0.0.18 * Implemented SequelError and SequelConnectionError classes. ConnectionPool#hold now catches any connection errors and reraises them SequelConnectionError. * Removed duplication in Database#[]. * :from and :select options are now always arrays (patch by Alex Bradbury.) * Fixed Dataset#exclude to work correctly (patch and specs by Alex Bradbury.) === 0.0.17 * Fixed Postgres::Database#tables to return table names as symbols (caused problem when using Database#table_exists?). * Fixed Dataset#from to have variable arity, like Dataset#select and Dataset#where (patch by Alex Bradbury.) * Added support for GROUP BY and HAVING clauses (patches by Alex Bradbury.) Refactored Dataset#filter. * More specs. * Refactored Dataset#where for better composability. * Added Dataset#[]= method. * Added support for DISTINCT and OFFSET clauses (patches by Alex Bradbury.) Dataset#limit now accepts ranges. Added Dataset#uniq and distinct methods. === 0.0.16 * More documentation. * Added support for subqueries in Dataset#literal. * Added support for Model.all_by_XXX methods through Model.method_missing. * Added basic SQL logging to Database. * Added Enumerable#send_each convenience method. * Changed Dataset#destroy to return the number of deleted records. === 0.0.15 * Improved Dataset#insert_sql to allow arrays as well as hashes. * Database#drop_table now accepts a list of table names. * Added Model#id to to return the id column. === 0.0.14 * Fixed Model's attribute accessors (hopefully for the last time). * Changed Model.db and Model.db= to allow different databases for different model classes. * Fixed bug in aggregate methods (max, min, etc) for datasets using record classes. === 0.0.13 * Fixed Model#method_missing to do both find, filter and attribute accessors. duh. * Fixed bug in Dataset#literal when quoting arrays of strings (thanks Douglas Koszerek.) === 0.0.12 * Model#save now correctly performs an INSERT for new objects. * Added Model#reload for reloading an object from the database. * Added Dataset#naked method for getting a version of a dataset that fetches records as hashes. * Implemented attribute accessors for column values ala ActiveRecord models. * Fixed filtering using nil values (e.g. dataset.filter(:parent_id => nil)). === 0.0.11 * Renamed Model.schema to Model.set_schema and Model.get_schema to Model.schema. * Improved Model class to allow descendants of model clases (thanks Pedro Gutierrez.) * Removed require 'postgres' in schema.rb (thanks Douglas Koszerek.) === 0.0.10 * Added some examples. * Added Dataset#print method for pretty-printing tables. === 0.0.9 * Fixed Postgres::Database#tables and #locks methods. * Added PGconn#last_insert_id method that should support all 7.x and 8.x versions of Postgresql. * Added Dataset#exists method for EXISTS where clauses. * Changed behavior of Dataset#literal to regard symbols as field names. * Refactored and DRY'd Dataset#literal and overrides therof. Added support for subqueries in where clause. === 0.0.8 * Fixed Dataset#reverse_order to provide chainability. This method can be called without arguments to invert the current order or with arguments to provide a descending order. * Fixed literal representation of literals in SQLite adapter (thanks Christian Neukirchen!) * Refactored insert code in Postgres adapter (in preparation for fetching the last insert id for pre-8.1 versions). === 0.0.7 * Fixed bug in Model.schema, duh! === 0.0.6 * Added Dataset#sql as alias to Dataset#select_sql. * Dataset#where and Dataset#exclude can now be used for refining dataset conditions, enabling stuff like posts.where(:title => 'abcdef').exclude(:user_id => 3). * Implemented Dataset#exclude method. * Added Sequel::Schema#auto_primary_key method for setting an automatic primary key to be added to every table definition. Changed the schema generator to not define a primary key by default. * Changed Sequel::Database#table_exists? to rely on the tables method if it is available. * Implemented SQLite::Database#tables. === 0.0.5 * Added Dataset#[] method. Refactored Model#find and Model#[]. * Renamed Pool#conn_maker to Pool#connection_proc. * Added automatic require 'sequel' to all adapters for convenience. === 0.0.4 * Added preliminary MySQL support. * Code cleanup. === 0.0.3 * Add Dataset#sum method. * Added support for exclusive ranges (thanks Christian Neukirchen.) * Added sequel console for quick'n'dirty access to databases. * Fixed small bug in Dataset#qualified_field_name for better join support. === 0.0.2 * Added Sequel.open as alias to Sequel.connect. * Refactored Dataset#where_equal_condition into Dataset#where_condition, allowing arrays and ranges, e.g. posts.filter(:stamp => (3.days.ago)..(1.day.ago)), or posts.filter(:category => ['ruby', 'postgres', 'linux']). * Added Model#[]= method for changing column values and Model#save method for saving them. * Added Dataset#destroy for deleting each record individually as support for models. Renamed Model#delete to Model#destroy (and Model#destroy_all) ala ActiveRecord. * Refactored Dataset#first and Dataset#last code. These methods can now accept the number of records to fetch. === 0.0.1 * More documentation for Dataset. * Renamed Database#query to Database#dataset. * Added Dataset#insert_multiple for inserting multiple records. * Added Dataset#<< as shorthand for inserting records. * Added Database#<< method for executing arbitrary SQL. * Imported Sequel code. == Sequel::Model CHANGELOG 0.1 - === (2008-03-12) * More fixes for Model.associate to accept strings and symbols as class references. === (2008-03-09) * Fixed Model.associate to accept class and class name in :class option. === 0.5 (2008-03-08) * Merged new associations branch into trunk. * Rewrote RDoc for associations. * Added has_and_belongs_to_many alias for many_to_many. * Added support for optional dataset block. * Added :order option to order association datasets. * Added :cache option to return and cache array of objects for association. * Changed one_to_many, many_to_many associations to return dataset by default. * Added has_many, belongs_to aliases. * Refactored associations code. * Added deprecations for old-style relations. * Completed specs for new associations code. * New associations code by Jeremy Evans (replaces relations code.) === 0.4.2 (2008-02-29) * Fixed one_to_many implicit key to work correctly for namespaced classes (#167). * Fixed Model.db= to affect the underlying dataset (#183). * Fixed Model.implicit_table_name to disregard namespaces. === 0.4.1 (2008-02-10) * Implemented Model#inspect (#151). * Changed Model#method_missing to short-circuit and bypass checking #columns if the values hash already contains the relevant column (#150). * Updated to reflect changes in sequel_core (Dataset#clone_merge renamed to Dataset#clone). === 0.4 (2008-02-05) * Fixed Model#set to work with string keys (#143). * Fixed Model.create to correctly initialize instances marked as new (#135). * Fixed Model#initialize to convert string keys into symbol keys. This also fixes problem with validating objects initialized with string keys (#136). === 0.3.3 (2008-01-25) * Finalized support for virtual attributes. === (2008-01-24) * Fixed Model.dataset to correctly set the dataset if using implicit naming or inheriting the superclass dataset (thanks celldee). === 0.3.2 (2008-01-24) * Added Model#update_with_params method with support for virtual attributes and auto-filtering of unrelated parameters, and changed Model.create_with_params to support virtual attributes (#128). * Cleaned up gem spec (#132). * Removed validations code. Now relying on validations in assistance gem. === 0.3.1 (2008-01-21) * Changed Model.dataset to use inflector to pluralize the class name into the table name. Works in similar fashion to table names in AR or DM. === 0.3 (2008-01-18) * Implemented Validatable::Errors class. * Added Model#reload as alias to Model#refresh. * Changed Model.create to accept a block (#126). * Rewrote validations. * Fixed Model#initialize to accept nil values (#115). === 0.2 (2008-01-02) * Removed deprecated Model.recreate_table method. * Removed deprecated :class and :on options from one_to_many macro. * Removed deprecated :class option from one_to_one macro. * Removed deprecated Model#pkey method. * Changed dependency to sequel_core. * Removed examples from sequel core. * Additional specs. We're now at 100% coverage. * Refactored hooks code. Hooks are now inheritable, and can be defined by supplying a block or a method name, or by overriding the hook instance method. Hook chains can now be broken by returning false (#111, #112). === 0.1 (2007-12-30) * Moved model code from sequel into separate model sub-project.