h1. How Do I ... This is a list of questions a Hydra implementer might ask, and where to find the appropriate documentation. h4. Determine How (ActiveFedora, OM, Solrizer, Solrizer-Fedora, Blacklight ...) fits into the Hydra stack and what it is responsible for? h4. Learn more about test first development? h4. Learn more about rspec and cucumber? h4. Use the Cucumber Step Definitions in the Hydra-Head plugin without recopying them at the app level? 1. Create a new file in features/step_definitions, such as features/step_definitions/hydra_head_steps.rb 2. Add "require" statements for the files you want to use in vendor/plugins/hydra-head/features/step_definitions:
# just grabbing a bunch of useful step definitions from hydra-head plugin require "vendor/plugins/hydra-head/features/step_definitions/html_validity_steps" require "vendor/plugins/hydra-head/features/step_definitions/user_steps" require "vendor/plugins/hydra-head/features/step_definitions/show_document_steps"There is probably an easier way to do this by adding that folder to your path. h4. Ensure my app's html is html5 valid? 1. You will need to use the html_validity_steps in the hydra-head plugin's features/step_definitions folder (see above). You will also need the user_steps if you will be checking html5 validity of the pages when a user is logged in. 2. You will need to make sure there is a path defined in cucumber for all the pages you want to validate 3. In your scenarios, include this line:
Then the page should be HTML5 validWe recommend that you put all the validity scenarios in a separate feature file, rather than intermingling them in your other feature files -- it's easier to ensure you are checking each page and not duplicating this check. h4. Change What is Displayed on Home Page? h4. Change What is Displayed in Search Results? h4. Change the Header Content? h4. Change What is Displayed in Show View for an Object? h4. Change What is Displayed in Edit View for an Object? h4. Set Up Permissions for Reading / Editing / Creating / Deleting Objects? h4. Set Up User Accounts and How Do They Work? h4. Understand the Rights Metadata? h4. Develop My Local Application So I Can Easily Pull Updates To Hydra-Head Plugin? - Blacklight Plugin?? (answer: bad idea? wait for hh to go to new blacklight release?) h4. See What the Fixture Users Are and Log In as Those Users? h4. Make Searches Return What I Want? h4. Create A New Object Type - Active Fedora modelling h4. Create An Object Type to Match Existing Fedora Objects? - get foxml (?), then see "Create a New Object" h4. Get Facets to Display on Home Page and in Search Results? Assuming you've got the data in the Solr index (see xxx), this is part of the BLACKLIGHT_CONFIG.textile h4. Set up a Hydra Rails Application? h4. Determine how the code decides what views will be used for display? h4. Configure What Will Be Put Into Solr? given an ActiveFedora model ... - OM will let you do things like xxx; see these docs: - to do more complex things, see these docs: - Solr field properties - what Solr will get by default for any ActiveFedora object ... - what are - What Is Required in the Solr Schema? (e.g. format, id, _t, _facet, _display _sort, ...) For More about Solr: h4. Index the attribute of an XML element in Solr? h4. Configure Solrizer, or Don't I Ever Have To? h4. Make My Hydra Application Behave Differently From The Defaults blah blah rails engines blah overrides blah see these documents: h4. Find Out More About the Constructs Used in the Fixture Objects? MODs Fedora DC Fedora RELS-EXT other? h4. Experiment at the rails console?