module Htmltoword class Document class << self include HtmltowordHelper def create(content, template_name = nil, extras = false) template_name += extension if template_name && !template_name.end_with?(extension) document = new(template_file(template_name)) document.replace_file(content, Document.doc_xml_file, extras) document.generate end def create_with_content(template, content, set=nil, extras = false) template += extension unless template.end_with?(extension) content = replace_values(content, set) if set document = new(template_file(template)) document.replace_file(content, Document.doc_xml_file, extras) document.generate end def extension '.docx' end def doc_xml_file 'word/document.xml' end def xslt_template(extras = false) File.join(Htmltoword.config.default_xslt_path, (extras ? 'htmltoword.xslt' : 'base.xslt')) end end def initialize(template_path) @replaceable_files = {} @template_path = template_path end # # Generate a string representing the contents of a docx file. # def generate do |template_zip| buffer = Zip::OutputStream.write_buffer do |out| template_zip.each do |entry| out.put_next_entry if @replaceable_files[] source =*?)(' source = Nokogiri::HTML(html.gsub(/>\s+<')) template = Document.xslt_template(extras) xslt = Nokogiri::XSLT( source = xslt.apply_to(source).gsub(/\s*xmlns:(\w+)="(.*?)\s*"/,'') @replaceable_files[file_name] = source end end end