require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'spec_helper') describe Rake::RemoteTask do def create_example_task(options = {}) task = Rake::RemoteTask.remote_task(:test_task, options) task.commands = [] task.output = [] task.error = [] task.action = nil task end def capture_output require 'stringio' orig_stdout = $stdout.dup orig_stderr = $stderr.dup captured_stdout = captured_stderr = $stdout = captured_stdout $stderr = captured_stderr yield captured_stdout.rewind captured_stderr.rewind return captured_stdout, captured_stderr ensure $stdout = orig_stdout $stderr = orig_stderr end it "should list all remote hosts" do set_example_hosts Rake::RemoteTask.all_hosts.should eql(%w[]) end it "should fetch variables that have been set" do set :foo, 5 Rake::RemoteTask.fetch(:foo).should eql(5) end it "should fetch the given default when a variable is not set" do Rake::RemoteTask.fetch(:not_here, 5).should eql(5) end it "should assign multiple roles to one remote host" do "", :app, :db Rake::RemoteTask.roles[:app].should == { "" => {} } Rake::RemoteTask.roles[:db].should == { "" => {} } end it "should error when the host name is invalid" do lambda { nil, :web }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should assign multiple roles to multiple remote hosts" do "", :app, :db "", :app, :db, :no_release => true expected = { "" => {}, "" => {:no_release => true} } Rake::RemoteTask.roles[:app].should == expected Rake::RemoteTask.roles[:db].should == expected Rake::RemoteTask.roles[:app][""].object_id.should_not eql(Rake::RemoteTask.roles[:db][""].object_id) end it "should get remote hosts for an array of roles" do set_example_hosts Rake::RemoteTask.hosts_for([:app, :db]).should eql(%w[]) end it "should get remote hosts for one role" do set_example_hosts "", :app Rake::RemoteTask.hosts_for(:app).should eql(%w[]) end it "should get remote hosts for multiple roles" do set_example_hosts Rake::RemoteTask.hosts_for(:app, :db).should eql(%w[]) end it "should get a unique list of remote hosts for given roles" do set_example_hosts "", :web Rake::RemoteTask.hosts_for(:app, :db, :web).should eql(%w[]) end it "should not set defaults for required configuration variables" do Rake::RemoteTask.set_defaults lambda { Rake::RemoteTask.repository }.should raise_error(Rake::RemoteTask::ConfigurationError) lambda { Rake::RemoteTask.deploy_to }.should raise_error(Rake::RemoteTask::ConfigurationError) lambda { Rake::RemoteTask.domain }.should raise_error(Rake::RemoteTask::ConfigurationError) end it "should assign a role for one remote host" do Rake::RemoteTask.role :app, "" Rake::RemoteTask.roles[:app].should == { "" => {} } end it "should assign a role for multiple remote hosts" do Rake::RemoteTask.role :app, "", :primary => true Rake::RemoteTask.role :db, "", :no_release => true Rake::RemoteTask.roles[:db].should == { "" => { :no_release => true } } Rake::RemoteTask.roles[:app].should == { "" => { :primary => true } } end it "should increase the number of tasks when created" do task = Rake::RemoteTask.remote_task(:test_task) { 5 } Rake.application.tasks.size.should eql(@task_count + 1) end it "should assign an empty set of roles if none are supplied" do task = Rake::RemoteTask.remote_task(:test_task) { 5 } task.options.should == { :roles => [] } end it "should assign all remote hosts to a task by default" do set_example_hosts task = Rake::RemoteTask.remote_task(:test_task) { 5 } task.target_hosts.should eql(%w[]) end it "should override hosts from environment" do old_env_hosts = ENV["HOSTS"] ENV["HOSTS"] = ',' set_example_hosts task = Rake::RemoteTask.remote_task(:test_task) { 5 } task.target_hosts.should eql(%w[]) ENV["HOSTS"] = old_env_hosts end it "should have access set variables within task body" do set(:some_variable, 5) '', :app Rake::RemoteTask.remote_task(:some_task) do $some_task_result = some_variable end Rake::Task['some_task'].execute nil Rake::RemoteTask.fetch(:some_variable).should eql($some_task_result) end it "should assign roles when creating a task" do task = Rake::RemoteTask.remote_task :test_task, :roles => [:app, :db] do fail "should not run" end task.options.should == { :roles => [:app, :db] } end it "should allow hosts to be assigned to a role after a task for a role has been created" do task = Rake::RemoteTask.remote_task :test_task, :roles => :web do 5 end '', :web task.target_hosts.should eql(%w[]) end it "should allow for roles to be overridden" do host "db1", :db host "db2", :db host "db3", :db host "master", :master_db remote_task(:migrate_the_db, :roles => [:db]) { fail "bad!" } task = Rake::Task["migrate_the_db"] task.target_hosts.should eql(%w[db1 db2 db3]) task.options[:roles] = :master_db task.target_hosts.should eql(%w[master]) task.options[:roles] = [:master_db] task.target_hosts.should eql(%w[master]) end it "should set variables" do set :test, 5 Rake::RemoteTask.test.should eql(5) end it "should do lazy evaluation of set blocks" do set(:test) { fail "lose" } lambda { Rake::RemoteTask.test }.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "should evaluate a set block the first time" do x = 1 set(:test) { x += 2 } Rake::RemoteTask.test.should eql(3) Rake::RemoteTask.test.should eql(3) end it "should have access to set variables within set blocks" do Rake::RemoteTask.instance_eval do set(:var_one) { var_two } set(:var_two) { var_three } set(:var_three) { 5 } end Rake::RemoteTask.var_one.should eql(5) end it "should error when a value and a block is supplied with set" do lambda { set(:test, 5) { 6 } }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "cannot provide both a value and a block") end it "should allow a variable to be set to nil" do set(:test, nil) Rake::RemoteTask.test.should be_nil end it "should not allow variables with reserved names to be set" do $TESTING = false lambda { set(:all_hosts, []) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "cannot set reserved name: 'all_hosts'") $TESTING = true end it "should allow a variable to be set to false" do set(:can_set_nil, nil) set(:lies_are, false) Rake::RemoteTask.can_set_nil.should be_nil Rake::RemoteTask.lies_are.should be_false end it "should fetch false as a default for a variable" do Rake::RemoteTask.fetch(:unknown, false).should be_false end it "should be enhanced with prerequisites and actions when it has been created with a body" do set_example_hosts body = { 5 } task = Rake::RemoteTask.remote_task(:some_task => :foo, &body) action =, body) task.remote_actions.should == [action] action.task.should eql(task) task.prerequisites.should eql(["foo"]) end it "should not be enhanced with prerequisites or actions when it has been created without a body" do set_example_hosts task = create_example_task task.remote_actions.should be_empty task.prerequisites.should be_empty end it "should execute on all remote hosts when no role is given" do set_example_hosts set :some_variable, 1 x = 5 task = Rake::RemoteTask.remote_task(:some_task) { x += some_variable } task.execute nil task.some_variable.should eql(1) x.should eql(7) end it "should allow variables to be set inside of the body" do host "", :app task = Rake::RemoteTask.remote_task(:target_task) { set(:test_target_host, target_host) } task.execute nil Rake::RemoteTask.fetch(:test_target_host).should eql("") end it "should not excute with no remote hosts set" do "", :app task = Rake::RemoteTask.remote_task(:flunk, :roles => :db) { fail "should not have run" } lambda { task.execute nil }.should raise_error(Rake::RemoteTask::ConfigurationError, "No target hosts specified on task flunk for roles [:db]") end it "should not execute with no remote hosts for a given role" do task = Rake::RemoteTask.remote_task(:flunk, :roles => :junk) { fail "should not have run" } lambda { task.execute nil }.should raise_error(Rake::RemoteTask::ConfigurationError, "No target hosts specified on task flunk for roles [:junk]") end it "should execute on remote hosts with a given role" do set_example_hosts set :some_variable, 1 x = 5 task = Rake::RemoteTask.remote_task(:some_task, :roles => :db) { x += some_variable } task.execute nil task.some_variable.should eql(1) x.should eql(6) end it "should build rsync commands" do task = create_example_task task.rsync 'localfile', '' task.commands.size.should eql(1) task.commands.first.should eql(%w[rsync -azP --delete localfile]) end it "should error when an rsync command fails" do task = create_example_task task.action = lambda { false } lambda { task.rsync 'local', '' }.should raise_error(Rake::RemoteTask::CommandFailedError, "execution failed: rsync -azP --delete local") end it "should build get commands" do task = create_example_task task.target_host = '' lambda { task.get('tmp', 'remote1', 'remote2') }.should_not raise_error task.commands.size.should eql(1) task.commands.first.should eql(%w[rsync -azP --delete tmp]) end it "should build put commands" do task = create_example_task task.target_host = '' lambda { task.put('dest') { 'whatever' } }.should_not raise_error task.commands.size.should eql(1) task.commands.first[3] = 'some_temp_file_name' task.commands.first.should eql( %w[rsync -azP --delete some_temp_file_name]) end it "should run remote commands" do task = create_example_task task.output << "file1\nfile2\n" task.target_host = "" result = nil out, err = capture_output do result ="ls") end task.commands.size.should eql(1) task.commands.first.should eql(["ssh", "", "ls"]) result.should eql("file1\nfile2\n") eql("file1\nfile2\n") eql('') end it "should error when a remote command fails" do set_example_hosts task = create_example_task task.input = "file1\nfile2\n" task.target_host = '' task.action = lambda { 1 } lambda {"ls") }.should raise_error(Rake::RemoteTask::CommandFailedError, "execution failed with status 1: ssh ls") task.commands.size.should eql(1) end it "should build remote sudo commands" do task = create_example_task task.target_host = "" task.sudo "ls" task.commands.size.should eql(1) task.commands.first.should eql(["ssh", "", "sudo -p Password: ls"]) end it "should run remote sudo commands" do task = create_example_task task.output << "file1\nfile2\n" task.error << 'Password:' task.target_host = "" def task.sudo_password() "my password" end # gets defined by set result = nil out, err = capture_output do result ="sudo ls") end task.commands.size.should eql(1) task.commands.first.should eql(['ssh', '', 'sudo ls']) task.input.string.should eql("my password\n") # WARN: Technically incorrect, the password line should be # first... this is an artifact of changes to the IO code in run # and the fact that we have a very simplistic (non-blocking) # testing model. result.should eql("file1\nfile2\nPassword:\n") eql("file1\nfile2\n") eql("Password:\n") end it "should get an options hash for a single option" do set :my_option, 10 options = Rake::RemoteTask.get_options_hash(:my_option) options.should ==({ :my_option => 10 }) end it "should get an options hash for multiple options" do set :my_option, 10 set :my_other_option, 'my other option value' options = Rake::RemoteTask.get_options_hash(:my_option, :my_other_option) options.should ==({ :my_option => 10, :my_other_option => 'my other option value' }) end it "should an empty options hash for an undefined option" do options = Rake::RemoteTask.get_options_hash(:my_undefined_option) options.should ==({}) end end