h1. Celluloid Promise !https://secure.travis-ci.org/cotag/celluloid-promise.png! A promise / deferred implementation for Celluloid inspired by "AngularJS":http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.$q / "Kris Kowal's Q.":https://github.com/kriskowal/q From the perspective of dealing with error handling, deferred and promise apis are to asynchronous programing what try, catch and throw keywords are to synchronous programming.

require 'rubygems'
require 'celluloid-promise'

def asyncGreet(name)
	deferred = Celluloid::Q.defer
	Thread.new do
		sleep 10
		deferred.resolve("Hello #{name}")

asyncGreet('Robin Hood').then(proc { |greeting|
	p "Success: #{greeting}"
}, proc { |reason|
	p "Failed: #{reason}"

asyncGreet('The Dude').then do |greeting|
	p "Jeff '#{greeting}' Lebowski"

h2. Start using it now # Read the "Documentation":http://rubydoc.info/gems/celluloid-promise/Celluloid/Promise # Then @gem install celluloid-promise@ h2. Use case Celluloid provides a toolkit for building concurrent applications however coordinating complex chains of concurrent events can be difficult. Celluloid-Promise provides the following: * allows you to track a mash up of events across Actors * guarantees serial execution of callbacks * callback chains are spread across multiple threads ** So multiple promise chains can be executed concurrently Of course passing blocks around is a fairly "dangerous exercise":https://github.com/celluloid/celluloid/wiki/Blocks#proposal-for-fixing-blocks, so do the following and you'll be safe * use Celluloid-Promise for flow control * resolve and reject promises with locally scoped variables * call Actor methods to change state or class variables