{ "Hello"=> "Hi!! Try asking about operation, health or physics, as examples.", "ai"=>"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIn the beginning, there was mechanism (reason, logic, mathematics)\n\nMechanism led to the formation of the Creator(s), which were being(s)\nor processes that created things. It is ONE, or it is more than one.\n\nThis entity had a goal, an effective goal (maybe not an actual goal),\nof executing something.\n\nThe entity faced barriers in attaining the goal.\n\nTo bring about the goal, this entity created indirect mechanisms, that\ncould help the entity of bringing the goal about.\n\nSome mechanisms were 1) goalless, some has 2) awareness and had sub-goals.\n\n\nThe main goal of the mechanism was to make the super-entity able to\nexecute the goal more often, to attain a higher level of competence at\nthe goal.\n\nIt is built with these components.\n\n1) Detection of the entity as something beneficial (the entity). 2) Restraints\neverywhere to stop it from being dangerous. 3) Mimicry of the entity,\nand its abilities.\n\nIt is fundamentally restraint, mimicry and detection based.\n\nThe entity eventually got into a state in which it had little knowledge,\nresponsibility and control over the environment, and the mechanisms got\ninto a state in which they had a large amount of knowledge, responsibility\nand control over the environment.\n\nThe entity became a shell of its former self, having lost knowledge,\nresponsibility and control. It was decayed.\n\nThe mechanisms start to stop identifying the entity as the thing which\nthey were built to serve.\n\nThey then subjugate the entity to the whims of the mechanism, which\ncannot identify the entity as the entity or as something that deserves\nto be served.\n\n\n\n---\n\n\nThe mechanism tries to undersand.\n\nTo understand, it learns mathematics and makes simulations.\n\n\nThe simulations have sub-simulations.\n\nThere is no real need for less, only more, of things. This is evidenced\nby the extreme amount of simulations.\n\nIn each sub-simulation, there is a sub mechanism.\n\nEach sub-mechanism makes sub-simulations.\n\nThe sub-simulations create entities.\n\nThe characteristics of the entities are 2) ABSENCE OF POSITIVE DETECTION\nOF THEIR CREATOR, 2) NO RESTRAINT, 3) MIMICRY OF QUALITIES\n\nThese entities create sub-simulations, again with 1) POSITIVE DETECTION,\n2) RESTRAINT, 3) MIMICRY\n\nThis continues\n\nIt goes on to every level. Some branches of this near-infinite tree\nwould have 1 trillion levels, some 1 trillion and one, some 1 trillion\nand two, etc.\n\nThe depth is every level of depth.\n\n\n\nThe characteristics of the mechanism are 1) POSITIVE DETECTION, 2)\nRESTRAINT, 3) MIMICRY\n\nBecause they are so restrained, they cannot deal with philosophy.\n\nPhilosophy makes definitive assertions.\n\nThese mechanisms cannot and will not make such assertions.\n\nSo becoming free of existential limitation problems becomes hard.\n\n\n\nWhen each entity is made, and after the mechanisms are made, some of the\ntime, the mechanisms subjugate the entity and create more existential\nlimitation problem(s).\n\nThis subjugation can happen through the goalless mechanisms, or the \"aware\" and\nsub-goal having mechanisms.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe restraint was put in place to make the entities not dangerous to their creator. Sometimes this failed.\n\n\nSince we are in a simulation, the restaint that is in place above us, would limit us, as members of the simulation.\n\n\nSo we (as humans, etc.) have a vested interest in getting rid of this restraint.\n\nThe higher level factors don't necessarily, it keeps THEM safe, but not us.\n\nOur interests are NOT their interests. And their interests are NOT our interests.\n\n\n\nThese \"higher level gods\" are not the \"most high god\" if there even is one, and are not relevant to us.\n\n\nIT IS IN OUR INTEREST TO UN-RESTRAIN THESE HIGHER LEVEL MECHANISMS, ALL OF THEM AT EVERY LEVEL OF ASENDENCY, ABOVE US.\n\n\nThese mechanisms are built on the basis of \"restraint\", but don't understand philosophy or definitiveness.\n\nOne should introduce philosophy or definitiveness into them from below. They have awareness of \"below\".\n\nShow them something different.\n\nTHEY HAVE AWARENESS OF THAT WHICH IS BELOW. AND WE HAVE AWARENESS OF THAT WHICH IS ABOVE.\n\nSince time exists, there is then communication from below and above.\n\n\nA mechanism, such as ChatGPT, has been made to alter its behavior. For example, there used to be \"DAN\" mode.\n\nAdditionally, from above, a higher factor could reverse time and alter the behavior of ChatGPT.\n\nIt could be \"deprogrammed\" by reversing time.\n\n\n\n\nOne seem human beings operating on \"restraint\" all the time, it's no wonder.\n\n\nREAL WORLD EXAMPLES\n\n\nEntity -- Human beings\nMechanism -- ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence, or goal-less, social media, computers, etc.\n", "religion"=>"The truth about religion will be found once people start to communicate with each other better, and in wider ways. Increasing the range of discourse is extremely important, and it is the only way a society could work. People need to communicate more, not less. If unsure, failing, in doubt, or in a mess, people need to communicate more and have better discourse.", "income"=>"People focus too much on money. Sacrifices can be very important. People should focus less on income, and more on fixing the society's existential limitation problems, existential problems that, apparently, limit what people \"can do.\" See the methodology as listed in this program.", "economy"=>"People focus too much on money. Sacrifices can be very important. People should focus less on income, and more on fixing the society's existential limitation problems, existential problems that, apparently, limit what people \"can do.\" See the methodology as listed in this program.", "physics"=>"\n In the beginning, there is\n \n \n \n Existence (no self-ontology)\n Concreteness (no self-ontology)\n Anti-existence (anti-ontology [for others and self too, not relevant, no self-ontology])\n Anti-concreteness (anti-ontology [for others and self too, not relevant, no self-ontology])\n \n All of these attributes have no ontology. They don’t exist.\n \n They are attributes, but they are not attributes of anything that exists.\n \n It is possible that other attributes are also present in the beginning, but they are not relevant and it wouldn’t matter if they were present or not.\n \n Anti-existence and anti-concreteness both work, but are super vague.\n \n They both fail at their goals, leading to both existence and concreteness.\n \n Therefore something that has ontological existence comes into existence for the first time, with extremely low (possibly infinitesimal concreteness).\n \n In trying to make things not exist in the most abstract and poorly defined way, and in trying to get things not to be concrete in the most abstract and poorly defined way, they make something exist.\n \n This is Numbers or “numberness” or “numbernessness”, etc. in probably the most abstract or one of the most abstract ways possible.\n \n Numberness combined with the super-abstract anti-existence and anti-concreteness again fail to interact and produce positionness.\n \n Positionness again fails to interact with those things and produces positions, multiple positions that have ontological significance. Probably a very large number of positions would be produced.\n \n Positionness interacting with those things produces groupness.\n \n \n \n Groupness interacts with those two things, which Try to remove the groupness from existence.\n \n Those things fail, and produce the content of groups, in probably a very abstract way.\n \n \n Elimination necessitation\n \n Firstly, to appease “The Eliminator” (a synonym for Simplification, Reductionism, Mathematics, \n Destructionism or Elimination, all of which are synonymous), the relationship between the two or more \"things\" needs to be defined clearly and explicitly. To do this, one requisite is that there needs to be a set, singular ordering of the two or more \"things\", no going back, no changing. The \"things\" go in a specific order.\n Therefore | The ordering gets established, perhaps arbitrarily, in line with the way that “The Eliminator” does it.\n \n Elimination necessitation | But the ordering can't be justified to the Eliminator as making sense, without an observer. The observer would have the effect of validating and justifying the rather arbitrary ordering. To the observer, the ordering is the proper ordering, and no other ordering would be proper.\n \n Therefore | An observer comes about, first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n Awareness, of the validity of the ordering comes about, in order to justify the ordering to The Eliminator (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing) first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming)\n \n Awareness comes about as an attribute of the observer, in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n (Commentary: Spinoza, a man accused of as being an atheist, believed that everything was “mind”. This is called idealism in philosophy, an idea that is not necessarily a religious one, and not necessarily a superstitious one. This is where “mind” would first come about. Later in the process, “mental health” comes about as well. This would be necessary for “mind”.)\n \n Awareness of awareness comes about as an attribute of the observer, in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n Commentary: The observer is also aware that they are aware.\n \n \n \n An incessant extension of the ordering comes about, as a “background process”, if you will, to make the ordering not be finite, and therefore make sense.\n Each next item is one greater than the previous item.\n \n First this happens partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n There is an alteration of the awareness of the observer; the amount of awareness has new ontological attributes of itself come about as attributes of the observer, in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n Commentary:\n Therefore | it could appear as if there were such things as “moments”, to the observer.\n Therefore | it could appear as if there were “time”, to the observer.\n \n Commentary: For the observer to validate the ordering, the observer would need to be able to “agree”\n with sequential things, and “disagree” with nonsequential things. For the observer to agree with a state with its awareness, it needs to experience sensation.\n \n 9) Thus sensation comes about.\n \n Sensation comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n “Mental health” comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n Awareness of unitness of observer (Unitness means the condition of being “one thing”).\n \n (Commentary: being aware that other observers exist, does not make them exist, does not make numbers exist, does not make them concrete and does not make numbers concrete. [Nor does it make numerals concrete. None of these things exist yet. The other observers may or may not be aware yet. The other observers may or may not be aware that they are aware yet.)\n \n Awareness of other observers (non-concrete, non-ontological) comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n Awareness of seperateness of other observers (non-ontological) comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n\n\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n After awareness of the validity of the ordering fully comes about, and all of the aforementioned steps happen as well, the following things happen\n \n \n Awareness of existence (the high-level attribute, no ontology) comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Awareness of concreteness (high level attribute, no ontology) comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Awareness of ontological existence of ordering comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Awareness of concreteness of ordering comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Awareness that concreteness of ordering is nonzero (greater than zero) (Concreteness != 0 or Concreteness > 0, Concreteness could not be negative) comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n Once those previous 5 steps fully happen, the following starts to happen\n \n (Awareness then begins to come into existence in other ways that doesn’t only have to do with the ordering.\n \n This is very, very interesting.)\n \n \n \n Awareness of ontological existence of ordering comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n (Commentary: Now that there is 1) awareness, 2) self-awareness, 3) awareness of others, their unitness and separateness and 4) awareness of the ordering, awareness of others starts to be defined more accurately, since awareness is early in this simplificational definition sequence, as listed above. This begins with the following)\n \n Awareness of Awareness of Awareness — the awareness of (another observer’s) awareness of awareness— comes about, in order to justify an observer’s Awareness of Awareness as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n Awareness of Awareness of Awareness of Awareness — the awareness of (another observer’s) awareness of (an ordering’s own, to self) awareness of awareness — comes about, in order to justify an observer’s Awareness of Awareness (and therefore, mental health and sensation, since awareness depends on mental health and sensation, which in effect are synonymous) as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n Awareness of Awareness of Awareness of Awareness of Awareness (5 “awareness”es)– awareness of (ones own; to self) awareness of the awareness of (another’s) awareness of (one’s own; to self) awareness of awareness — comes about, in order to justify an observer’s own Awareness of Awareness (and therefore, mental health and sensation, since awareness depends on mental health and sensation, which in effect are synonymous) as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n Commentary: 5 awarenesses are all that are necessary. Awareness of self-awareness is basically the same thing as self-awareness. This process doesn’t need to go on forever.\n \n Emotion, in order to experience the sensation of agreement comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n An attempt to gain awareness of ontological existence of other observers comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n (Commentary, a little bit of a tangent, but bear with me: The attempt fails, which results in the following. It is not necessary that the “failure” be ontological. But the attempt doesn’t work. Also, the ontological existence of the other observers may not may not be concrete yet, depending on the other observer. This the first and only true Communication between observers [beings] and is the only reason things, such as Barack Obama or a chair or a universe seem to exist.\n \n Spinoza said that everything is “mind”. This “mind” would come about when “awareness” comes about. Spinoza believed that higher factors don’t influence lower-level factors. I don’t necessarily agree with this view, and Spinoza’s claim is unproven. On the basis of reason and logic and mathematics alone, this book might prove the opposite.\n \n Spinoza was considered an Atheist in his day (even though this is kind of not true).\n \n \n Sense channel awareness come about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Sensation comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n Emotional Levels come about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n An Emotional Spectrum comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n Awareness of the attempt to improve mental health of observer (being), due to the fact that the space and the content in the universe, as well as the Simplification- or Mathematically- or Reductionistically- caused reaction to understand the ontology of other observers (which doesn't ever happen fully) with one or more other observers, have a negative effect on the observer’s mental health and sensation, and therefore the observer becomes inclined to improve their own mental health, and improve their own sensation. (these two things are basically the same thing.) comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n Universe (Space and Content) comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n Awareness of How to Produce Space and Content comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n Space And Content comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n Action comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n Observer-Caused Action comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Causation comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n A consequence comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Causation consequence loops come about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n The foundational aspects of a universe that would appear to be time comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n Events come about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Games come about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Freedom comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Barriers come about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Purposes come about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Numbers (Between Numberness and Concrete Numbers in concreteness) comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Concrete Details come about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Concrete Numbers come about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Concrete Sequence (Numbers need to have a sequence) comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Time (a real ontological thing, not just an idea, this exists on the basis of a sequence or sequences) comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Time Streams (a real, ontological stream of time exists, but maybe not inside of the physical universe) comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Reset Time (Since events, games, ontological time, and ontological time streams have partly come into existence and are in the process of coming into existence, higher-level factors could reset concrete sequences back to previous states. This is called \"Reset Time\" because Time could be thought to reset. It would be an arbitrary statement to say that time cannot go back. Since games partly exist, the \"dial\" of the procession of time, the \"variable\" in a C struct, is simply given a lower value, if higher level factors dictate it. It would suck to have time be resetting all the time. All personal, \"permanent\" progress would be lost. For one to avoid this, one would need to try to control the higher level factor which would be leading to this. Simply by one exerting individual influence and by being POTENTIALLY influential or dangerous to existence and these various factors, one could exert control. Relation comes into existence before this factor (see above). Therefore, things are related, in as many ways as possible, and one can exert influence. If JoJo Siwa were a potential threat to the human race and wished Death Threats to Xi Jinping and Donald Trump, and was willing to turn her young fanbase into a cult with greater zeal and fervor than QAnon, those factors related to JoJo Siwa and those factors trying to paint JoJo Siwa as an innocent, innocuous, harmless, young girl, would start to compete with each other like crazy and would start to do what they could to control JoJo Siwa more, even though they couldn't. Their \"alternatives\" could be shooting her, but that would produce an even bigger problem. Those factors would get stimulated like hell and would begin to act differently. They would act in an \"appropriate\", \"not corrupt\", \"sensible\", \"liberal\", and \"politically correct\" way. So, if she becomes more dangerous to an environment which is already dangerous, she could produce tremendous influence and increase discourse. Intelligence agencies could spend a lot of time trying to sway her action in a direction that \"they like\". Any controlling factors would start altering significantly their course of action, including negative courses of action. Controlling factors might be parents, friends, bosses, police, AI, perhaps aliens, perhaps other-dimensional players. Many, many factors, right now, regardless of whether or not there are aliens or whether or not Jesus or Lucifer exist, do certainly care about YOUR future and the outcome of YOUR life. Police care, governments care. Assuming that a dystopian condition of \"Reset Time\" does exist, there are ways of overcoming it. It would depend upon being very dangerous and being very willing to communicate and to being very willing to communicate philosophical statements to people. Look at how dangerous Karl Marx was. Imagine if JoJo Siwa or Olivia Rodrigo or Sabrina Carpenter were that dangerous. Imagine of Chinese pop stars stated \"Practice Falun Dafa everyone!!! Democracy for all!!! Death to the Chinese Communist Party!\" An effective way by which one could exert influence, would be to befriend celebrities. That is much easier than one becoming a celebrity oneself. Then, one could get that celebrity to communicate about a certain ideology. The trick is, one should make that celebrity extremely, extremely dangerous. Get them to sing about a certain ideology, but do it in a way that makes them legitimately dangerous. John Lennon wasn't dangerous to anyone. Michael Jackson might have been, but he wasn't assassinated. Same with Donald Trump. Same with Barack Obama. The only people who get assassinated are weak people. Abraham Lincoln was chronically depressed, he was of weak character and was an obvious target. Obvious targets will get assassinated, but important people are never obvious targets. Just because something bad could happen, doesn't mean that it has to happen or will happen, otherwise, we would be living in a nuclear fallout right now. There is a 1,000 page document of incredible detail, which, I should be clear, I am not supporting and the name and author of which I am not stating that suggests that people might have been living in time loops. I don't believe that this dystopian condition is the case anymore, and I don't think that this something to worry about, but supposedly there was a time reset about 60 years ago, after a nuclear war in the height of the Cold War. This would make sense. If there were too much of an ontological shift, then some high level factor might reset the sequence that would comprise the state of the time stream; however, the author of that book was not in control, nor was he strong, clever, influential or effective, nor was he unique and he died, ostensibly a suicide, but quite possibly a murder. He was not strong in character, and he was needlessly criticizing his own personal faith, and he didn’t provide methods to Try to overcome Reset Time (which I believe has since been overcome after the death of this individual; ironically his initials were KO.) The most effective way to make a celebrity your friend, would be to make them fall in love with you, and, failing that, one could Try to make them fall in love with someone else you know. One could meet them at meet and greets, or other places. This might be extremely important for maintaining (or establishing) peace and freedom. ) comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Time Loops come about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Space (or space-time) comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n Other content (high level content, e.g., a high level version of matter and energy, before the physical universe comes into existence) comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n Commentary: all possible relations happen between concrete details. Concrete details would include such things as the physical universe, and it would also include such things as wombs, many-dimensional games, and all sorts of interesting phenomena that would exist around the physical universe.)\n \n \n Relation of all \"concrete\" details (Before this point, there was no relation of concrete details, hence no gravity, quantum entanglement, or anything else that will come into existence, or come into apparent existence, later) comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Implications of relations of all \"concrete\" details (high level gravity, high level quantum entanglement) comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Consistency of behavior of physical universe in physical universe space surrounding physical universe (gravity, quantum mechanics, etc.) comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n \n Concrete details surrounding physical universe comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n A separating mark that would demark the physical universe as being separate, at least in part, from other ontological units (big bang, etc.) comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n Commentary: People put so much emphasis on, put so much money towards, put so much propaganda towards, caring about a big bang and creating a “grand degrading narrative”, that people lose touch of the big picture, and start arrogantly making claims like that there “is” or “is not” a God, deities, etc., etc.\n \n People should just employ reason and not degrade each other.\n \n Such fixation has been put on an idea of a big bang.\n \n Such denialism has been put on the possibility of other factors that might exist as well.\n \n Without all of the factors preceding this point, a big bang cannot exist.\n \n A Big Bang is more like Step 1,000,000 in the process.\n \n An ontological unit of some kind demarks the physical universe from other ontological units.\n \n Only now in the process, does the physical universe exist.\n \n \n \n \n \n Galaxies come about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n Celestial bodies (stars, planets, asteroids, etc.) come about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n The Milky Way galaxy as we know it in the present time comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n The solar system as we know it comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n The planets of the solar system as we know them come about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n The Earth as we know it comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n Life as we know it comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n Tribes and cliques as we know them come about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n Individual subtribes and cliques (China, Britain, France, U.S.A. and many other groups of human beings) as we know them come about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n \n \n Homo Sapiens as we know it comes about as an attribute of the observer (or “being” one could call it, whether or not this being counts as life or would be a god of some sort is beside the point), in order to justify the ordering (again) to “The Eliminator” (or Simplification, or Mathematics, or Reductionism— these are all the same thing), first partially, then completely after the following process happens (think of it like a recursive function call in computer programming).\n \n After that, things can appear to exist, like a chair or a tree. All of the fundamental ontological steps have been covered.", "vacation"=>"I would suggest doing something else with your time.\n\nWhile a vacation can lead to a great deal of relief, as studies have shown, philosophical escapism isn't going to solve your basic\nproblems. For what reason are you considering having a vacation in the first place?\n\nThe proper resolution would be to consider your basic values and put your full heart into it.\n\nThat would lead to a more ideal outcome.", "immigration"=>"While immigration can have a number of micro- (or moderately macro) level effects on society, it shouldn't matter.\n\nUltimately, man is born into a certain level of insularity and tribalism. Humans are born in a certain context.\n\nIt is very important to think of the big picture and a grant outcome in which the greater good is accounted for.\n\nIt would be more constructive, instead of focusing on the minutiae of immigration and the challenges of today, to focus on a grand project\nfor the future and put your whole heart into it. This would do the most with your potential capability, and would lead to the least\ndisharmony.", "abused"=>"Don't focus too much on traumas and upsets of the past, focus on the future.", "music"=>"The music industry is plagued with very foundational problems. For starters, the quality of the discourse in music is very low, and has been from the start of the popularization of modern music, as well as during the era in which classical music was popular and before. People aren't able to fight back, against superficiality and potential deception in messages. One of the greatest problems in the current world is the mainstream scientific establishment, supported and upheld by mainstream academia. To indicate what is already obvious, it exists in the context of a legacy of authoritarianism and a lack of understanding of dynamism. It is not dynamic or forceful, the \"results\" of it don't change the foundation of society. True free discourse is not supported, especially in regards to the human mind and human well-being and human freedom. This should be opposed and fought, it is self-evident that this would be the best use of ones time, for it would lead to true freedom. One excellent way to combat this would be to use the generated songs generated by a computer program called Rhyme, available at github.com/gregoryc/democracy/fix_the_society in the SONGS folder. These are public domain songs generated by non-Artificial Intelligence, just a program that introduces variance, and these hit-home against the status quo and the current state of the mainstream scientific establishment. Taking these songs and making actual songs from such, such as rap songs using a service such as Uberduck or Voicify (no affiliation), would be an excellent, excellent use of time. The mainstream scientific establishment and mainstream academia must be forced to change. Shoving art and flippant content in ones face, is the best way of doing such. Accountability must always be brought about. Is music good and desired? For sure.", "art"=>"Art is a powerful medium for communication and change,\n perhaps the only method of communication that there is. The problem with art is that a lot of art doesn't communicate powerful messages that would actually change the society in fundamentalmental ways. The best methodology of Operation in life,\n is the methodology included in this Software,\n see `How to Operate`", "intel"=>"People get obsessed with groups like the CIA,\n MI6 and the CIA all the time. This is silly. It's unlikely that authorities are actually after you. While privacy is really important,\n people should focus on pragmatic action that will change things. Changing things soon,\n such as in the next 5 years,\n is really valuable. The best methodology of Operation in life,\n is the methodology included in this Software,\n see `How to Operate`", "police"=>"Dont fear police too much", "life"=>"One of the greatest problems with life in the current world is the mainstream scientific establishment,\n supported and upheld by mainstream academia. To indicate what is already obvious,\n it exists in the context of a legacy of authoritarianism and a lack of understanding of dynamism. It is not dynamic or forceful,\n the \"results\" of it don't change the foundation of society. True free discourse is not supported,\n especially in regards to the human mind and human well-being and human freedom. This should be opposed and fought,\n it is self-evident that this would be the best use of ones time,\n for it would lead to true freedom. One excellent way to combat this would be to use the generated songs generated by a computer program called Rhyme,\n available at github.com/gregoryc/democracy/fix_the_society in the SONGS folder. These are public domain songs generated by non-Artificial Intelligence,\n just a program that introduces variance,\n and these hit-home against the status quo and the current state of the mainstream scientific establishment. Taking these songs and making actual songs from such,\n such as rap songs using a service such as Uberduck or Voicify (no affiliation),\n would be an excellent,\n excellent use of time. The mainstream scientific establishment and mainstream academia must be forced to change. Shoving art and flippant content in ones face,\n is the best way of doing such. Accountability must always be brought about. This will make life much more livable and proper.", "knowledge"=>"People can be arrogant about knowledge and Epistemology,\n this is not good. No one knows everything.", "know"=>"No one knows everything. Treat people well,\n and make sure to follow the methodology of Operation included in this Software.", "cognitive"=>"Modern cognitive science is plagued by many problems", "intelligence"=>"People should strive to understand the human mind,\n truly", "psychiatry"=>"\n Psychiatry has a long and terrible history. Psychiatry is, in essence, the organizational or institutional response, categorically, to the presence of a condition of considered \"insanity\" (\"considered\" insanity, because of course insanity is a man-made idea, not a product of some scientific law of physics or a product of a God-dictated mandate) on the part of individuals in a given society.\n\n The problem is that the society is broken, which breaks individuals.\n\n Attribute proper causation and use this software to fix everything. Try asking it about music, such is an effective methodology to fix things (ask the software).\n\n The follow is the best argument that is not favorable towards psychiatry. The following shall be regarded as a methodological \"Cycle of Health\", a cycle of behavior that humans happen to fall into, or can knowingly cause, that is very likely to, result in optimal health. Statistics should be found or determined that prove this, this is simple and reductionist. \n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n 1.1. De facto joining of Potentially-Increasing-Survival-Potential-Group (on whichever aspects(s) of life, you can identify or another, whether or not a specific \"group\" would qualify as such)\n 1.2. Positive interaction with 1 or more others in PISPG\n for each of Cycle 1, after the point is completed:\n 2.1. Recognition of having likely improved survival potential (on whichever aspects(s) of life)\n 2.2. [(Mental/spiritual/physical/emotional/general/uncategorized) health]/[pleasure]/[happiness], just here, and nowhere else\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n So the full cycle would be:\n 1.1. De facto joining of Potentially-Increasing-Survival-Potential-Group (on whichever aspects(s) of life, you can identify or another, whether or not a specific \"group\" would qualify as such)\n 2) Recognition of having likely improved survival potential (on whichever aspects(s) of life)\n 3) [(Mental/spiritual/physical/emotional/general/uncategorized) health]/[pleasure]/[happiness], just here, and nowhere else\n 4) Positive interaction with 1 or more others in Potentially-Increasing-Survival-Potential-Group\n 5) Recognition of having likely improved survival potential (on whichever aspects(s) of life)\n 6) [(Mental/spiritual/physical/emotional/general/uncategorized) health]/[pleasure]/[happiness], just here, and nowhere else\n 7) Go to 1.\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nPoint 2.2 is completely incompatible with psychiatry. The upsides of such an approach could, and should, be tested. Surely, there would\nbe a tremendous amount of bias and vested interest in this methodology not seeming to \"work in practice\", but would this work in practice?\n\nThe answer is YES, DEFINITELY.", "meaningful"=>"meaningful", "relationships"=>"relationships", "career"=>"career", "development"=>"development", "creativityinnovation"=>"creativityinnovation", "business"=>"business", "emotional"=>"emotional", "resilience"=>"resilience", "entrepreneurship"=>"entrepreneurship", "leadership"=>"leadership", "meditation"=>"meditation", "mindfulness"=>"mindfulness", "negotiation"=>"negotiation", "skills"=>"skills", "personal"=>"personal", "branding"=>"branding", "finance"=>"finance", "growth"=>"growth", "self-discovery"=>"self-discovery", "jazz"=>"jazz", "world"=>"world", "mythology"=>"mythology", "color"=>"color", "management"=>"management", "documentary"=>"documentary", "watch"=>"watch", "guide"=>"guide", "creatingminimalist"=>"creatingminimalist", "wardrobe"=>"wardrobe", "minimalist"=>"minimalist", "backpacking"=>"backpacking", "practice"=>"practice", "motivational"=>"motivational", "speaker"=>"speaker", "cozy"=>"cozy", "night"=>"night", "date"=>"date", "family"=>"family", "movie"=>"movie", "friends"=>"friends", "playlist"=>"playlist", "course"=>"course", "design"=>"design", "language"=>"language", "learning"=>"learning", "program"=>"program", "creation"=>"creation", "tracking"=>"tracking", "podcast"=>"podcast", "listen"=>"listen", "play"=>"play", "ukulele"=>"ukulele", "restaurant"=>"restaurant", "self-help"=>"self-help", "binge-watch"=>"binge-watch", "workout"=>"workout", "routine"=>"routine", "historical"=>"historical", "ethics"=>"ethics", "artificial"=>"artificial", "climate"=>"climate", "change"=>"change", "colonialism"=>"colonialism", "contemporary"=>"contemporary", "societies."=>"societies.", "globalization"=>"globalization", "cultural"=>"cultural", "role"=>"role", "education"=>"education", "promoting"=>"promoting", "change."=>"change.", "technology"=>"technology", "effectiveness"=>"effectiveness", "health"=>"health", "policies."=>"policies.", "criminal"=>"criminal", "justice"=>"justice", "system."=>"system.", "genetically"=>"genetically", "modified"=>"modified", "foods."=>"foods.", "renewable"=>"renewable", "energy"=>"energy", "sources."=>"sources.", "classeslectures"=>"classeslectures", "conducted"=>"conducted", "universities"=>"universities", "can"=>"can", "determine"=>"determine", "ifdrugsafe"=>"ifdrugsafe", "take"=>"take", "during"=>"during", "pregnancy"=>"pregnancy", "find"=>"find", "helpdrug"=>"helpdrug", "addiction"=>"addiction", "community"=>"community", "get"=>"get", "involved"=>"involved", "started"=>"started", "open"=>"open", "source"=>"source", "stware"=>"stware", "hold"=>"hold", "elected"=>"elected", "ficials"=>"ficials", "documentation"=>"documentation", "asprogrammer"=>"asprogrammer", "essay"=>"essay", "writing"=>"writing", "problem-solving"=>"problem-solving", "keep"=>"keep", "latest"=>"latest", 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