Given(/^(\d+) existing corporations$/) do |count| create_list(:customer_vault_corporation, Integer(count)) end When(/^I create an new corporation$/) do @corporations_count = Dorsale::CustomerVault::Corporation.count visit dorsale.new_customer_vault_corporation_path end When(/^I add the corporation's informations$/) do fill_in 'person_corporation_name', with: 'AGILiDEE' fill_in 'person_email', with: '' fill_in 'person_www', with: '' fill_in 'person_phone', with: '04 91 00 00 00' fill_in 'person_fax', with: '09 00 00 00 00' end When(/^I fill the corporation capital, immatriculation, legal form$/) do fill_in 'person_capital', with: '1000' fill_in 'person_immatriculation_number', with: 'RCS 201523658' fill_in 'person_legal_form', with: 'SARL' fill_in 'person_number_of_employees', with: '45' fill_in 'person_revenue', with: "450000" fill_in 'person_context', with: "Le joli contexte" fill_in 'person_societe_com', with: "societe_com" end When(/^I fill the corporation's address$/) do fill_in 'person_address_attributes_street', with: '3 Rue Marx Dormoy' fill_in 'person_address_attributes_street_bis', with: '' fill_in 'person_address_attributes_city', with: 'Marseille' fill_in 'person_address_attributes_zip', with: '13004' fill_in 'person_address_attributes_country', with: 'France' end When(/^I validate the new corporation$/) do find("[type=submit]").click end When(/^I go on the corporate index$/) do visit dorsale.customer_vault_people_path end When(/^he go on the next page$/) do click_link '2' end Then(/^i see an error message for the missing name$/) do expect(page).to have_selector ".person_corporation_name.has-error" end Then(/^he can see (\d+) corporate$/) do |count| page.should have_selector '.person', count: count end Then(/^the corporation is created$/) do expect(Dorsale::CustomerVault::Corporation.count).to eq(@corporations_count + 1) @corporation = Dorsale::CustomerVault::Corporation.last_created expect(@corporation.corporation_name).to eq "AGILiDEE" end When(/^I go on this corporation$/) do visit dorsale.customer_vault_corporation_path(@corporation) end When(/^I add a comment on the person$/) do @events_count = Dorsale::CustomerVault::Event.count fill_in "event_text", with: "MyNewComment" find("[type=submit]").click end Then(/^I see my new comment on the person$/) do expect(Dorsale::CustomerVault::Event.count).to eq(@events_count + 1) expect(find("p.comment-text")).to have_content "MyNewComment" end Given(/^an existing comment on this corporation$/) do @event = create(:customer_vault_event_comment, person: @corporation) end When(/^I update the comment on the person$/) do find(".comment [href*=edit]").click within "form[id*=edit]" do fill_in :event_text, with: "MyUpdatedComment" find("[type=submit]").click end end Then(/^I see my updated comment on the person$/) do expect(find("p.comment-text")).to have_content "MyUpdatedComment" end When(/^I delete the comment on the person$/) do @events_count = Dorsale::CustomerVault::Event.count find(".comment [data-method*=delete]").click end Then(/^I see do not see my comment on the person$/) do expect(Dorsale::CustomerVault::Event.count).to eq(@events_count - 1) expect(page).to have_no_content @event.text end Given(/^an existing individual with recent comments$/) do @individual = create(:customer_vault_individual) create(:customer_vault_event_comment, person: @individual, text: "individual-comment-1") create(:customer_vault_event_comment, person: @individual, text: "individual-comment-2") end Given(/^an existing corporation with recent comments$/) do @corporation = create(:customer_vault_corporation) create(:customer_vault_event_comment, person: @corporation, text: "corporation-comment-1") create(:customer_vault_event_comment, person: @corporation, text: "corporation-comment-2") end When(/^I go on the people activity$/) do visit dorsale.customer_vault_events_path end Then(/^I see all these comments$/) do expect(page).to have_content "individual-comment-1" expect(page).to have_content "individual-comment-2" expect(page).to have_content "corporation-comment-1" expect(page).to have_content "corporation-comment-2" end Given(/^an existing corporation with (\d+) comments$/) do |n| step "an existing corporation" n.to_i.times do create(:customer_vault_event_comment, person: @corporation) end end Then(/^I see these comments paginated$/) do expect(all(".comment").count).to eq 50 expect(page).to have_selector ".pagination" end When(/^I edit this corporation$/) do visit dorsale.edit_customer_vault_corporation_path(@corporation) end When(/^I add tags to this corporation$/) do page.execute_script %( $("#person_tag_list").append("") $("#person_tag_list").append("") ) select "mytag1" select "mytag2" end When(/^I submit this corporation$/) do find("[type=submit]").click end Then(/^tags are added$/) do expect(all(".tag").count).to eq 2 expect(page).to have_content "mytag1" expect(page).to have_content "mytag2" end Given(/^an existing corporation with tags$/) do @corporation = create(:customer_vault_corporation, tag_list: "mytag1, mytag2") end When(/^I remove tags to this corporation$/) do unselect "mytag1" end Then(/^tags are removed$/) do expect(all(".tag").count).to eq 1 expect(page).to have_no_content "mytag1" expect(page).to have_content "mytag2" end Given(/^an open task to this corporation$/) do @open_task = ::Dorsale::Flyboy::Task.create!(taskable: @corporation, progress: 20, name: "I-am-open") end Given(/^a closed task to this corporation$/) do @closed_task = ::Dorsale::Flyboy::Task.create!(taskable: @corporation, progress: 100, done: true, name: "I-am-closed") end Given(/^a link between this individual and this corporation$/) do @link = ::Dorsale::CustomerVault::Link.create!(alice: @corporation, bob: @individual, title: "I-am-a-link") end Then(/^I see only the open task in the context$/) do expect(find("#context")).to have_content "I-am-open" expect(find("#context")).to have_no_content "I-am-closed" end Then(/^I see the link in the context$/) do expect(find("#context")).to have_content "I-am-a-link" end Then(/^I am on the corporation page$/) do wait_for { current_path }.to eq dorsale.customer_vault_corporation_path(@corporation) end When(/^I delete this corporation$/) do @corporations_count = ::Dorsale::CustomerVault::Corporation.count find(".context [href$=edit]").click find(".context [data-method=delete]").click end Then(/^the corporation is deleted$/) do expect(::Dorsale::CustomerVault::Corporation.count).to eq (@corporations_count - 1) end Then(/^I am on the people page$/) do expect(current_path).to eq dorsale.customer_vault_people_path end