module Her module Model # This module handles all methods related to model attributes module Attributes extend ActiveSupport::Concern attr_accessor :attributes alias :data :attributes alias :data= :attributes= # Initialize a new object with data def initialize(attributes={}) attributes ||= {} @metadata = attributes.delete(:_metadata) || {} @response_errors = attributes.delete(:_errors) || {} @destroyed = attributes.delete(:_destroyed) || false assign_attributes(attributes) end # Initialize a collection of resources # @private def self.initialize_collection(klass, parsed_data={}) collection_data = parsed_data[:data].map do |item_data| resource = resource.run_callbacks :find resource end, parsed_data[:metadata], parsed_data[:errors]) end # Use setter methods of model for each key / value pair in params # Return key / value pairs for which no setter method was defined on the model # @private def self.use_setter_methods(model, params) setter_method_names = model.class.setter_method_names params ||= {} params.inject({}) do |memo, (key, value)| setter_method = key.to_s + '=' if setter_method_names.include?(setter_method) model.send(setter_method, value) else key = key.to_sym if key.is_a?(String) memo[key] = value end memo end end # Handles missing methods # @private def method_missing(method, *args, &blk) if method.to_s =~ /[?=]$/ || attributes.include?(method) # Extract the attribute attribute = method.to_s.sub(/[?=]$/, '') # Create a new `attribute` methods set self.class.attributes(*attribute) # Resend the method! send(method, *args, &blk) else super end end # @private def respond_to?(method, include_private = false) method.to_s.end_with?('=') || method.to_s.end_with?('?') || @attributes.include?(method) || super end # @private def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = false) method.to_s.end_with?('=') || method.to_s.end_with?('?') || @attributes.include?(method) || @attributes.include?(method) || super end # Assign new attributes # @private def assign_attributes(raw_data) @attributes ||= {} # Use setter methods first, then translate attributes of associations # into association instances, then merge the parsed_data into @attributes. unset_attributes = Her::Model::Attributes.use_setter_methods(self, raw_data) parsed_attributes = self.class.parse_associations(unset_attributes) attributes.update(parsed_attributes) end alias :update_attributes :assign_attributes alias :assign_data :assign_attributes # Handles returning true for the accessible attributes # @private def has_attribute?(attribute_name) attributes.include?(attribute_name) end alias :has_data? :has_attribute? # Handles returning data for a specific attribute # @private def get_attribute(attribute_name) attributes[attribute_name] end alias :get_data :get_attribute # Override the method to prevent from returning the object ID # @private def id attributes[self.class.primary_key] || super end # Return `true` if the other object is also a Her::Model and has matching data # @private def ==(other) other.is_a?(Her::Model) && attributes == other.attributes end # Delegate to the == method # @private def eql?(other) self == other end # Delegate to @attributes, allowing models to act correctly in code like: # [ Model.find(1), Model.find(1) ].uniq # => [ Model.find(1) ] # @private def hash attributes.hash end module ClassMethods # Initialize a collection of resources with raw data from an HTTP request # # @param [Array] parsed_data def new_collection(parsed_data) Her::Model::Attributes.initialize_collection(self, parsed_data) end # Define the attributes that will be used to track dirty attributes and validations # # @param [Array] attributes def attributes(*attributes) define_attribute_methods attributes attributes.each do |attribute| attribute = attribute.to_sym define_method attribute do @attributes.include?(attribute) ? @attributes[attribute] : nil end define_method :"#{attribute}=" do |value| self.send(:"#{attribute}_will_change!") if @attributes[attribute] != value @attributes[attribute] = value end define_method :"#{attribute}?" do @attributes.include?(attribute) && @attributes[attribute].present? end end end # Define the accessor in which the API response errors (obtained from the parsing middleware) will be stored def store_response_errors(value = nil) if @_her_store_response_errors remove_method @_her_store_response_errors remove_method :"#{@_her_store_response_errors}=" end @_her_store_response_errors ||= begin superclass.store_response_errors if superclass.respond_to?(:store_response_errors) end return @_her_store_response_errors unless value @_her_store_response_errors = value define_method(@_her_store_response_errors) { @response_errors } define_method(:"#{@_her_store_response_errors}=") { |value| @response_errors = value } end # Define the accessor in which the API response metadata (obtained from the parsing middleware) will be stored def store_metadata(value = nil) if @_her_store_metadata remove_method @_her_store_metadata remove_method :"#{@_her_store_metadata}=" end @_her_store_metadata ||= begin superclass.store_metadata if superclass.respond_to?(:store_metadata) end return @_her_store_metadata unless value @_her_store_metadata = value define_method(@_her_store_metadata) { @metadata } define_method(:"#{@_her_store_metadata}=") { |value| @metadata = value } end # @private def setter_method_names @_her_setter_method_names ||= instance_methods.inject( do |memo, method_name| memo << method_name.to_s if method_name.to_s.end_with?('=') memo end end end end end end