require "rbconfig" require "rubygems" require "pathname" require "aruba/aruba_path" require "aruba/platforms/simple_table" require "aruba/platforms/unix_command_string" require "aruba/platforms/unix_which" require "aruba/platforms/determine_file_size" require "aruba/platforms/determine_disk_usage" require "aruba/platforms/aruba_file_creator" require "aruba/platforms/aruba_fixed_size_file_creator" require "aruba/platforms/local_environment" require "aruba/platforms/aruba_logger" require "aruba/platforms/announcer" require "aruba/platforms/command_monitor" require "aruba/platforms/filesystem_status" # Aruba module Aruba # This abstracts OS-specific things module Platforms # WARNING: # All methods found here are not considered part of the public API of aruba. # # Those methods can be changed at any time in the feature or removed without # any further notice. # # This includes all methods for the UNIX platform # # @private class UnixPlatform def self.match? !Gem.win_platform? end def environment_variables UnixEnvironmentVariables end def command_string UnixCommandString end def filesystem_status FilesystemStatus end def announcer Announcer end def command_monitor CommandMonitor end def logger ArubaLogger end def determine_file_size(*args)*args) end def determine_disk_usage(paths) end def create_file(*args)*args) end def create_fixed_size_file(*args)*args) end def with_environment(env = {}, &block), &block) end def default_shell "bash" end def detect_ruby(cmd) if /^ruby\s/.match?(cmd) cmd.gsub(/^ruby\s/, "#{current_ruby} ") else cmd end end def deprecated(msg) warn(format("%s. Called by %s", msg, caller[1])) end def current_ruby ::File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG["bindir"], RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_install_name"]) end def require_matching_files(pattern, base) ::Dir.glob(::File.expand_path(pattern, base)).sort.each { |f| require_relative f } end # Create directory and subdirectories def mkdir(dir_name) dir_name = ::File.expand_path(dir_name) ::FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir_name) unless end # Remove file, directory + sub-directories def rm(paths, options = {}) paths = Array(paths).map { |p| ::File.expand_path(p) } FileUtils.rm_r(paths, **options) end # Get current working directory def getwd Dir.getwd end # Change to directory def chdir(dir_name, &block) dir_name = ::File.expand_path(dir_name.to_s) with_environment "OLDPWD" => getwd, "PWD" => dir_name do ::Dir.chdir(dir_name, &block) end end # Touch file, directory def touch(args, options) FileUtils.touch(args, **options) end # Copy file/directory def cp(src, dest) FileUtils.cp_r(src, dest) end # Move file/directory def mv(src, dest), dest) end # Change mode of file/directory def chmod(mode, args, options) FileUtils.chmod_R(mode, args, **options) end # Exists and is file def file?(f) File.file? f end # Exists and is directory def directory?(f) f end # Path Exists def exist?(f) File.exist? f end # Path is executable def executable?(f) File.executable?(f) end # Expand path def expand_path(path, base) File.expand_path(path, base) end # Is absolute path def absolute_path?(path) end # Is relative path def relative_path?(path) end # Check if command is relative # # @return [Boolean] # true # * bin/ # # false # * /bin/ # * def relative_command?(path) p = p.relative? && p.basename != p end # Check if command is relative # # @return [Boolean] # true # * # # false # * /bin/ # * bin/ def command?(path) p = p.relative? && p.basename == p end # Write to file def write_file(path, content) File.write(path, content) end # Transform hash to a string table which can be output on stderr/stdout def simple_table(hash, opts = {}), opts).to_s end # Resolve path for command using the PATH-environment variable # # Mostly taken from here: # # @param [#to_s] program # The name of the program which should be resolved # # @param [String] path # The PATH, a string concatenated with ":", e.g. /usr/bin/:/bin on a # UNIX-system def which(program, path = ENV["PATH"]), path) end def builtin_shell_commands [] end def term_signal_supported? true end end end end