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    <a href="#NAME">NAME</a>
    <a href="#SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</a>
    <a href="#EXAMPLES">EXAMPLES</a>
    <a href="#BUGS">BUGS</a>
    <a href="#SEE-ALSO">SEE ALSO</a>
    <a href="#AUTHOR">AUTHOR</a>
    <a href="#CHEF">CHEF</a>

  <ol class='man-decor man-head man head'>
    <li class='tl'>knife-bootstrap(1)</li>
    <li class='tc'>Chef Manual</li>
    <li class='tr'>knife-bootstrap(1)</li>

  <h2 id="NAME">NAME</h2>
<p class="man-name">
  <code>knife-bootstrap</code> - <span class="man-whatis">Install Chef Client on a remote host</span>


<p><strong>knife</strong> <strong>bootstrap</strong> <em>(options)</em></p>

<dt><code>-i</code>, <code>--identity-file IDENTITY_FILE</code></dt><dd>The SSH identity file used for authentication</dd>
<dt><code>-N</code>, <code>--node-name NAME</code></dt><dd>The Chef node name for your new node</dd>
<dt><code>-P</code>, <code>--ssh-password PASSWORD</code></dt><dd>The ssh password</dd>
<dt><code>-x</code>, <code>--ssh-user USERNAME</code></dt><dd>The ssh username</dd>
<dt><code>-p</code>, <code>--ssh-port PORT</code></dt><dd>The ssh port</dd>
<dt><code>--bootstrap-version VERSION</code></dt><dd>The version of Chef to install</dd>
<dt><code>--bootstrap-proxy PROXY_URL</code></dt><dd><code>The proxy server for the node being bootstrapped</code></dd>
<dt><code>--prerelease</code></dt><dd>Install pre-release Chef gems</dd>
<dt><code>-r</code>, <code>--run-list RUN_LIST</code></dt><dd>Comma separated list of roles/recipes to apply</dd>
<dt><code>--template-file TEMPLATE</code></dt><dd>Full path to location of template to use</dd>
<dt class="flush"><code>--sudo</code></dt><dd>Execute the bootstrap via sudo</dd>
<dt><code>-d</code>, <code>--distro DISTRO</code></dt><dd>Bootstrap a distro using a template</dd>
<dt><code>--[no-]host-key-verify</code></dt><dd>Enable host key verification, which is the default behavior.</dd>
<dt><code>--hint HINT_NAME[=HINT_FILE]</code></dt><dd>Provide the name of a hint (with option JSON file) to set for use by
Ohai plugins.</dd>


<p>Performs a Chef Bootstrap on the target node. The goal of the bootstrap
is to get Chef installed on the target system so it can run Chef Client
with a Chef Server. The main assumption is a baseline OS installation
exists. This sub-command is used internally by some cloud computing

<p>The bootstrap sub-command supports supplying a template to perform the
bootstrap steps. If the distro is not specified (via <code>-d</code> or <code>--distro</code>
option), an Ubuntu 10.04 host bootstrapped with RubyGems is assumed. The
<strong>DISTRO</strong> value corresponds to the base filename of the template, in
other words <code>DISTRO</code>.erb. A template file can be specified with the
<code>--template-file</code> option in which case the <strong>DISTRO</strong> is not used. The
sub-command looks in the following locations for the template to use:</p>

<li><code>bootstrap</code> directory in the installed Chef Knife library.</li>
<li><code>bootstrap</code> directory in the <code>$PWD/.chef</code>.</li>
<li><code>bootstrap</code> directory in the users <code>$HOME/.chef</code>.</li>

<p>The default bootstrap templates are scripts that get copied to the
target node (FQDN). The following distros are supported:</p>


<p>The gems installations will use RubyGems 1.3.6 and Chef installed as a
gem. The apt installation will use the Opscode APT repository.</p>

<p>In addition to handling the software installation, these bootstrap
templates do the following:</p>

<li>Write the validation.pem per the local knife configuration.</li>
<li>Write a default config file for Chef (<code>/etc/chef/client.rb</code>) using values from the <code>knife.rb</code>.</li>
<li>Create a JSON attributes file containing the specified run list and run Chef.</li>

<p>In the case of the RubyGems, the <code>client.rb</code> will be written from
scratch with a minimal set of values; see <strong>EXAMPLES</strong>. In the case of
APT Package installation, <code>client.rb</code> will have the
<code>validation_client_name</code> appended if it is not set to <code>chef-validator</code>
(default config value), and the <code>node_name</code> will be added if
<code>chef_node_name</code> option is specified.</p>

<p>When this is complete, the bootstrapped node will have:</p>

<li>Latest Chef version installed from RubyGems or APT Packages from Opscode. This may be a later version than the local system.</li>
<li>Be validated with the configured Chef Server.</li>
<li>Have run Chef with its default run list if one is specfied.</li>

<p>Additional custom bootstrap templates can be created and stored in
<code>.chef/bootstrap/DISTRO.erb</code>, replacing <strong>DISTRO</strong> with the value passed
with the <code>-d</code> or <code>--distro</code> option. See <strong>EXAMPLES</strong> for more


<p>Setting up a custom bootstrap is fairly straightforward. Create a
<code>.chef/bootstrap</code> directory in your Chef Repository or in
<code>$HOME/.chef/bootstrap</code>. Then create the ERB template file.</p>

<pre><code>mkdir ~/.chef/bootstrap
vi ~/.chef/bootstrap/debian5.0-apt.erb

<p>For example, to create a new bootstrap template that should be used when
setting up a new Debian node. Edit the template to run the commands, set
up the validation certificate and the client configuration file, and
finally to run chef-client on completion. The bootstrap template can be
called with:</p>

<pre><code>knife bootstrap mynode.example.com --template-file ~/.chef/bootstrap/debian5.0-apt.erb


<pre><code>knife bootstrap mynode.example.com --distro debian5.0-apt

<p>The <code>--distro</code> parameter will automatically look in the
<code>~/.chef/bootstrap</code> directory for a file named <code>debian5.0-apt.erb</code>.</p>

<p>Templates provided by the Chef installation are located in
<code>BASEDIR/lib/chef/knife/bootstrap/*.erb</code>, where <em>BASEDIR</em> is the
location where the package or Gem installed the Chef client libraries.</p>

<h2 id="BUGS">BUGS</h2>

<p><code>knife bootstrap</code> is not capable of bootstrapping multiple hosts in

<p>The bootstrap script is passed as an argument to <span class="man-ref">sh<span class="s">(1)</span></span> on the remote
system, so sensitive information contained in the script will be visible
to other users via the process list using tools such as <span class="man-ref">ps<span class="s">(1)</span></span>.</p>

<h2 id="SEE-ALSO">SEE ALSO</h2>

<p>   <strong>knife-ssh</strong>(1)</p>

<h2 id="AUTHOR">AUTHOR</h2>

<p>   Chef was written by Adam Jacob <a href="&#x6d;&#97;&#105;&#x6c;&#x74;&#x6f;&#x3a;&#x61;&#x64;&#97;&#109;&#x40;&#111;&#112;&#115;&#x63;&#111;&#x64;&#101;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#x6d;" data-bare-link="true">&#x61;&#100;&#x61;&#x6d;&#x40;&#111;&#x70;&#x73;&#x63;&#111;&#100;&#101;&#x2e;&#x63;&#x6f;&#109;</a> with many contributions from the community.</p>


<p>   This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman <a href="&#109;&#x61;&#105;&#x6c;&#x74;&#111;&#58;&#106;&#x6f;&#x73;&#104;&#x75;&#x61;&#64;&#x6f;&#112;&#x73;&#99;&#111;&#100;&#101;&#x2e;&#99;&#x6f;&#x6d;" data-bare-link="true">&#106;&#x6f;&#x73;&#x68;&#117;&#x61;&#x40;&#x6f;&#112;&#115;&#x63;&#111;&#100;&#x65;&#x2e;&#x63;&#111;&#x6d;</a>.
   Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.</p>

<h2 id="CHEF">CHEF</h2>

<p>   Knife is distributed with Chef. <a href="http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Home" data-bare-link="true">http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Home</a></p>

  <ol class='man-decor man-foot man foot'>
    <li class='tl'>Chef 11.0.0.beta.2</li>
    <li class='tc'>January 2013</li>
    <li class='tr'>knife-bootstrap(1)</li>
