require 'json' require 'zip/zip' require 'uri' require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'console','rhosync_api') module Rhosync module TaskHelper def post(path,params) req =$host,$port) resp =, params.to_json, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json') print_resp(resp, resp.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) ? true : false) end def print_resp(resp,success=true) if success puts "=> OK" else puts "=> FAILED" end puts "=> " + resp.body if resp and resp.body and resp.body.length > 0 end def archive(path) File.join(path,File.basename(path))+'.zip' end def ask(msg) print msg STDIN.gets.chomp end def load_settings(file) begin $settings = YAML.load_file(file) rescue Exception => e puts "Error opening settings file #{file}: #{e}." puts e.backtrace.join("\n") raise e end end def rhosync_socket "/tmp/rhosync.dtach" end def rhosync_pid "/tmp/" end def windows? RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ end end end namespace :rhosync do include Rhosync::TaskHelper include RhosyncApi task :config do $settings = load_settings(File.join(ENV['PWD'],'settings','settings.yml')) env = (ENV['RHO_ENV'] || :development).to_sym uri = URI.parse($settings[env][:syncserver]) $url = "#{uri.scheme}://#{}" $url = "#{$url}:#{uri.port}" if uri.port && uri.port != 80 $host = $port = uri.port $appname = $settings[env][:syncserver].split('/').last $token_file = File.join(ENV['HOME'],'.rhosync_token') $token =$token_file) if File.exist?($token_file) end task :dtach_installed do if !windows? and (`which dtach` == '') puts "WARNING: dtach not installed or not on path, some tasks will not work!" puts " Install with '[sudo] rake dtach:install'" exit end end desc "Reset the rhosync database (you will need to run rhosync:get_token afterwards)" task :reset => :config do RhosyncApi.reset($url,$token) end desc "Fetches current api token from rhosync" task :get_token => :config do login = ask "admin login: " password = ask "admin password: " $token = RhosyncApi.get_token($url,login,password)$token_file,'w') {|f| f.write $token} puts "Token is saved in: #{$token_file}" end desc "Clean rhosync, get token, and create new user" task :clean_start => [:get_token, :reset, :get_token, :create_user] desc "Alias for `rake rhosync:stop; rake rhosync:start`" task :restart => [:stop, :start] desc "Creates and subscribes user for application in rhosync" task :create_user => :config do login = ask "new user login: " password = ask "new user password: " RhosyncApi.create_user($url,$token,login,password) end desc "Deletes a user from rhosync" task :delete_user => :config do login = ask "user to delete: " RhosyncApi.delete_user($url,$token,login) end desc "Deletes a device from rhosync" task :delete_device => :config do user_id = ask "device's user_id: " device_id = ask "device to delete: " RhosyncApi.delete_client($url,$token,user_id,device_id) end # desc "Updates an existing user in rhosync" # task :update_user => :config do # login = ask "login: " # password = ask "password: " # new_password = ask "new password: " # post("/api/update_user", {:app_name => $appname, :api_token => $token, # :login => login, :password => password, :attributes => {:new_password => new_password}}) # end desc "Reset source refresh time" task :reset_refresh => :config do user = ask "user: " source_name = ask "source name: ""#{$url}/api/set_refresh_time", {:api_token => $token, :user_name => user, :source_name => source_name}) end begin require 'spec/rake/spectask' require 'rcov/rcovtask' unless windows? desc "Run source adapter specs" task :spec do files = File.join('spec','sources','*_spec.rb')'rhosync:spec') do |t| t.spec_files = FileList[files] t.spec_opts = %w(-fn -b --color) unless windows? t.rcov = true t.rcov_opts = ['--exclude', 'spec/*,gems/*'] end end end rescue LoadError if windows? puts "rspec not available. Install it with: " puts "gem install rspec\n\n" else puts "rspec / rcov not available. Install it with: " puts "gem install rspec rcov\n\n" end end desc "Start rhosync server" task :start => :dtach_installed do if windows? puts 'Starting server in new window...' system('start cmd.exe /c rackup') else puts 'Detach with Ctrl+\ Re-attach with rake rhosync:attach' sleep 2 sh "dtach -A #{rhosync_socket} rackup -P #{rhosync_pid}" end end desc "Stop rhosync server" task :stop => :dtach_installed do sh "cat #{rhosync_pid} | xargs kill -3" unless windows? end desc "Attach to rhosync console" task :attach => :dtach_installed do sh "dtach -a #{rhosync_socket}" unless windows? end desc "Launch the web console in a browser - uses :syncserver: in settings.yml" task :web => :config do windows? ? sh("start #{$url}") : sh("open #{$url}") end end load File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','..','tasks','redis.rake')