require "spec_helper" require "shelly/cli/backup" require "shelly/download_progress_bar" require "open3" describe Shelly::CLI::Backup do before do @backup = Shelly::CLI::Backup.stub(:new).and_return(@backup) @client = mock @client.stub(:authorize!) Shelly::Client.stub(:new).and_return(@client) FileUtils.mkdir_p("/projects/foo") Dir.chdir("/projects/foo")"Cloudfile", 'w') {|f| f.write("foo-staging:\n") } @app ="foo-staging") Shelly::App.stub(:new).and_return(@app) end describe "#list" do before do FileUtils.mkdir_p("/projects/foo") Dir.chdir("/projects/foo")"Cloudfile", 'w') { |f| f.write("foo-staging:\n") } $stdout.stub(:puts) end it "should ensure user has logged in" do hooks(@backup, :list).should include(:logged_in?) end # multiple_clouds is tested in main_spec.rb in describe "#start" block it "should ensure multiple_clouds check" do @client.should_receive(:database_backups).with("foo-staging").and_return( [{"filename" => "backup.postgre.tar.gz", "human_size" => "10kb", "size" => 12345, "state" => "completed"}]) @backup.should_receive(:multiple_clouds).and_return(@app) invoke(@backup, :list) end it "should take cloud from command line for which to show backups" do stub_const("Shelly::Backup::LIMIT", 1) @client.should_receive(:database_backups).with("foo-staging").and_return( [{"filename" => "backup.postgre.tar.gz", "human_size" => "10kb", "size" => 12345, "state" => "completed"}, {"filename" => "backup.mongo.tar.gz", "human_size" => "22kb", "size" => 333, "state" => "in_progress"}]) $stdout.should_not_receive(:puts).with("Limiting the number of backups to 1.") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\n") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Filename | Size | State") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" backup.postgre.tar.gz | 10kb | completed") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" backup.mongo.tar.gz | 22kb | in progress") @backup.options = {:cloud => "foo-staging", :all => true} invoke(@backup, :list) end it "should show --all option if not present" do stub_const("Shelly::Backup::LIMIT", 1) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Showing only last 1 backups.") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Use --all or -a option to list all backups.") @client.should_receive(:database_backups).with("foo-staging").and_return( [{"filename" => "backup.postgre.tar.gz", "human_size" => "10kb", "size" => 12345, "state" => "completed"}, {"filename" => "backup.mongo.tar.gz", "human_size" => "22kb", "size" => 333, "state" => "in_progress"}]) invoke(@backup, :list) end describe "#get" do before do @client.stub(:download_file) @bar = mock(:progress_callback => @callback, :finish => true) Shelly::DownloadProgressBar.stub(:new).and_return(@bar) @client.stub(:database_backup).and_return({"filename" => "better.tar.gz", "size" => 12345}) @client.stub(:download_backup_url).with("foo-staging", "better.tar.gz"). and_return("") $stdout.stub(:puts) end it "should ensure user has logged in" do hooks(@backup, :get).should include(:logged_in?) end it "should have a 'download' alias" do @client.should_receive(:download_file).with("foo-staging", "better.tar.gz", "", @bar.progress_callback) invoke(@backup, :download, "better.tar.gz") end # multiple_clouds is tested in main_spec.rb in describe "#start" block it "should ensure multiple_clouds check" do @client.should_receive(:download_backup_url).with("foo-staging", "better.tar.gz") @client.should_receive(:database_backup).with("foo-staging", "last") @backup.should_receive(:multiple_clouds).and_return(@app) invoke(@backup, :get) end it "should fetch backup size and initialize download progress bar" do @client.stub(:database_backup).and_return({"filename" => "better.tar.gz", "size" => 333}) Shelly::DownloadProgressBar.should_receive(:new).with(333).and_return(@bar) invoke(@backup, :get) end it "should fetch given backup file itself" do @client.should_receive(:download_file).with("foo-staging", "better.tar.gz", "", @bar.progress_callback) invoke(@backup, :get, "better.tar.gz") end it "should show info where file has been saved" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Backup file saved to better.tar.gz") @client.should_receive(:download_file).with("foo-staging", "better.tar.gz", "", @bar.progress_callback) invoke(@backup, :get, "last") end context "on backup not found" do it "should display error message" do exception ={"resource" => "backup"}) @client.stub(:database_backup).and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Backup not found") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("You can list available backups with `shelly backup list` command") invoke(@backup, :get, "better.tar.gz") end end context "on forbidden exception" do it "should display error message" do exception ="message" => "error") @client.stub(:database_backup).and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "error") lambda { invoke(@backup, :get, "better.tar.gz") }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end context "on unsupported exception" do it "should re-raise it" do exception = @client.stub(:database_backup).and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_not_receive(:puts).with(red "Backup not found") $stdout.should_not_receive(:puts).with("You can list available backups with `shelly backup list` command") lambda { invoke(@backup, :get, "better.tar.gz") }.should raise_error(Shelly::Client::APIException) end end end end describe "create" do before do FileUtils.mkdir_p("/projects/foo") Dir.chdir("/projects/foo") $stdout.stub(:puts) @app = mock(:backup_databases => ['postgresql', 'mongodb'], :code_name => "foo-staging") Shelly::App.stub(:new).and_return(@app) @cloudfile = mock(:present? => true, :clouds => [@app]) Shelly::Cloudfile.stub(:new).and_return(@cloudfile) end it "should ensure user has logged in" do hooks(@backup, :create).should include(:logged_in?) end context "for aliases" do it "should respond to 'new' alias" do @app.should_receive(:request_backup) invoke(@backup, :new) end it "should ensure user has logged in for 'new' alias" do hooks(@backup, :new).should include(:logged_in?) end end # multiple_clouds is tested in main_spec.rb in describe "#start" block it "should ensure multiple_clouds check" do @app.stub(:request_backup) @backup.should_receive(:multiple_clouds).and_return(@app) invoke(@backup, :create) end it "should display errors and exit 1 when kind is not valid" do response = {"errors" => [["kind", "is invalid"]]} exception = @app.should_receive(:request_backup).and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Kind is invalid") lambda { invoke(@backup, :create) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should backup db specified by cli" do @app.should_receive(:request_backup).with('postgresql') invoke(@backup, :create, "postgresql") end it "should backup all dbs in cloudfile" do @app.should_receive(:request_backup).with(['postgresql', 'mongodb']) invoke(@backup, :create) end it "should display information about request backup" do @app.stub(:request_backup) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Backup requested. It can take up to several minutes for " + "the backup process to finish.") invoke(@backup, :create) end it "should display information about missing kind or Cloudfile" do @cloudfile.stub(:present?).and_return(false) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Cloudfile must be present in current working directory or specify database kind with:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "`shelly backup create DB_KIND`") @backup.options = {:cloud => "foo-production"} lambda { invoke(@backup, :create) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end describe "restore" do before do @client.stub(:database_backup).and_return({"filename" => "better.tar.gz", "size" => 12345, "kind" => "postgresql"}) @client.stub(:restore_backup).and_return({"filename" => "better.tar.gz", "size" => 12345, "kind" => "postgresql"}) $stdout.stub(:puts) $stdout.stub(:print) end it "should ensure user has logged in" do hooks(@backup, :restore).should include(:logged_in?) end # multiple_clouds is tested in main_spec.rb in describe "#start" block it "should ensure multiple_clouds check" do @client.stub(:restore_backup) @backup.should_receive(:multiple_clouds).and_return(@app) fake_stdin(["yes"]) do invoke(@backup, :restore, "better.tar.gz") end end it "should restore database" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("You are about to restore postgresql database for cloud foo-staging to state from better.tar.gz") $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("I want to restore the database (yes/no): ") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\n") @client.stub(:restore_backup).with("todo-list-test","better.tar.gz") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\n") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Restore has been scheduled. Wait a few minutes till database is restored.") fake_stdin(["yes"]) do invoke(@backup, :restore, "better.tar.gz") end end context "when answering no" do it "should cancel restore database" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("You are about to restore postgresql database for cloud foo-staging to state from better.tar.gz") $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("I want to restore the database (yes/no): ") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\n") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Canceled") lambda { fake_stdin(["no"]) do invoke(@backup, :restore, "better.tar.gz") end }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end context "on backup not found" do it "should display error message" do response = {"resource" => "backup"} exception = @client.stub(:database_backup).and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Backup not found") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("You can list available backups with `shelly backup list` command") invoke(@backup, :restore, "better.tar.gz") end end end describe "#import" do before do FileUtils.touch("dump.sql") @app.stub(:upload_database => {"server" => "app1"}, :ssh => nil) @app.stub(:import_database) @backup.stub(:system) $stdout.stub(:puts) $stdout.stub(:print) Time.stub_chain(:now, :to_i => 1370879705) end it "should ensure user has logged in" do hooks(@backup, :import).should include(:logged_in?) end it "should compress file" do @backup.should_receive(:system).with("tar -cjf dump.sql-1370879705.tar.bz2 dump.sql") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Running: tar -cjf dump.sql-1370879705.tar.bz2 dump.sql") fake_stdin(["yes"]) do invoke(@backup, :import, "postgresql", "dump.sql") end end it "should upload compressed file" do @app.should_receive(:upload_database).with("dump.sql-1370879705.tar.bz2") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Uploading dump.sql-1370879705.tar.bz2") fake_stdin(["yes"]) do invoke(@backup, :import, "postgresql", "dump.sql") end end it "should import given database from uploaded file" do @app.unstub(:import_database) @app.should_receive(:ssh_with_db_server).with(:command => "import_database postgresql dump.sql-1370879705.tar.bz2", :server => "app1") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Importing database") fake_stdin(["yes"]) do invoke(@backup, :import, "postgresql", "dump.sql") end end context "on answering no" do it "should cancel database import" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(yellow "You are about to import postgresql database for cloud foo-staging to state from file dump.sql") $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("I want to import the database from dump (yes/no): ") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Canceled") lambda { fake_stdin(["no"]) do invoke(@backup, :import, "postgresql", "dump.sql") end }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end context "file doesn't exist" do it "should exit with error" do FileUtils.rm("dump.sql") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "File dump.sql doesn't exist") lambda { fake_stdin(["yes"]) do invoke(@backup, :import, "postgresql", "dump.sql") end }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end context "file doesn't exist" do it "should exit with error" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Kind is invalid. You can" \ " import backup of: postgresql, mysql, mongodb") lambda { invoke(@backup, :import, "wrong_kind", "dump.sql") }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end context "with --reset option" do it "should reset database first" do @app.unstub(:import_database) @backup.options = {:cloud => "foo-staging", :reset => true} @app.should_receive(:reset_database).with("postgresql") @app.should_receive(:ssh_with_db_server).with( :command => "import_database postgresql dump.sql-1370879705.tar.bz2", :server => "app1") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Importing database") fake_stdin(["yes"]) do invoke(@backup, :import, "postgresql", "dump.sql") end end end end end