<%# This tag allows you to easily use [jQuery-UI tabs](http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/) tab 1 content tab 2 content If you don't specify any attributes to the parameters, the parameter name is used for the tab name and ID. You can adjust this behaviour by specifying attributes to your parameters: tab 1 content If you specify an href rather than an id, the tab content is loaded dynamically: Attributes are passed through to jQuery-UI, so options and events defined in the [jQuery-ui tabs documentation](http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/) may be used: ... ### Attributes Note that `tabs` supports attributes both on the `tabs` tag as well as on the parameters. The parameters support three attributes: `id`, `name`, `href`, described above. The `tabs` tag supports all options and events supported in jQuery-UI, plus one additional attribute: * sortable: if set, the tabs are sortable rather than fixed. ### Notes Usage of Ruby 1.8 will result in an undefined tab order. Ruby 1.9 is recommended. %> <% options, attrs = attributes.partition_hash(['disabled', 'ajaxOptions', 'cache', 'collapsible', 'cookie', 'deselectable', 'disabled', 'event', 'fx', 'idPrefix', 'panelTemplate', 'selected', 'spinner', 'tabTemplate']) events, html_attrs = attrs.partition_hash(['create', 'select', 'load', 'show', 'add', 'remove', 'enable', 'disable']) add_classes!(html_attrs, "tabs") add_data_rapid!(html_attrs, "tabs", :options => options, :events => events, :sortable => sortable) %>
<% parameters.map do |param_name, param| yield_output_buffer { %> <% attrs, params = param.call -%> <% merge_attrs = attrs - [:id, :href, :name] -%>
<%= params[:default]._?.call %>
<% } end.join("").html_safe %>