$TESTING=true JRUBY = RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ require 'rubygems' require 'date' require 'ostruct' require 'fileutils' driver_lib = File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(driver_lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(driver_lib) # Prepend data_objects/do_jdbc in the repository to the load path. # DO NOT USE installed gems, except when running the specs from gem. repo_root = File.expand_path('../../..', __FILE__) (['data_objects'] << ('do_jdbc' if JRUBY)).compact.each do |lib| lib_path = "#{repo_root}/#{lib}/lib" $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib_path) if File.directory?(lib_path) && !$LOAD_PATH.include?(lib_path) end require 'data_objects' require 'data_objects/spec/bacon' require 'do_oracle' DataObjects::Oracle.logger = DataObjects::Logger.new(STDOUT, :off) at_exit { DataObjects.logger.flush } # Set default time zone in MRI if not set in environment # as otherwise wrong time zone is set for database connection ENV['TZ'] ||= 'EET' unless JRUBY CONFIG = OpenStruct.new CONFIG.scheme = 'oracle' CONFIG.user = ENV['DO_ORACLE_USER'] || 'do_test' CONFIG.pass = ENV['DO_ORACLE_PASS'] || 'do_test' CONFIG.host = ENV['DO_ORACLE_HOST'] || 'localhost' CONFIG.port = ENV['DO_ORACLE_PORT'] || '1521' CONFIG.database = ENV['DO_ORACLE_DATABASE'] || '/orcl' CONFIG.uri = ENV["DO_ORACLE_SPEC_URI"] ||"#{CONFIG.scheme}://#{CONFIG.user}:#{CONFIG.pass}@#{CONFIG.host}:#{CONFIG.port}#{CONFIG.database}" CONFIG.sleep = "BEGIN SYS.DBMS_LOCK.sleep(seconds => 1); END;" CONFIG.testsql = "SELECT 1 FROM dual" module DataObjectsSpecHelpers def drop_table_and_seq(conn, table_name) begin conn.create_command("DROP TABLE #{table_name}").execute_non_query rescue StandardError => error raise unless error.to_s =~ /ORA-00942/ end begin conn.create_command("DROP SEQUENCE #{table_name}_seq").execute_non_query rescue StandardError => error raise unless error.to_s =~ /ORA-02289/ end end def create_seq_and_trigger(conn, table_name) conn.create_command("CREATE SEQUENCE #{table_name}_seq").execute_non_query conn.create_command(<<-EOF).execute_non_query CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER #{table_name}_pkt BEFORE INSERT ON #{table_name} FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF inserting THEN IF :new.id IS NULL THEN SELECT #{table_name}_seq.NEXTVAL INTO :new.id FROM dual; END IF; END IF; END; EOF end def setup_test_environment(force_setup = false) # setup test environment just once return if $test_environment_setup_done && !force_setup puts "Setting up test environment" conn = DataObjects::Connection.new(CONFIG.uri) drop_table_and_seq(conn, "invoices") drop_table_and_seq(conn, "users") drop_table_and_seq(conn, "widgets") conn.create_command(<<-EOF).execute_non_query CREATE TABLE users ( id NUMBER(38,0) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(200) default 'Billy', fired_at timestamp ) EOF create_seq_and_trigger(conn, "users") conn.create_command(<<-EOF).execute_non_query CREATE TABLE invoices ( id NUMBER(38,0) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, invoice_number VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL ) EOF create_seq_and_trigger(conn, "invoices") conn.create_command(<<-EOF).execute_non_query CREATE TABLE widgets ( id NUMBER(38,0) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, code CHAR(8) DEFAULT 'A14', name VARCHAR2(200) DEFAULT 'Super Widget', shelf_location VARCHAR2(4000), description VARCHAR2(4000), image_data BLOB, ad_description VARCHAR2(4000), ad_image BLOB, whitepaper_text CLOB, class_name VARCHAR2(4000), cad_drawing BLOB, flags NUMBER(1) default 0, number_in_stock NUMBER(38,0) DEFAULT 500, number_sold NUMBER(38,0) DEFAULT 0, super_number NUMBER(38,0) DEFAULT 9223372036854775807, weight BINARY_FLOAT DEFAULT 1.23, cost1 BINARY_DOUBLE DEFAULT 10.23, cost2 NUMBER(8,2) DEFAULT 50.23, release_date DATE DEFAULT '2008-02-14', release_datetime DATE DEFAULT '2008-02-14 00:31:12', release_timestamp TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT '2008-02-14 00:31:12 #{"%+03d" % (Time.local(2008,2,14,0,31,12).utc_offset/3600)}:00' ) EOF create_seq_and_trigger(conn, "widgets") command = conn.create_command(<<-EOF) insert into widgets(code, name, shelf_location, description, image_data, ad_description, ad_image, whitepaper_text, class_name, cad_drawing, super_number, weight ,release_datetime, release_timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ,?, ?) EOF 1.upto(16) do |n| # conn.create_command(<<-EOF).execute_non_query # insert into widgets(code, name, shelf_location, description, image_data, ad_description, ad_image, whitepaper_text, cad_drawing, super_number, weight) VALUES ('W#{n.to_s.rjust(7,"0")}', 'Widget #{n}', 'A14', 'This is a description', 'IMAGE DATA', 'Buy this product now!', 'AD IMAGE DATA', 'String', 'CAD \\001 \\000 DRAWING', 1234, 13.4); # EOF # conn.create_command(<<-EOF).execute_non_query # insert into widgets(code, name, shelf_location, description, ad_description, whitepaper_text, super_number, weight) VALUES ('W#{n.to_s.rjust(7,"0")}', 'Widget #{n}', 'A14', 'This is a description', 'Buy this product now!', 'String', 1234, 13.4) # EOF command.execute_non_query( "W#{n.to_s.rjust(7,"0")}", "Widget #{n}", 'A14', 'This is a description', ::Extlib::ByteArray.new('IMAGE DATA'), 'Buy this product now!', ::Extlib::ByteArray.new('AD IMAGE DATA'), '1234567890'*500, 'String', ::Extlib::ByteArray.new("CAD \001 \000 DRAWING"), 1234, 13.4, Time.local(2008,2,14,0,31,12), Time.local(2008,2,14,0,31,12) ) end conn.create_command(<<-EOF).execute_non_query update widgets set flags = 1 where id = 2 EOF conn.create_command(<<-EOF).execute_non_query update widgets set ad_description = NULL where id = 3 EOF conn.create_command(<<-EOF).execute_non_query update widgets set flags = NULL where id = 4 EOF conn.create_command(<<-EOF).execute_non_query update widgets set cost1 = NULL where id = 5 EOF conn.create_command(<<-EOF).execute_non_query update widgets set cost2 = NULL where id = 6 EOF conn.create_command(<<-EOF).execute_non_query update widgets set release_date = NULL where id = 7 EOF conn.create_command(<<-EOF).execute_non_query update widgets set release_datetime = NULL where id = 8 EOF conn.create_command(<<-EOF).execute_non_query update widgets set release_timestamp = NULL where id = 9 EOF conn.create_command(<<-EOF).execute_non_query update widgets set release_datetime = '2008-07-14 00:31:12' where id = 10 EOF conn.close $test_environment_setup_done = true end end include DataObjectsSpecHelpers