module Actir module ParallelTests module Test class Runner NAME = 'Test' class << self # --- usually overwritten by other runners def name NAME end # modify by Hub # 修改正则表达式使得使用我们目前的测试脚本文件命名 : test_xxx.rb def test_suffix # /_(test|spec).rb$/ /test.*\.rb$/ end def test_file_name "test" end # modify by Hub # add param address to ruby script as ARGV[0] # modify cmd to exec ruby test script def run_tests(test_files, process_number, num_processes, options, address) #require_list = { |file| file.sub(" ", "\\ ") }.join(" ") #cmd = "#{executable} -Itest -e '%w[#{require_list}].each { |f| require %{./\#{f}}}' #{address}" #execute_command(cmd, process_number, num_processes, options) cmd = "" #如果有-n选项,则只运行指定的测试用例 if options[:testcase] raise "more than one file was choosen" if test_files.size != 1 cmd = "#{executable} #{test_files[0]} -n #{options[:testcase]} #{address}" else test_files.each do |file| cmd += "#{executable} #{file} #{address};" end cmd += "\n" end result = execute_command(cmd, process_number, num_processes, options) #记录log if options[:log] log_str = "[run_tests]: \n" + result[:stdout] Actir::ParallelTests::Test::Logger.log(log_str, process_number) end #从result中获取执行结果用于生成测试报告 Actir::ParallelTests::Test::Result.get_testsuite_detail(result) result end def line_is_result?(line) line.gsub!(/[.F*]/,'') line =~ /\d+ failure/ end # --- usually used by other runners # finds all tests and partitions them into groups def tests_in_groups(tests, num_groups, options={}) tests = find_tests(tests, options) case options[:group_by] when :found! { |t| [t, 1] } when :filesize sort_by_filesize(tests) when nil sort_by_filesize(tests) else raise ArgumentError, "Unsupported option #{options[:group_by]}" end Grouper.in_even_groups_by_size(tests, num_groups, options) end def execute_command(cmd, process_number, num_processes, options) env = (options[:env] || {}).merge( #"TEST_ENV_NUMBER" => test_env_number(process_number), "env" => $env, "TEST_ENV_NUMBER" => process_number, "PARALLEL_TEST_GROUPS" => num_processes ) cmd = "nice #{cmd}" if options[:nice] cmd = "#{cmd} 2>&1" if options[:combine_stderr] puts cmd if options[:verbose] execute_command_and_capture_output(env, cmd, options[:serialize_stdout]) end def execute_command_and_capture_output(env, cmd, silence) # make processes descriptive / visible in ps -ef separator = ';' exports = do |k,v| "export #{k}=#{v}" end.join(separator) cmd = "#{exports}#{separator}#{cmd}" output = open("|#{cmd}", "r") { |output| capture_output(output, silence) } #modify by Hub #exitstatus = $?.exitstatus #"$?.exitstatus" 返回的值有时有问题,不能明确标示用例执行结果是否成功 #改成判断结果数据中是否有failure和error exitstatus = get_test_failed_num(find_results(output).join) {:stdout => output, :exit_status => exitstatus} end def find_results(test_output) test_output.split("\n").map {|line| line.gsub!(/\e\[\d+m/,'') next unless line_is_result?(line) line }.compact end def test_env_number(process_number) process_number == 0 ? '' : process_number + 1 end def summarize_results(results) sums = sum_up_results(results){|word, number| "#{number} #{word}#{'s' if number != 1}" }.join(', '){|word, number| "#{number} #{word}#{'s' if number != 1}" }.join(', ') end protected def executable ENV['PARALLEL_TESTS_EXECUTABLE'] || determine_executable end def determine_executable if Actir::Remote.is_local? "ruby" else #TO-DO jenkins服务器上的ruby是用rvm管理的,这里有个坑,在jenkins中调用ruby命令会报找不到 #后续考虑更换rvm至rbenv #jenkins服务器上的ruby所在地址 "/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p598/bin/ruby" end end # # 通过结果判断是否有用例失败 # 返回失败用例的数目 # def get_test_failed_num(result) #获取结果字符串中的failure和error用例数 failed_num = 0 result.scan(/(\d+)\s(failure|error)/).each do |failed| failed_num += failed[0].to_i end failed_num end def sum_up_results(results) results = results.join(' ').gsub(/s\b/,'') # combine and singularize results #results = results.join(' ') counts = results.scan(/(\d+) (\w+)/) counts.inject( do |sum, (number, word)| sum[word] += number.to_i sum end end # read output of the process and print it in chunks def capture_output(out, silence) result = "" loop do begin read = out.readpartial(1000000) # read whatever chunk we can get if Encoding.default_internal read = read.force_encoding(Encoding.default_internal) end result << read unless silence $stdout.print read $stdout.flush end end end rescue EOFError result end def sort_by_filesize(tests) tests.sort!! { |test| [test, File.stat(test).size] } end # modify by Hub # 由原来的包含路径的文件名直接进行正则匹配改为取出文件的文件名进行匹配,更准确,不受文件夹命名的影响 def find_tests(tests, options = {}) (tests || []).map do |file_or_folder| if #取出文件和文件夹名字 files_and_folder = files_in_folder(file_or_folder, options) #去掉文件夹名字 files = files_and_folder.grep(test_suffix) #去掉不以test开头的测试脚本 files_2_delete = files.each do |file| file_name = File.basename(file) #不能在遍历数组时进行delete操作 #记录要删除的元素名称 files_2_delete << file unless file_name =~ /^test.*\.rb$/ #files.delete(file) unless file_name =~ /^test.*\.rb$/ end files_2_delete.each { |file_2_delete| files.delete(file_2_delete) } files else file_or_folder end end.flatten.uniq end # modify by Hub # Bug Fix # lack of method 'glob' def files_in_folder(folder, options={}) pattern = "**{,/*/**}/*" # modify by Hub # add method glod : Dir.glob #Dir[File.join(folder, pattern)].uniq Dir.glob(File.join(folder, pattern)).uniq end end end end end end