require "logstash/devutils/rspec/spec_helper" require "logstash/inputs/elasticsearch/paginated_search" describe "Paginated search" do let(:es_client) { double("Elasticsearch::Client") } let(:settings) { { "index" => "logs", "query" => "{ \"sort\": [ \"_doc\" ] }", "scroll" => "1m", "retries" => 0, "size" => 1000 } } let(:plugin) { double("LogStash::Inputs::Elasticsearch", params: settings, pipeline_id: "main", stop?: false) } let(:pit_id) { "08fsAwILcmVzaGFyZC0yZmIWdzFnbl" } describe "search after" do subject do, plugin) end describe "search options" do context "query without sort" do let(:settings) { super().merge({"query" => "{\"match_all\": {} }"}) } it "adds default sort" do options = subject.search_options(pit_id: pit_id) expect(options[:body][:sort]).to match({"_shard_doc": "asc"}) end end context "customize settings" do let(:size) { 2 } let(:slices) { 4 } let(:settings) { super().merge({"slices" => slices, "size" => size}) } it "gives updated options" do slice_id = 1 search_after = [0, 0] options = subject.search_options(pit_id: pit_id, slice_id: slice_id, search_after: search_after) expect(options[:size]).to match(size) expect(options[:body][:slice]).to match({:id => slice_id, :max => slices}) expect(options[:body][:search_after]).to match(search_after) end end end describe "search" do let(:queue) { double("queue") } let(:doc1) do { "_index" => "logstash", "_type" => "logs", "_id" => "C5b2xLQwTZa76jBmHIbwHQ", "_score" => 1.0, "_source" => { "message" => ["Halloween"] }, "sort" => [0, 0] } end let(:first_resp) do { "pit_id" => pit_id, "took" => 27, "timed_out" => false, "_shards" => { "total" => 2, "successful" => 2, "skipped" => 0, "failed" => 0 }, "hits" => { "total" => { "value" => 500, "relation" => "eq" }, "hits" => [ doc1 ] } } end let(:last_resp) do { "pit_id" => pit_id, "took" => 27, "timed_out" => false, "_shards" => { "total" => 2, "successful" => 2, "skipped" => 0, "failed" => 0 }, "hits" => { "total" => { "value" => 500, "relation" => "eq" }, "hits" => [ ] # empty hits to break the loop } } end context "happy case" do it "runs" do expect(es_client).to receive(:search).with(instance_of(Hash)).and_return(first_resp, last_resp) expect(plugin).to receive(:push_hit).with(doc1, queue).once queue, pit_id: pit_id) end end context "with exception" do it "closes pit" do expect(es_client).to receive(:open_point_in_time).once.and_return({ "id" => pit_id}) expect(plugin).to receive(:push_hit).with(doc1, queue).once expect(es_client).to receive(:search).with(instance_of(Hash)).once.and_return(first_resp) expect(es_client).to receive(:search).with(instance_of(Hash)).once.and_raise(Manticore::UnknownException) expect(es_client).to receive(:close_point_in_time).with(any_args).once.and_return(nil) subject.retryable_search(queue) end end context "with slices" do let(:slices) { 2 } let(:settings) { super().merge({"slices" => slices}) } it "runs two slices" do expect(es_client).to receive(:open_point_in_time).once.and_return({ "id" => pit_id}) expect(plugin).to receive(:push_hit).with(any_args).twice expect(Thread).to receive(:new).and_call_original.exactly(slices).times expect(es_client).to receive(:search).with(instance_of(Hash)).and_return(first_resp, last_resp, first_resp, last_resp) expect(es_client).to receive(:close_point_in_time).with(any_args).once.and_return(nil) subject.retryable_slice_search(queue) end end end end end