# =XMPP4R - XMPP Library for Ruby # License:: Ruby's license (see the LICENSE file) or GNU GPL, at your option. # Website::http://home.gna.org/xmpp4r/ require 'xmpp4r/muc/x/muc' require 'xmpp4r/muc/iq/mucowner' require 'xmpp4r/muc/iq/mucadmin' require 'xmpp4r/dataforms' module Jabber module MUC ## # The MUCClient Helper handles low-level stuff of the # Multi-User Chat (JEP 0045). # # Use one instance per room. # # Note that one client cannot join a single room multiple # times. At least the clients' resources must be different. # This is a protocol design issue. But don't consider it as # a bug, it is just a clone-preventing feature. class MUCClient ## # Sender JID, set this to use MUCClient from Components # my_jid:: [JID] Defaults to nil attr_accessor :my_jid ## # MUC room roster # roster:: [Hash] of [String] Nick => [Presence] attr_reader :roster ## # MUC JID # jid:: [JID] room@component/nick attr_reader :jid ## # Initialize a MUCClient # # Call MUCClient#join *after* you have registered your # callbacks to avoid reception of stanzas after joining # and before registration of callbacks. # stream:: [Stream] to operate on def initialize(stream) # Attributes initialization @stream = stream @my_jid = nil @jid = nil @roster = {} @roster_lock = Mutex.new @active = false @join_cbs = CallbackList.new @leave_cbs = CallbackList.new @presence_cbs = CallbackList.new @message_cbs = CallbackList.new @private_message_cbs = CallbackList.new end ## # Join a room # # This registers its own callbacks on the stream # provided to initialize and sends initial presence # to the room. May throw ServerError if joining # fails. # jid:: [JID] room@component/nick # password:: [String] Optional password # return:: [MUCClient] self (chain-able) def join(jid, password=nil) if active? raise "MUCClient already active" end @jid = (jid.kind_of?(JID) ? jid : JID.new(jid)) activate # Joining pres = Presence.new pres.to = @jid pres.from = @my_jid xmuc = XMUC.new xmuc.password = password pres.add(xmuc) # We don't use Stream#send_with_id here as it's unknown # if the MUC component *always* uses our stanza id. error = nil @stream.send(pres) { |r| if from_room?(r.from) and r.kind_of?(Presence) and r.type == :error # Error from room error = r.error true # type='unavailable' may occur when the MUC kills our previous instance, # but all join-failures should be type='error' elsif r.from == jid and r.kind_of?(Presence) and r.type != :unavailable # Our own presence reflected back - success if r.x(XMUCUser) and (i = r.x(XMUCUser).items.first) @affiliation = i.affiliation # we're interested in if it's :owner @role = i.role # :moderator ? end handle_presence(r, false) true else # Everything else false end } if error deactivate raise ServerError.new(error) end self end ## # Exit the room # # * Sends presence with type='unavailable' with an optional # reason in , # * then waits for a reply from the MUC component (will be # processed by leave-callbacks), # * then deletes callbacks from the stream. # reason:: [String] Optional custom exit message def exit(reason=nil) unless active? raise "MUCClient hasn't yet joined" end pres = Presence.new pres.type = :unavailable pres.to = jid pres.from = @my_jid pres.status = reason if reason @stream.send(pres) { |r| Jabber::debuglog "exit: #{r.to_s.inspect}" if r.kind_of?(Presence) and r.type == :unavailable and r.from == jid @leave_cbs.process(r) true else false end } deactivate self end ## # Is the MUC client active? # # This is false after initialization, # true after joining and # false after exit/kick def active? @active end ## # The MUCClient's own nick # (= resource) # result:: [String] Nickname def nick @jid ? @jid.resource : nil end ## # Change nick # # Threading is, again, suggested. This method waits for two # stanzas, one indicating unavailabilty of the old # transient JID, one indicating availability of the new # transient JID. # # If the service denies nick-change, ServerError will be raised. def nick=(new_nick) unless active? raise "MUCClient not active" end new_jid = JID.new(@jid.node, @jid.domain, new_nick) # Joining pres = Presence.new pres.to = new_jid pres.from = @my_jid error = nil # Keeping track of the two stanzas enables us to process stanzas # which don't arrive in the order specified by JEP-0045 presence_unavailable = false presence_available = false # We don't use Stream#send_with_id here as it's unknown # if the MUC component *always* uses our stanza id. @stream.send(pres) { |r| if from_room?(r.from) and r.kind_of?(Presence) and r.type == :error # Error from room error = r.error elsif r.from == @jid and r.kind_of?(Presence) and r.type == :unavailable and r.x and r.x.kind_of?(XMUCUser) and r.x.status_code == 303 # Old JID is offline, but wait for the new JID and let stanza be handled # by the standard callback presence_unavailable = true handle_presence(r) elsif r.from == new_jid and r.kind_of?(Presence) and r.type != :unavailable # Our own presence reflected back - success presence_available = true handle_presence(r) end if error or (presence_available and presence_unavailable) true else false end } if error raise ServerError.new(error) end # Apply new JID @jid = new_jid end ## # The room name # (= node) # result:: [String] Room name def room @jid ? @jid.node : nil end ## # Send a stanza to the room # # If stanza is a Jabber::Message, stanza.type will be # automatically set to :groupchat if directed to room or :chat # if directed to participant. # stanza:: [XMPPStanza] to send # to:: [String] Stanza destination recipient, or room if +nil+ def send(stanza, to=nil) if stanza.kind_of? Message stanza.type = to ? :chat : :groupchat end stanza.from = @my_jid stanza.to = JID.new(jid.node, jid.domain, to) @stream.send(stanza) end ## # Add a callback for stanzas indicating availability # of a MUC participant # # This callback will *not* be called for initial presences when # a client joins a room, but only for the presences afterwards. # # The callback will be called from MUCClient#handle_presence with # one argument: the stanza. # Note that this stanza will have been already inserted into # MUCClient#roster. def add_join_callback(prio = 0, ref = nil, &block) @join_cbs.add(prio, ref, block) end ## # Add a callback for stanzas indicating unavailability # of a MUC participant # # The callback will be called with one argument: the stanza. # # Note that this is called just *before* the stanza is removed from # MUCClient#roster, so it is still possible to see the last presence # in the given block. # # If the presence's origin is your MUC JID, the MUCClient will be # deactivated *afterwards*. def add_leave_callback(prio = 0, ref = nil, &block) @leave_cbs.add(prio, ref, block) end ## # Add a callback for a stanza which is neither a join # nor a leave. This will be called when a room participant simply # changes his status. def add_presence_callback(prio = 0, ref = nil, &block) @presence_cbs.add(prio, ref, block) end ## # Add a callback for stanza directed to the whole room. # # See MUCClient#add_private_message_callback for private messages # between MUC participants. def add_message_callback(prio = 0, ref = nil, &block) @message_cbs.add(prio, ref, block) end ## # Add a callback for stanza with type='chat'. # # These stanza are normally not broadcasted to all room occupants # but are some sort of private messaging. def add_private_message_callback(prio = 0, ref = nil, &block) @private_message_cbs.add(prio, ref, block) end ## # Does this JID belong to that room? # jid:: [JID] # result:: [true] or [false] def from_room?(jid) @jid.strip == jid.strip end private ## # call_join_cbs:: [Bool] Do not call them if we receive initial presences from room def handle_presence(pres, call_join_cbs=true) # :nodoc: if pres.type == :unavailable or pres.type == :error @leave_cbs.process(pres) @roster_lock.synchronize { @roster.delete(pres.from.resource) } if pres.from == jid and !(pres.x and pres.x.kind_of?(XMUCUser) and pres.x.status_code == 303) deactivate end else is_join = ! @roster.has_key?(pres.from.resource) @roster_lock.synchronize { @roster[pres.from.resource] = pres } if is_join @join_cbs.process(pres) if call_join_cbs else @presence_cbs.process(pres) end end end def handle_message(msg) # :nodoc: if msg.type == :chat @private_message_cbs.process(msg) else # type == :groupchat or anything else @message_cbs.process(msg) end end def activate # :nodoc: @active = true # Callbacks @stream.add_presence_callback(150, self) { |presence| if from_room?(presence.from) handle_presence(presence) true else false end } @stream.add_message_callback(150, self) { |message| if from_room?(message.from) handle_message(message) true else false end } end def deactivate # :nodoc: @active = false @jid = nil # Callbacks @stream.delete_presence_callback(self) @stream.delete_message_callback(self) end public def owner? @affiliation == :owner end ## # Use this method to configure a MUC room of which you are the owner. # # options:: [Hash] where keys are the features of the room you wish # to configure. See http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#registrar-formtype-owner def configure(options={}) get_room_configuration submit_room_configuration(options) end def get_room_configuration raise 'You are not the owner' unless owner? iq = Iq.new(:get, jid.strip) iq.from = my_jid iq.add(IqQueryMUCOwner.new) fields = [] @stream.send_with_id(iq) do |answer| raise "Configuration not possible for this room" unless answer.query && answer.query.x(Dataforms::XData) answer.query.x(Dataforms::XData).fields.each do |field| if (var = field.attributes['var']) fields << var end end end fields end def submit_room_configuration(options) # fill out the reply form iq = Iq.new(:set, jid.strip) iq.from = my_jid query = IqQueryMUCOwner.new form = Dataforms::XData.new form.type = :submit options.each do |var, values| field = Dataforms::XDataField.new values = [values] unless values.is_a?(Array) field.var, field.values = var, values form.add(field) end query.add(form) iq.add(query) @stream.send_with_id(iq) end ## # Push a list of new affiliations to the room # items:: [Array] of, or single [IqQueryMUCAdminItem] def send_affiliations(items) iq = Iq.new(:set, jid.strip) iq.from = my_jid iq.add(IqQueryMUCAdmin.new) items = [item] unless items.kind_of? Array items.each { |item| iq.query.add(item) } @stream.send_with_id(iq) end end end end